Help! Phoebe's in heat... :O

I took her to the groomers this morning for a wash and she called me back to come and pick her up straight after she was done because she's in heat! I was like 'oh!' I knew it was gonna happen but I wasn't sure what it would 'look' like...

Anyways, I have to intentions of having a pregnant Phoebe at the moment... how long does this last for? I don't mind keeping her inside while she's going through it... but since i know nothing about being in heat... umm does anyone have tips? (i've already had 'get her spayed')

Thanks in advance.
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You got her at 2 1/2 years old from a farm. Is she registered and show quality? If not then I'm sorry to repeat what you have heard, Get her spayed. But in the meantime, you can't get her spayed until after her heat, so keep her away from unaltered male dogs. Are your other dogs fixed? If you have any intact males keep them far apart. Determined dogs can mate through a fence!
She can be spayed while in heat, just let the vet know she is in heat.
There is increased blood flow, which makes them metabolize the anesthetic a little differently, but it can be done, and is done all the time.
it can be done, and is done all the time

My vet and every vet I have asked has insisted on waiting until at least a week after the heat is finished. The blood vessels are engorged and there is much more blood lost before then. I'm am sure it is done in some cases, like in shelters, but it is certainly not the norm, and where there is a choice it would be to wait. Some vets are more conservative than others, so ask your vet.
Kenny, I noticed you are from Melbourne, Australia, I am too. I have girls and not de-sexed as I show them etc. etc. Is phoebe an OES, if so please contact the OES club of Victoria or the breeder of Phoebe for advice. If you need a contact number for the breed club, please e-mail me and I will provide you with all the club contact details, they are always their for help and advice for the breed. Keeping a girl entire and going through heat cycles is not pleasant, but they will be able to fill you in on all that happens through this cycle, which by the way lasts 21 days!! Also if you have no intentions of breeding from her or showing her, the best advice is have her spayed then you don't have the worries of her being in heat every 6 months for 21 days :wink:
Hey there Lisa (?)
I was just looking up there website thing before - i was suppose to take phoebe to obedience training but never got round to it... do you go to them?

I'll drop you an email anyways.
I'd like to keep her entire for the moment; i guess we'll see how this goes
That's good with the obedience, I haven't been for a long long time :oops: , talk to Margaret or Denise on her being in season and they will advise you on the do's and don'ts of what's installed for the next 21 days :wink:
Bosley's mom wrote:
it can be done, and is done all the time

My vet and every vet I have asked has insisted on waiting until at least a week after the heat is finished. The blood vessels are engorged and there is much more blood lost before then. I'm am sure it is done in some cases, like in shelters, but it is certainly not the norm, and where there is a choice it would be to wait. Some vets are more conservative than others, so ask your vet.

I agree it is not the best time to spay them, but better to spay now if there are males around, to avoid the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy.
When we spay an animal in season, we keep a closer watch on bleeding, make sure the dog is fluid loaded to keep blood pressure steady, and have clamps at the ready if there is more bleeding.
What everyone considers "in heat" is when there is the blood but infact that is not their real heat. The reat heat starts after this ends and lasts for several weeks. Right now she will not allow a male to mate with her but beware afterwards when the blood stops. The heat she is in now and that the groomers saw is what is called her proestrus phase. This lasts about 3-10 days whith an average of 9 days. After that is her true heat or her estrus phase. This lasts 3-21 days with an average of again 9 days. In this time she will stand for the male and will mate. After this phase is the metestrus stage which is when they either are or aren't pregnant and lasts for about 75 days. Then there is anestrus which is the anestrus phase or quiet time in which nothing happens and she will be the "normal" dog. This is for about 8 months give or take. Hope this helps a bit. Generally a vet will not spay during this time cause its just a mess to deal with and decreased blood to the rest of the body. Some vets will and some wont, I would wait until after this phase is over. She might be a bit moody so just bear with her through it.
that uh kinda makes sense...
she's inside now, I had a look and she's swollen and is oozing a bit of light 'dilute' blood coloured fluid
washed her face a couple of times today! and trimmed/cleaned her backside.
she's not peeing everywhere which is good, either that or she has but i don't know where!!

thanks for the info

btw, Phoebe generally isn't friendly to male dogs who try and mount her... she'll usually bark and do a 180-spin, wonder whether she'll be more forgiving...
sounds like she is doing just fine then. Just make sure to keep her away from males after the bleeding stops cause thats when she will stand for the male eventhough she is otherwise not interested and she can get pregnant then.
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