Faith and Merlin met...snout to snout

Faith never shows her teeth when Merlin comes near her I decided that maybe it was time for them to meet. I let them both outside in a small patio area. I didnt go out with them because Merlin is VERY over protective of me and he is better meeting new dogs without mom there. Instead I was just at the door to stop any serious confrontation. No worries...Merlin and Faith just sniffed each other and that was it. The 2 of them were out together for about 10 minutes...sniffing on and off. She bowed to him... he barked at her...but no playing yet. When he came up to her again...she layed down and lifted her leg in her submissive pose.
They have been together 3 times for a period of 10 minutes each time. So far they just sniff and walk away. Neither one seems upset by the other.
I also closed the crates before faith came back in and she is now laying by my side. If the crates are open...she thinks she has to go in. When they are closed she will just lay quietly by my side...she even put her head in my lap for a petting!
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All great doggy language that Faith is displaying. She is showing him an invitation to play with a play-bow, which means that she is at least not too stressed to initiate some nonserious dialogue, and showed that she is not a threat, by displaying submissive behavior to him, which is great. It doesn't matter who is submissive to who, as long as one of them is, and they both know it.
Bear in mind, of cource, that these roles are not set in stone, and espeically with females, can change very quickly..inside, outside, when other dogs are around, where food is involved, once the "honeymoon period" is over etc. But so far so good. Faith sounds to me that she is fairly versed in doggy-language, and it appears that she enjoys the company of other dogs. Don't you just love it when things come together? Brings a tear to my eye..
That is so sweet :) Hopefully things will continue to go so well.
today Faith did not growl at Avalon thru the crate...I decided to try them together outside as well. No problems at all...Faith was actually running with Avalon...until I came outside :( seems like she has had better experiences with animals than with people. It just breaks your heart to see.
Then I tried all 3 dogs in the problems with the 3 of them together, the only problem is that faith will not go into the play yard...she has to leave the safety of the dog room to get to the will come...she has come a LONG way already since saturday.
She looked so beautiful and happy running today with Avalon. And Miss Avalon was on her best behaviour...not her beastly self :lol:
That's great, Kim! Glad to hear she's making progress!
Yea!!! So glad things are working out
That is great news Kim! I'm so happy for all of you :)
Kim thats just awesome...we need pictures of them together.
That's so great!!! Dogs are so resilient. What is the difference between the dog run and the play yard?
What fantastic news! Every day will get a little better! :clappurple:
Hi Kim,

Brings tears to my eyes too to hear how good everything is going. For every step forward , sometimes it's two steps backwards and being human we tend to take it personal. If this happens just keep thinking of the positive things that have occurred so today. It's a story that everyone is interested in, and thanks for posting an update! Best wishes to you and the bunch.

Marianne and the boys
I think Faith is slowly realizing she has someone to love her forever. The dogs tend to sort out things on their own and she will soon know her place in the pack.
What is the difference between the dog run and the play yard?

When we moved here we didnt want the dog (we had a chow) doing her pottying where the kids play so... we had a door installed so the dog could go outside away from the is a small patio behind the dining room and then extends up the side of the house next to the neighbors....we put gravel in there and we called it 'the dog run'. The play yard is where the kids used to play but now it is for the dogs and because the dog run is not really big enough for 2 big sheepdogs to potty and not step in it...we stopped using it. When we decided to use the playyard for the dogs...we also put gravel and took out the grass...makes for no muddy dogs. But since they run in there all the time...I have to pick up the poop as soon as they go. :roll:
More update....
Faith and Avalon are getting along wonderfully. Faith is running with Avalon in the yard and Merlin is relieved that Avalon is not constantly hanging on him! :lol: This morning all 3 dogs ate together (I say together but they were at least 8 feet away from each other)with me supervising.

We think Faith might have been kicked. She is not afraid of hands, but when you walk up to her she cowers...but if you are on the other side of the fence she will jump up to get pet. She hunches down whenever she has to pass by an upright.I know in time she will learn that she doesnt need to be afraid of us here. It just breaks your heart to think that someone could be so cruel to an innocent animal.
Amazing!!! That is so great! I'm so happy this seems to have benefitted everyone. Sounds like they have quite the posh set up! Lucky dogs. . .
LOL its only the new place we have to figure out something to start there will be just a big 'dog run'. But then I can take them out in the field to run (we have 12 acres at the new place) We are also building a 'kennel' one for each dog in the heated when I go out they can be in there.

Just got all caught up with your Faith story. Congrats! :D It sounds like everything is going great! She is beautiful!!! :D are making it sound very tempting to get a third?! :wink:

Any pictures yet????
Thanks Colleen,
The 3 dogs now act as if they have always been together. Merlin and Faith eat together...Avalon has to eat separate or she barks at the other 2 until they relinquish their dinner. Avalon would eat until she was sick. She seems to have no feeling of fullness :?
All 3 are loving the snow we got yesterday. I have taken some pics with my new camera and as soon as I figure out how to down load them to the computer I will post them.
Faith now feels right at home and every day she gets a little more bold. She has her good days and her bad days....I got her health records in the mail the other day and had to take her collar off to put the rabies tags on it...that whole day she stayed in her crate and cowered. I think maybe the people that had her took her collar off before they dumped her, and even tho I put the collar right back on her...she didnt want to leave the safety of her crate.
She still will not come down the basement into the family room, she lays by the stairs and whines but if we bring her down she just cowers. So instead I just spend my time on the main floor with the dogs when they are inside. At the new house the basement will be for the kids and it is just as well if the dogs dont go down to the basement...then the kids can have their toys set up without fear of Avalon eating something. :roll:
Hi Kim,

Thanks for the update! I really was anxious to hear how things were working out for you. It's wonderful to hear that Faith is slowly becoming and feeling more safe and secure in your household. You're an angel!

I've often said that intially all the work you put out will eventually pay you pay tenfold in years to come. Good going!

Marianne and the boys
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