barking like a madman

walter has always barked when he heard the dogs from next door barking outside, and when someone gets home from work or school... but recently hes been barking like crazy at just about anything.

when we put him in the laundry room for bed at night hes very calm but about 15 minutes later he barks really loud for a long time. usually its because he sees a car outside so we started shutting the blinds (which i feel bad about because he loves to look out the window), but this hasnt helped much either. sometimes at 3 or 4 in the morning he'll wake up and bark for a while. i feel bad yelling at him for barking but hes driving everyone crazy.

anyone have any suggestions?
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Not a suggestion, just support....It does get better, honest!

No clever tricks with Woof. We simply used to gently tell him to shh and be quiet (using a quiet tone rather than shouting). He was then given a treat when he'd been quiet, even for a minute, in response. Occasionally, he'd be shut in the utility for a while to "chill out" and realise his behavior was not acceptable.

Nowadays he only barks when he wants to go outside for a pee (not so good at 3am, but better than an accident) or needs fresh water. In fact the neighbours have commented on just how quiet he is!
Same with me...not sure what to suggest but wanted to offer support as well.

An interesting thing that happened recently at the dog park, Merlin has started getting very vocal - barking continuously when other dogs appeared. I thought it was a sign of aggression as he would get "right in their face" and bark.

One of the other people at the dog park whose dog is one of the best trained I've ever seen. (His dog appears in the movies) and listens so well. I mentioned the barking and he said this is a herding trait (His dog is a Bouvier) that he is only trying to get the other dogs to chase him.

Suddenly it dawned on me...he was absolutely right! Merlin is always the one doing the chasing and poor pup really wants them to chase him. I feel kinda bad I didn't see it before - but that's what it was. I see by his stance (the play-chase) and barking that it's so clear now. I just needed someone to tell me why and knowing the reason helped.

Your boy is also barking for a reason...why that is you'll have to figure out I guess...although that doesn't help you in your dilemna. I'll try to ask tonight at doggie obedience classes if I get the chance.

In the meantime you have my sympathies and it does improve with age.
With Abbi the barking was for different reasons. The others above are right it does get better.
We did the same thing as Mikeyg. We also would put her out, on the other side of a screen door if she barked at us too much. Then we taught her to speak using this bad habit. Then we taught her quiet. Once we did that, she seemed to get the idea that we did not want her to bark at us every time she wanted something.

Trouble is, we must have taught her too well. Now when she wants to go out she will not bark. She either comes and puts her head (wet nose first) under my hand and nudges me until I get up and let her out or she just stands by the door looking at us. We have been trying to get her to speak before letting her out, but so far that hasn't worked. It's like she thinks we read her mind or something.
Loved the photos of all the dogs! I thought I had already looked at them, but I had missed a couple.
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