
We have a 11 week old male who doesn't like to walk. He's not bad with the leash on, but when we take him for the bathroom and try to get some exercise, he refuses. Most of the time as soon as he is done sniffing and doing his business he wants to go in. And if we try to lead him for a walk he sits down or struggles with us to go forward. Have tried to tempt him with treats in a tupperware container, but that usually works for only a couple feet and then he sits down or starts trying to eat the woodchips on the ground.

Should we just let him be? Should we pull him? Should we get a new lead and collar (martingale)? Is this something that he will grow out of because he is still getting use to the leash? Are there any other tips for us? We want him to get some exercise, but because we don't have a fenced in yard the only way he will is if he gets his walks. There is a dog park a few blocks away from us but we won't be carrying him or driving him.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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My dog did the same thing. You have a head-strong pup. Don't drag him around or get too frustrated. The pup needs to think of this as a reward possibility.
Just work on getting him to understand what you are trying to get him to do. If somebody were to strap a noose around your neck and start walking what would you do, balk .. put on the brakes. Get upset.

You need to figure out a motivator. I do not know if we did it right or not, but we threw our dog's toy and walk with her to pick it up. Told her how good she was. She was fetching in no time. Taught her to sit. Then we re-tried the leash, in the house and outside. We would throw her favorite toy (a squeeky mouse) and then walk with her to get it. Make her sit and reward her with praise and a treat. If the treat is good, puppies tend to get too excited about it. You can only work with them a few minutes. And use praise more than treats.
Try walking her on the leash even inside. To tell the truth it took almost a year to get her to walk with us. Somewhere in there she was very stubborn and seemed to "rebel" a bit. Bt we stuck it out and she's pretty good at heeling now.
You sound like you are doing great to me! Wish Abbi would have walked out to do her business. She still will only do her business in our backyard.

An 11 week old pup doesn't need much exercise per se. Get him lots of chew toys and a ball, that sort of thing. Play with him. Run the vacuum around him. See if you can introduce him to various different situations, but not all in one day. Just work on socializing him right now.
I suppose you have taught him to sit. Whenever he will not do something you want him to do, make him sit or do something he will do .. so you can praise him and give him a reward. You need to establish a good relationship with him right now.
He's growing, so he wil eat and sleep and chew on everything in sight. Whenever he goes crazy running around the house, then make him sit, calm down and try to walk him.
Don't just try to walk him when he needs to go potty. Try at different times too. Be patient, the fellow has only been around for less than 3 months. It takes a while for everything to fall in place.
Later he will be dragging you to go for walks, but don't push it to much. You wouldn't want walking to be a bad experience.
Good luck!
I agree, Lenon didn't get into running and playing until he was around 6 months old or so. Give your pup a chance to get used to the house situations and he'll be OK. Wlaking on a leash inside the house for short terms of time will make him more confident about the leash and will teach him not to pull (Most important lesson, I wish Lennon learned it better :? ) use a yummy treat and praise him a lot when he walks around with you.

Give him lots of toys, play with him a lot and praise him when he does good things, motivation is the key for these guys to learn new tricks and do stuff that pleases you. By playing a lot with him you develop stronger bonds that will allow him to obey yor commands and trust in you everywhere.

You'll see in a few months, you will look back and remember when he used to be a quiet puppy instead of a black and white tornado!! 8O
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