I'm tempted to smoke and please convince me not to

I'm posting this here because more people visit here than the stop smoking forum!

I've been smoke free for 1 week, 3 days, 6 minutes and 50 seconds. And I'm tempted to cave. I'm having a rather large disagreement with my supposed best friend. If she doesn't agree to discuss some stuff that we need to discuss, our friendship is over. And I can't wait to leave work so I can buy cigarettes.

So someone needs to slap some sense into me. HELP!
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Paula, you cannot start to smoke again. Just think of how hard this past week was and imagine trying to start all over from scratch next time you want to quit. Just think of how much money you'll save not smoking and how much better you will smell. Why don't you go out and buy yourself some really nice smelling lotion or shampoo or something with the money you'd spend on cigarettes.
You can't let emotional issues like arguments influence your decision to stop smoking, otherwise it'd probably be impossible for people to quit.

You've worked really hard this week, getting past some very difficult hurdles to make it a whole week!! Don't let yourself down!! You're stronger than you think!!
Come on Paula....DON'T DO IT!!!

There will always be some reason you are tempted. I agree with the PP. Go out and buy yourself something nice with the money you would have spent on the "death sticks"! You are too important!

Hang in there gal....your "friend" isn't worth it!
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm feeling better and am 99.9% confident I won't cave. The main reason is that I don't want to have to learn to smoke all over again! Plus I can't stand the smell. I've supposedly saved $41 from not smoking so perhaps I will buy myself something. Like chocolate. Or buy Bob the wonder pony the pink saddle pad I've always wanted. He's secure in his masculinity!
Exactly!! That's the spirit!! Go out and reward yourself for the progress you've made!! It will be a big encouragement to you!! :D
Actually, each person sees new posts highlighted no matter where in the forum they happen to be :)
Best of luck to you :)
Here's a thought for you to think to yourself:

I never HAVE to have one of those again! I AM in control. Yippeeeee!

I always found that an extremely deep berath, then hold for a few seconds, then sip in a little more air, then hold for a few, then sip in just a bit more, hold and exhale, helped me to get rid of any tight feelings in the lungs, and reduced the cravings.
Paula ..Dont do it!! Im so proud of you...the first week is the hardest.. You have it licked now...just keep it up...Your health is worth it, the anger will pass!!
I know it's considered good not to smoke but, for some people, even with the risks, smoking becomes a part of who they are, a necessary evil so-to-speak. If it helps you cope, quickly and easily, don't consider smoking now, again, as a caving in but, rather, as a final aquiescent pleasure that you shouldn't deny yourself any longer.

If you start smoking again, it'll be very easy to continue and, in the case of your friend, you'll be more tolerant of whatever it is you two need to discuss.

Come back.
Smoker wrote:
I know it's considered good not to smoke but, for some people, even with the risks, smoking becomes a part of who they are, a necessary evil so-to-speak. If it helps you cope, quickly and easily, don't consider smoking now, again, as a caving in but, rather, as a final aquiescent pleasure that you shouldn't deny yourself any longer.

If you start smoking again, it'll be very easy to continue and, in the case of your friend, you'll be more tolerant of whatever it is you two need to discuss.

Come back.

WTH? :?:
Paula, I personally want to see a picture of Bob the wonder pony in that PINK saddle pad!!!

So that means no smoking! :D

Things will always test you or tempt you into going back. Every time you succeed, you are that much stronger!!! (and healthier, and have more money for other fun things!)
That original post was a year and half and 2 quits ago. I have been smoke free now since March 19 2007. I have occasional urges but they pass quickly. And despite the urging of "smoker" I don't plan on becoming a smoker again.

Dawn, the pink plaid saddle pad has been sitting my garage for over a year. Bob was wearing it the "day of the incident" when 2 herds of deer burst out of the woods and he got away from me and ran through the freshly plowed field and injured his tendon, requiring 3 months of stall rest. He hasn't had it on since then because it holds bad memories for me. However, a few months ago I made a pink with brown monkies "slip cover" for another pad. Bob looks very cute in it!
Paula, you are doing great! March, eh? Oh honey...you are done as a smoker!


:banana: :yay: :clappurple: :go: :cheer:
That message was brought to you by "Tobacco Producers for a Healthy America", in conjunction with "Alcohol Producers for Temperance and Prohibition" :roll:
If I could do it so could you Paula. It's been almost 15 1/2 years since I quit. You are doing great!!! Remind yourself how bad they are/and how bad they taste if you ever find a weak moment. It always worked for me.
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