Philadelphia Dog Show

Here are some pics from the Philadelphia Show this weekend. Some of them are a little blurry, it was my friend's first time with my camera. Or maybe I'm just so fast that ordinary cameras can't capture me!!!

Toby during final grooming.

Toby's headshot.

And just in case you wanted a closer inspection.

Here he is getting his game face on.

Initial stack.

Judge going over Toby

After the go round.

And on the down and back.

Best of Winners
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Those are great! Toby is absolutely stunning!!!!!! :)
Mandy, I am so jealous how good Toby looks!! He is just breathtaking!!
Hi Mandy,

Congratulations to you and both make a good looking team! Tell us more about the show!! Inquiring minds want to know!

Marianne and the boys
Not too much more to tell show wise. Deb and Frank wentReserve Winners on Saturday so that was cool. Toby took first place in puppy dogs all three days but that's because he didn't have any competition! On Friday he took Winners Dog. We got a brand new spray bottle from Purina for that, WooHoo! (Definitely can't do this expecting the prizes to be anything blockbuster!)

We also did some tv stuff so everybody watch the dog show, we might be on! It airs Thanksgiving day at noon on NBC. We talked about it here:

Saturday and Sunday's shows were benched so talked to lots and lots and lots of people. A few of them might join up!! (Hey Ron, do we start getting recruitment bonuses?) It still amazes me how many people say they used to have sheepdogs when they were kids. Guess it's like Dalmations after the Disney movie in our generation.

Lots of the same comments from people too. Where are his eyes? Which end is the head? What's that movie with this kind of dog in it? (To which you reply, which one are you thinking of, there's so many?)

The show was also very cool because we got lots of help from people that have been doing this for a while. Really great stuff, I can't believe how helpful people are. Even though everyone is technically competing against each other it's still very much a close knit community with the primary goal of doing better for the Sheepdogs. Very very cool! That is everyone except Deb's breeder!!!! She was making fun of me on Sunday! :evil: Didn't like my boots, or my sunglasses or the fact that I was chewing gum. I think she was trying to syke me out!! (Just kidding, Catherine was very funny!!!!!!! She kept saying that she was going to tattle to Jere that I was being weird with her dog!)

We were also told by many people how nice the OES people are. Lots of people with other breeds were very nasty or cold or unreceptive. Deb got lots of those comments too. I find it intereting that people choose to be such poor ambassadors for their breeds. Or maybe it's because sheepdgos rock!!!!
Wow! The pictures and the stories were great.
Wow! Toby looks terrific! I am fascinated by the whole show scene, so I always enjoy the photos and the stories! Sure looks like you're having fun! :D
That looked like tons of fun, Toby is beautiful, and I like your outfit, the boots are the perfect touch. :)

Toby looks great!

Your outfit was a blast from the past though, I had one just like it a, um, few years back, except my boots were brown and it was the 70's.
Congrats Mandy and Toby. And Deb and Frank.

Mandy, you've had Toby for a while, but I seem to have missed the story of how and why he came to you. Is there a link to a previous post or can you do the Reader's Digest version for those of us who haven't paid attention?
Reader's digest version:
I had decided to get another dog and when 3, count them 3, local rescues fell thru and went to places way far away I got cranky and decided to get a puppy. (There were some attitude run ins with rescue people that I have come to better understand now. I still dedicate time and money to the humane society just don't have any little rescues living with me.) I also decided that I wanted to try my hand at showing and set out looking at different kennels. I kept coming back to one kennel in particular and told them that I was researching kennels and was looking for a puppy in the spring. In the meantime I'd be more than happy to take one of the older dogs they had listed on their site. They told me that they had an older puppy available that was a possible show dog and we sounded like the perfect home for him.
One month later Toby came to live with us. He's absolutely adorable! Very funny, very smart and has an attitude that balances out his looks. I keep telling him that he's lucky he's cute or pow, right in the kisser! (Or is it, to the moon? No, that would make his name Alice.)

So at this year's OES National, Toby was looked over by his breeder and got 'blessed' to get out there and start showing. Everybody thinks he is a great little puppy who should develop into an amazing adult dog. (As long as I don't screw him up! :o ) We shall see how his career develops. He needs to grow up a little bit and fill out. No matter what he is a ton of fun and keeps me and his brother dogs on our toes.
Wow, Toby looks great! You did a wonderful grooming job :)


And congrats to Frank!!!
Thanks Holly! Toby says he owes one of his perspective tv appearances to his godmother. If it weren't for the boots..........

and Jil, the boots are brown. 8O
Philly show was such a blast. Really good experience for someone as green as me. Nice getting to spend time with Mandy & Frank's new best bud Toby. I can't tell you what a sight it was when Toby & Frank played together in the middle of the benched isles. People were cracking up.

