I could pinch her head off right now!

3:30 AM I am sleeping soundly, then in Mallory's crate I hear scratch, scratch, whine, whine, whine, scratch, scratch.
"Mallory, hush go back to sleep."
Total silence. 2 minutes later, same thing, scratch, scratch, whine, whine, whine, scratch, scratch.
And again I tell her, "Mallory, hush go back to sleep."
Then a minute later it starts again, scratch, scratch, whine, whine, whine, scratch, scratch.
So I'm thinking Wow this must be a real pee pee emergency, she never gets up this time of night crying to get out of her crate.
So I jump up, throw my robe on, slip on a pair of shoes and out into the yard WE go, of course it's pouring rain and windy and here I stand in my jammies, 3:30 AM telling the almost 6 month old baby in my sweetest I just love you so much puppy way "GO POTTY, GO POTTY."
And what does the little imp do? She just sits down in the pouring rain and looks at me. So I growl at her "YOU BETTER HAVE TO GO POTTY!"
Again, a blank stare like..."WHAT?"
So I'm disgusted by now and I tell her "FINE let's go back in the house and get dried off." Still, just sits there, like ho hum, "let's see how long I can make Mom stand in the rain for no apparent reason."
Well like I said, it's raining cats and dogs and as we are standing there having our stare off the night sky lights up bright blue and then the loudest rumble of thunder I ever heard is right on top of us. Mallory jumped about 5 feet in the air, I jumped about 10 myself, she took off at a dead run for the front door, I looked up to heaven and said THANKS GOD!
NOW, she is sound asleep in her crate and I am wide awake sitting at the computer. I should wake the little brat up.
Oh, she never did go pee. 8O
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Oh dear what a little minx!! She was probably bored, thought OK Moms asleep, I'm not tired what can I do to get her attention. Mmmm sounds like you had a nice drenching to spark you up and keep you wide awake.
Poor Mallorys mom. LOL I suppose mallory is snoring her head off after her little nightime adventure. :lol:
Maybe she had heard (or felt) the thunder in the distance...?
Max did that to me last night too, hmm what's up?!! He did go pee though, but then a few hours later started in again, I told him to lay down and go to sleep and he did listen, thankfully :roll:

Poor Pam!! What a little minx she was!!

We did have a bad storm last night and Genevieve woke me up barking. She's scared of thunder, too.
Did you Tammy?
We only had that one huge clap of thunder and that was it. No rumblings far off or anything, just that one.
My pooches do that annoying, non-stop "scratch scratch" in the crate if there is a tiny little crumb of a treat that is just out of reach..perhaps fallen just outside the crate. At times I can barely see it!
And one of them starts to cry and carry on when a storm is coming way before I know about it.
I swear that Pud and my Aussie can hear it thunder a hundred miles away. I always know well ahead of time that the storms are on the way.
Shuffles wrote:
Did you Tammy?
We only had that one huge clap of thunder and that was it. No rumblings far off or anything, just that one.

Yes, we did. Poor Gen was scared to death. She hates it when it thunders. :(
Ahhhhhhh Poor Gen. Mallory has never paid any attention to storms. She just likes playing in the rain. I figure she heard the rain coming down so hard and just wanted some of that wet water action! LOL
But of course Mom here had to ruin all her well thought out puppy plans. :wink:
A wet and muddy dog is a happy dog :lol: And even happier if it's in the middle of the night :evil:
I was laughing at this story..(sorry to do that to you at your expense) Oh groaners could I relate to this one!! If they weren't so darned cute these guys would be in the dog house I'm sure! :lol:

Marianne and the boys
Monday night must have been Dogs gone crazy night. My sisters dog Rainger Girl did the same thing at 12:30. Woke Sis and Hubby up to go outside. She wouldn't go pee just ripping around the yard. (it was about (-8 or -9 Degrees Celius out), refused to listen to them and it was a big game of tag and keep away. Finally Mark had to go outside in his boxers and tshirt and tackle her as she ran by. She did the same thing at 4:30 in the morning. :twisted: Needless to say she was not allowed to sleep in the bedroom that night.
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