Do you live with a COMPUTER FREAK????????

Why can't COMPUTER FREAKS just leave WELL ENOUGH ALONE????????? DOug is AT IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Taking the computer apart, putting it back together upgrading this, upgarding that. Life is not complete without WINDOWS XP. I was perfectly happy 3 upgrades ago!!!!! Is it a sickness????? Does anyone out there have an answer???

He drove up from Florida this week (bringing his Mom back for the winter) stopped to see my Dad. BVrought my Dad's computer home for a little "work". Has spet the entire weekend with three computers in pieces all over the office floor; his; mine; and my Dad's making "super machines" out of em all!!!!

PLEASE SOMEONE tell me why COMPUTER GEEKS CAN'T JUST LEAVE THE POOR MACHINES ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to take me the next 2 months to find my files and learn how to use this new system!!!!
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I am a computer freak. I often take them apart and rebuild them. Win XP is really great. :D

So tell your husband that I said you ought to be able to have one computer that is off-limits. That seems like a reasonable compromise. :wink:
OMG my hubby is a admin, IT support. don't have to say much more!!!!
Same problem here... My husband not only tears up the computers at his job, he just bought a new PC with Windows XP for home because the old one wasn't up to par. Now we have a new one he's still working to get things transferred over to and the old one that still has "old" stuff on it, both sitting side by side on the desk.

Solved the problem: I got a Mac Powerbook and he doesn't have a clue what to do with it. He can tear up those PC's to his heart's content!
James is a Systems/Network Administrator-- we always have the newest software for our Windows machines. We're always taking something apart to upgrade another machine since we have 5 machines in the house. Oddly, my desktop is the best one in the house. I'm not sure how that happened...

Maggie McGee IV wrote:
Solved the problem: I got a Mac Powerbook and he doesn't have a clue what to do with it. He can tear up those PC's to his heart's content!

I love my Mac. James hates everything about it but I think it's mostly because I know more about them than he does-- it drives him crazy! If we could get the software free like for Windows machines, I'd ditch the pcs in a second and get a Mac at home. The only thing that stinks is that the parts are more expensive if they have to be replaced (out of warranty) but you're a lot safer from viruses (since most hackers don't waste their time writing viruses for that small part of the population) and, to me, the OSX is really user-friendly.
I only wish I live with one so somone could teach me how to use the d :twisted: :evil: thing. You guys are lucky.My husband knows less than me. I wish I was in the generation that learned in school.
I have a house full of men & all I can say is "Boys and their Toys" :lol:

Hate to tell you what they have done to the computer over the last few years, not to mention the stereo, cars, CD players etc etc. Something in the genes to wanting to pull apart things and put them back bigger and with more POWER :lol: Always relate now to that show "Home Improvement" I just shake my head and walk away with a threat it better be working REAL SOON or you will have the wrath of a very cranky female, and that aint a pretty sight :x
I know much much more than hubby does about computers. Since I have been using them for over 15 years. All he uses his for is basically a place to store all his music.
He has downloaded almost every CD he has onto the darn thing and wants to know why it's so slow :roll: He likes to create playlist so he can listen to his favorite songs...also now he uploads them to his new MP3 player (That he bought for himself on my birthday :evil: ) so he can have his music when he rides his motorcycle.
I took my last PC apart added memory, cd writer...etc
When I had upgraded it to the limit I bought the PC I have now with absolutely everything I wanted built in. Built in Memory card reader, CD writer, DVD player and of course Windows XP.
Nobody touches my machine except me 8)
My ex-husband still calls me from NJ to help him troubleshoot his
He's lucky I don't fry his PC.... :twisted:

I just want a simple little computer to email, shop and store my pictures on. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BIGGER AND BETTER!!! :cry:
When Ronnie and my brother-in-law installed the wireless router, I warned them that I'd better be able to get on the forum when they were done or they were in big trouble!
Seems like someone was always messing things up.
Has been great now, Ronnie and Jonathon both have laptops and they stay away from mine!
LOL, at least he does it himself. Jason just buys the newest, top of the line pc that's going to be "old" 6 months later. :roll:
LOL! I AM a computer geek but I'm a software geek not a hardware geek. My husband, who doesn't spend nearly as much time on the PC as I do, keeps taking it apart to "improve" it. This weekend he put in a video card so that the video doesn't take up processing RAM. Great - except every time I put the computer into sleep mode now the monitor freezes up :roll: So the solution from his perspective is to shut down the computer every time I walk away from my desk. I guess I'll just have to make sure I have a good firewall so I can leave it up all the time.
I dont know how to do ANYTHING on the the office they took my old design program away and made me learn the new one..they had to take me kicking and screaming to the classes...Im still not proficient ...sigh....I like the old fashion way of drawing on paper...I cant design and think without a pencil and an eraser in my hand..Im like Ginny...I just want to do the basics....can anyone help me with that??? 8O
Can someone come over to our house and help?! We have some stupid error message that tells us to shut the computer off. It kicks us out of Explorer all the time and drives me nuts! Or course, Steve says it only happens to me. We ran the virus protection and it didn't solve the problem. Ugh...I hate computers!
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