With any luck!!!

Our back fence will be taken out today and work on the blockwall will begin. Our back fence started falling down earlier this fall. Replacing it with another wood fence is not an option. Our property backs up to an empty lot. Beyond the empty lot is the Desert. With the wind here another wood fence would not last long and the wall will last forever.
Keeping the Desert out and the dogs in. I really don't like that way that blockwalls look, but it's really the only option.
The guy was supposed to start work yesterday and never showed up :roll: Wish me luck that they show up today. Hopefully by next week my dogs will have 100% security from the Desert.
We are also replacing the fence between our property and our neighbors but have run into a few problems as far as the location of the wall and utilities that run under there. We might have to move the wall 18 inches over into my neighbors yard. He is fine with this but we are still waiting on approval from the town :roll:
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Fingers crossed that the work is started and completed on time. Then the puppies can run around!
Good Luck, Elissa!! :D
good luck :D
Keeping fingers crossed, good luck that all goes well elissa :D
Well, Here I sit at 1:50pm and the wall guys have not shown up yet.
Grrrrrrrr, It really makes me mad when people are supposed to show up and don't. I have kept the dogs inside for two days now with the dog door closed, Let me tell you they are not happy. They like to come and go as they please.
Well there are at least 2 1/2 hrs left of sunlight maybe they will show up...
I'm always such an optimist :roll:
Nothing I hate more than waiting for worker who don't show!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :evil: Makes me want to send them a bill!!!Keep us posted!
Well just when I had given up they showed up.
The back fence is officially gone and we now have nothing between us and the Desert. I took pictures and will post them soon.
poor puppers....block fences are ugly, we have one too..but they are great for keeping what you want in..in and what you want out..out...I t will look awesome..plant some bolgenvia for color...why is it that block fences are acceptable out west, but on the east there is no such thing???
You are right about how good a block wall is. But they ARE Ugly!
We didn't even have a fence around my parents yard until we put in the pool. Then they only fenced the half of the yard with the pool in it.
None of our neighbors had fences. We used to cut through everyone's backyards when walking through the neighborhood. Our OES had a run line from the house to a tree 75 feet out. I am sure she would have appreciated a fenced yard to run to her hearts content.
But here on the west coast everyone has a block wall. Kinda reminds me of prison....lol We have plans to put in a bunch of Queen Palms, Sago Palms and Ocotillos. I am sure it will look good once it's covered up.
As for Bougainvillias....well that could be a problem. We got rid of most of ours because the flower petals always end up in the pool because of the wind. There is a block wall halfway across the backyard already from the one house behind us (Our backyard is the length of two normal lots), in the pool area. And there are Oleander covering that wall so it's not so bad there.
When they had taken down the fence the owner tried to drive his truck into the empty lot behind us. He floored it and got it stuck in a ditch...so the guys spent 20 minutes digging him out. lol It was quite amusing to watch.
LOL...I forgot you had a pool....darn you....okay well what about Iris' thats whats in front of the house and they bloom in the fall and spring and are pretty and green in between...also my favorites...gladiolas...as you can tell my flower spelling isnt great so please ignore.. too lazy to look up.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your yard. I think the block wall would be pretty with flowers or vines planted and you could always paint it or paint mural on it. :) It'll be tough till its done.
Darcy, I love Gladiolas :D
herbgirl, I would love vines :D
Here are some pics I took today after they removed the fence

This one I used the zoom. This hill in the background is called Edam Hill.
Everyone rides their 4 wheelers there. This is the same hill shown in the first picture


Now you can all see what I mean about being on the edge of the Desert

Be careful about any encroachment on another's property without properly recorded easements; the present owner may not object, but when he tries to sell his property, there may be title problems and other difficulty in obtaining financing due to the encroachment. You may wind up being required to either remove the fence or compensate the owner. Check with your attorney, please.
Wow, that's so strange to see your green lawn, and then the desert...lol....
neat though...
Plus, bouganvillias have nasty sharp thorns! I know, I've stepped on one :cry: . I do like them though!!!
Did you know that oleanders are poisonous? I think is is if they are eaten or when burned and the fumes do the damage.
Your property looks great!!!
ps- I am waiting on workers too, the hurricane shutters were to be installed in July....they are due to be here next Monday.
Thanks for the concern George. We heard from the town today and they are allowing us to put the wall between our neighbors house and ours on the property line, so there won't be any problems.... Thank God! My husband has been down at town hall every day this week and most of last week. The Chief Engineer okayed the wall on the property line. The problem that they were having was about drainage pipes that the city has installed. In the original plans there were supposed to be two pipes. One two feet onto my neighbors property on one two feet into ours. But when they went to install it our utility lines were buried there so they ran both of them side by side on the zero property line and failed to tell anyone that they changed it.
The Chief Engineer decided that they were far enough underground not to be affected by the weight of the wall.
sandy sheepie, when we first moved into this place there was a bouganvillia that was 20 feet wide by 15 feet high. This crazy woman that owned the house never cut it back...instead she kept adding pieces to her fence to help hold it up. We cut it back to two feet wide by 4 feet high.
We have since removed that bush. We have two others against the wrought iron fencing by the pool.
Stacey, It really does look weird. There is our green grass and then tumble weeds beyond that.
Ewww...I've gotta tell ya. The woman that lived here before us used the empty lot behind here as septic tank for her dogs. There must be years and years of dog poop. It was all piled up against the fence. Probably the only thing keeping it up. No wonder we have so many flies.
She threw it all over the fence in one spot. It doesn't smell because nobody has dumped it there since we moved in in 2004, but I just can't believe that. How gross! 8O Like it's so much harder to put it in a bag and into the trash :roll:
Wishing I was looking out at desert and lawn instead of snow and ice 8O
That's good news Elissa. Hope all goes smoothly with the construction. It's always great to have a fenced yard so when the sheepies get into your hair you can put them outside and know they won't run away or get hurt.
Ewwwww. Funny how dog poop isn't biodegradeable like cow poop etc...lol.... wonder why?
Thanks for the pics. I enjoy seeing where other people live. It looks pretty there. I bet the dogs will miss being able to see out through the fence.Could they build peepholes in it for the dogs. A lady I know has a privacy fency and they cut circles out just big enough for the dalmations to stick their heads out to look and on the outside of the fence around where the circles were cut out they painted flower petals so the dogs look like they have flower costumes on. Its very cute.
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