And yes, it was really great how friendly all of the sheepdog people are. It is very competitive, but at the same time, judging is so subjective, I guess you never really know who is going to win so there is no point really not being nice to each other. Susanne, Mandy & Dick were especially so nice to let Catherine & I borrow some of the tools I didn't have to get Frank ready looking his best. (Mandy, if Catherine was teasing you, that means she likes you!) A tack box is going to be on my Christmas list. Just like you say too Mandy, I think the veteran sheepdog people know that helping us out and being so friendly to the spectators is the best way to ensure the betterment of the breed.

How many points did Toby get on Friday? Congrats to Toby! He's a very sweet boy.

And yes, it was such a fun way to meet so many different types of people who acutally don't mind you obsessively talking about your dog or the breed the whole time. I even met a family from Georgia (USSR) that wanted to take a family photo with Frank. If Mandy or I could have charged a $1 each time someone wanted to take a photo of our dog we would have been rolling in it.

My husband took a few photos too, although not as nice as professional as Mandy's so please click on my little camera to check them out.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm gonna try and hurry up to put some points on Frank before Toby matures and Frank has no chance trying to beat a Lambluv Dog!!! :twisted:
Frank looks great also :) Was this a major? Boy, you guys are making me want a puppy so I can go to the shows again....mmm.....Christmas is coming soon :lol:
Your pics are not bad, Deb! I like that Chris got some different perspectives that are really great. Put 'em on in!

Friday was only 3 dogs so nothing much there. Saturday was 11 total OES, so this was a major. Arlene Pietracola's girl won. (She wasn't even going to come down and she wins!) Sunday there were 10 OES and another major but a bitch that finished on Friday won so no help for any of us there. The Bahlambs dog finished on Sunday, going Best of Opposites. Here he is: Image

And I can't believe we didn't take pictures of Toby and Frank playing! That was super funny! Frank kept letting Toby pin him, he's a bossy little jerk sometimes. That drew one heck of a crowd!
I keep trying to picture what these show dogs would look like shaved! Like do a side by side picture...
Congratulations to you both!!! I'm soooo impressed!!!!! How EXCITING!!!!!!!

All those pictures are great!
How many dogs/bitches does it take for a major in PA?
floofdog wrote:
Toby looks great!

Your outfit was a blast from the past though, I had one just like it a, um, few years back, except my boots were brown and it was the 70's.

I had to laugh myself because I'm pretty much wearing that exact outfit today only with a black jacket and black boots. As far as I'm concerned, you look fabulous!
Congrats!!! :lol:

The Gooch is very impressed with his brother's grooming table manners! :twisted: He...still likes to wiggle a lot! :cry: It amazes me how much they look alike, Mandy! I think they could be identical twins! Especially the attitude...they both have that in common!

What show is next? :D
What's Toby's registered name???? And how do you teach them to stack? (that's called "parking" or "parked out" in the horse world and is not a good thing)
Toby's registered name is Lambluv's Fire in the Hole.

There are about a billion different ways that I have heard people talk about when it comes to learning to stack.
The easiest way is to start when they are very young and carefully and nicely manipulate them into a stacked position. (Remember, carefully they are just little!) Then give it a command. Every time they do it on command, reward. If they move or are tensing up, a gentle correction of ah, ah and reposition or take them off the stack and walk them around and try again. (That's like a horse thing! There was a horse I used to ride that you had to turn in a circle every time he started to refuse. There are some similarities. :o )
The laziest way is to reward them every time they do it naturally. Even Carl stacks on occassion and we tell him "nice stack". (Not to be confused with "nice rack"!) He gets rewarded for being in that position. Takes a while for them to form the correllation in their minds but they know that if they do it, they get a reward.

Holly would probably be a good one to help with this too. Let's see what her methods were.
Toby looks wonderful. Shows are fun and great to have good support around you. You learn so much on how to look after coats etc by having a great support network. Asking questions, watching people groom and prepare dogs, you pick up so many tips, you never stop learning :D
Beau stacked himself, he was thrilled to be in the ring :lol: Luke....well, he would stack for about 30 seconds then act like an idiot. He was excused so many times he's been banned from being shown :oops: With Daisy and Rosco I would put a show lead on and go up and down the sidewalk, stopping every few feet and putting them into a stack. It didn't take them long to learn and using a show lead got them used to keeping their heads up. It's also a good time to practice up and downs and turns.
Wow, congrats! Great pics, beautiful dogs... I'm so I want to get back in the ring Soooooo bad! LOL
Great posts regarding stacking too, it would be great if someone could do a step by step photo thing instructing their preferred way of getting the dog to stack. I've learned a couple different ways, and what worked best for Sky was to put a hand between her front legs, my other hand between her back legs, gently lift and let go and she naturally settles into a reasonalby good stack. Then I might have to adjust one or two feet a tiny bit. Now that's she a 70lb girl I don't think that will work anymore, but training her at home is useless, she just wants to play. If I try to practice at all at home, I touch one foot and she licks my hand and lifts it up, or moves all the rest of them trying to play a game of "can't catch my feet" LOL
I believe it's 5 dogs/5 bitches to be a major in PA.
Mandy, Toby looks fantastic!! You do a beautiful job on grooming him. Congratulations on the show!

Deb, Frank looks great, too! Looks like a fun time was had by all.

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