Huge relief, thanks to all

Hearing about your experiences has really helped to see the other side of things. When I started researching this breed all I could find were the same statements. Not for small kids, they like to herd them, bump or nip. I would love to have a dog watch over my kids, and stop them from going on the street etc. If they are as rambunctious as boxers than I will be okay, because we loved our boxer. Unfortunatley no one else did, he wasn't welcome at their house, imagine bull in china shop for sure. They all requested he stay at home, or sleep outside and if you know boxers that can't happen.
So we decided to keep travelling to visit family/friends we need a dog that is equally great for kids, and we liked the boxer size, but this dog needs a fur coat. The OES will stay inside with us, but outside when we travel.
I have made contact with a CKC breeder, and she will bring a male to my house so I can meet the dad. When I get a chance this summer I will meet the future mom, then I will know what kind of puppy I will have. If all works out they will breed this June/July and I will get a puppy in the fall.
I am also a firm believer in obedience classes, once we took the boxer through class he was so much better at home. We were finally on the same page, even my husband noticed a difference. I grieved for months about giving him up, and to this day don't know if I made the right decision.
In the meantime we've taken in other peoples dogs while they waited for their permanent homes. My kids don't understand what temporary arrangement means and of course have gotten upset every time one dog has left. So our next dog will be forever. That is why this is so important to me to find the right breed. I don't want to have that kind of grief again, it was like somebody ripped a child out of my arms, and I know I can never take it back. He is in a wonderful home, I have comfort in that, but it still hurts.

If anyone has other experiences, good or bad I'd love to know them, just so I am prepared for anything. As for size, temperment, what have you noticed between males vs females. My experiences have been positive with both in other breeds, mostly mixed breeds. I saw one breeder not the one I will go to, but her females were the same size as the males (BIG).

Thanks, Bev.
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The one thing this breed needs is persistance from the owner. With that said, it has to be the most rewarding breed i have known. I have had a few other breeds in the past from Beardied Collies to Weinmerana's but this particular dog is sooooo much damn fun to have.
Words of caution, even if you meet the breeder and the sire and dam, the chances of repeaing the exact makeup of the 2 is unlikely. I met both when we chose our pup, and ended up with a lunatic, yet both adults were calm and well behaved. It is true that this dog loves to jump up to greet you, and it is not appreciated by many, it is also true about them nipping during greeting and play.
I have a little (well not so little now) 16 week old OES, she does Nip, and she jumps to greet you. Apart from that she is VERY intelegent, mischevious beyond any other dog i have had...but its fun, she counter surfs AT 16 WEEKS !!!, every time i open the fridge door for ice cubes, she batters me out of the way to get in there for helpings.
I think the charicter is similar to a boxer in a lot of respects so you wont be dissapointed in that.
Downfalls, i really cant think of any, other than the two above, nipping and jumping. Dont believe that this is easily corrected, it is an instinctual thing so i found out. We are just persisting with her and she is gradually improving in attitude.
I think that is the key to a happy Sheepie and owner, PERSISTANCE and understanding.

Have fun with your Sheepie......we will, when you post your stories here :lol:
Hi Bev,
I totally agree with Bullshot, Persistence and Understanding. Add lots of exercise and mental stimulation and you will survive the puppy stage with your OES. I recently viewed a video of my Bam-Bam's first year and may I say I was totally worn out. His energy level just about did me in, but at his now 3 years old I have absolutely no regrets. He is by far the most lovable and smart dog I have ever had the honor of owning.
Best of Luck to You! p.s. these dogs are not your average dog, so erase
anything you have learned from the others and
prepare yourself for a totally new adventure!
By the way, I think their puppy stage isn't over until they reach about 2 to 2 and half years.
Abbi and I have had the best relationship for the past 2 years. She sure could be a handful the first two years though!
Still, wouldn't trade her for anything. Right now she is downstairs dragging her leash around. Guess it's time for another walk.
Not sure there is any dog that other people would just be thrilled to have come over for a visit though. Over the years we have given up. We take her crate and if it doesn't work out, she has to stay inside the crate. But that usually makes for shorter visits, so my parents are finally becoming a bit more accomodating towards Abbi. They have 36 acres and are by far the worst hosts when it comes to Abbi just because she likes to run their cats. Who would know my dad was a cat person? Never had one until 2 years ago. Now he has two. If he could just teach them not to run, Abbi wouldn't bother them. She has never ran a cat that sat still. This one cat came up rubbing her legs and our neighbors were just flabbergasted. She runs their cat any time it goes into our backyard. Tries to get it in the front, but I weigh too darn much!
From what I have read, sheepies are the most individual types around. They will actually try to "talk" to you. It is so funny. They open their mouths and sort of do this whiney shreaky voice in a sing song manner. Abbi can almost say hello with her mouthings, but then she gets frustrated and just gives us one loud bark for whatever it is she' s trying to get us to give her tat that particular time.
I don't think I will tell Bullshot that he shouldn't let his little fellow in the frig. He sounds like he has more dog experience than I do, and is just enjoying his new pup.
They are adorable.
As a P.S., why not go to the Chit Chat topic and read Lil Walty's "poll". A lot of us sort of biographorized our dogs for the forum. We listed their age, health, good points & bad points and how proud we are... that type of thing.
Our 2 year-old F is still a puppy ... somehow I don't think she's ever gonna grow out of it!! Whenever she's awake. she wants to play. I'm told this is very natural, and is one of the major investments -- time -- you have to make with a sheepie. In fact, I'm gonna go do it right now (never mind that it's freezing out there!!) -- this is gonna be "ball" hour. Well worth it, though :)

Agingright....that the darnest thing, she only goes near when i get the ice cubes out 8O , everything else she just i assume she has a thing about chasing ice cubes around our kitchen floor.....wierd, to be honest, ive never had a dog do that before. I had dogs who love ice cubes, but never one who chases them for fun :roll: :wink:
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