Dogs drank Peanut Oil!

I have been dealing with two puking dogs today.
Pepsi and Harley both got into a pot that Billy used last night to make french fries.
I am sure that the runs are sure to follow.
Any suggestions
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Keep them outside 8O
I hope they're ok, Elissa!!!
Awwww I hope they feel better soon! Do you have immodium on hand?
You could give them gravol for the vomiting, but it's probably best that it is coming out that way....
Have no idea what to do for them.
Just wanted to say I hope they feel better soon.
I gave the dogs a mixture of 100% pumpkin and Plain Yogurt
Hopefully it helps....
I guess in the meantime my dogs will have really nice
LOL Yes I bet they will! :lol:
When you start them back on food, go with the bland diet....the rice diet So much oil is hard on the pancreas, you don't want pancreatitis. Silly puppies.
Poor Elissa! I hope Harley and Pepsi are fine and that the clean-up wasn't too horrible :roll:
Oh dear, naughty Harley & Pepsi. Hope they are OK and the oil does not come out the other end, 8O Hate that clean up job :cry:
Well as per Darcy's suggestion I tried to get the dogs outside.
Harley would no budge for anything. So if Harley wasn't going outside I wasn't putting Pepsi out alone. Pepsi had the first bout of the runs :roll: , luckily outside. But of course it was all over him and he ran inside and sat on the living room floor 8O I immediately grabbed him and got him into the bathtub. Then I had to trim the fur away from his butt. Then of course clean the carpeting. Later on Harley tried to get on the couch and yakked all over my new couch :cry: I had just walked back into the room after getting the baby to sleep. I walked into the kitchen to get paper towels to help Billy clean up when I found another pile of puke. By this point I was out of solution for my little green machine. So off to Walmart at 8pm... which you think wouldn't be busy at 8pm. Ha! Looks like my entire town decided that that was the perfect time to go Christmas Shopping. It took me twenty minutes to find a parking spot. I finally got the solution and got home to clean the couch. My this time it was 9pm. My son said he thought he was going to throw up. I told him that Billy & I would grab the baby and leave! I put my son to bed, cleaned the couch and some spots on the floor. Then I went and locked myself in the bathroom and took a long hot bath and read a book for a while. We finally got Harley out of the house and he and Pepsi stayed out until 11pm. No further incidents.....yet!!!
Oh poor Elissa! I hope this all "passes" quickly! I know how exhausting it is, just when one mess is cleaned up there's another, between kids and dogs.... :roll:
How are the boys doing now???? How are YOU doing now???
Oh dear Elissa, I hope things have settled down for you now and all is OK.
You poor thing, what a dreadful time.
Poor Elissa!

Hope things are better today!
Oh goodness! I hope everyone is better today. That was smart of you to take a bath and read to calm down.
Well things are back to normal here, somewhat. I have a couch that now has oil stains and same with my wood floor. Any suggestions? Of course this couldn't have happened when I still had my crappy leather couches.
The boys are doing fine. Both have been eating nothing but rice for the past two days. Today I will be mixing in some dog food with the rice.
Pepsi's beard is a mess. Not sure what to do about that either.
I swear the drama never ends!

Thanks for all your concern!
Poor Elissa!!!! I hope things have imporved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elissa, try using a little bit of Dawn detergent on Pepsi's beard, it is a de-greasing agent.

In Canada we have Natures Miracle and it has little enzymes in it. Little bugs that eat organic material. It works fantastic on pet messes and you can get it in most pet food places. It has gone through a name change tooo... but look for a cleaner with enzymes in it.

It works fantastic and I add it to my carpet cleaner... NO after scent! and takes out the stains too! Just follow the directions.

Good for you for taking a bath and reading a book...... a bout of the runns... would make me insane..... Before I had my carpet cleaner I remember having to make the grocery store to rent a carpet cleanr at 10PM at night... Sherwood had the runs while I was out and it was EVERYWHERE... and I mean EVERYWHERE... sheets on the bed... towels in the bathroom. I was up untill 3AM cleaning.
Nature's Miracle is a great product, smells nice too. The enzymes are actually proteins that accelerate the rate of chemical reactions. Enzymes are catalysts that promote reactions repeatedly, without being damaged by the reactions. Not bugs, just macromolecules. It does basically the same thing though, "eats" the organic matter.
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