How to get my puppy to like being groomed?

My Max (7 months) does not like to be groomed. When he sees the brush he barks at it and thinks we are playing when I try over and over to brush him. How do most of you get them to sit still?
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In the very beginning we kept a leash on them and would start off with only about 5 minutes of making them lay there and give LOTS of high pitched praise. I also would give treats during the grooming. As the puppies grew as did the hair we would move it from 5 minutes to 10 minutes and so on as the dogs grew. They are older and after a bath they now have to lay there for an hour while I brush and blow dry while they chew on their favorite flavored Dingo bone. It has meat inside it and it takes them forever to get through it. I groom them after my kids have went to bed and the dogs have had their walk. The house is quiet and we pull out the "grooming rug" and I sit in front of the fireplace and brush. It is a nice time for me to bond and just relax with them. It is a routine for them now. My suggestion would be just start off slow and work up to longer sessions and make sure he has got his extra energy out. Oh, and lots and lots of praise. That seems to go a long way. Good luck. :D Stormi
The easiest way to groom is on a grooming table. I have had the same one for 30 years and groomed 6 dogs on it. They love being on the table and get lots of hugs and kisses and attention. I start by lying my pup on his/her side and holding him there with my upper body and gently stroking him and whispering about what a wonderful pup he is. Just until they relax and stop fighting me. The most important thing is that they do not associate grooming with any bad feeling. I start for just about five minutes on each side and then gradually increase this time. Then we start our grooming sessions with him lying down on his stomach for the first part of the session and then on each side for the belly and legs. My 5-1/2 mo. old pup now can lay down for a full grooming of at least an hour and loves the attention and love. It is a wonderful, special time that I can spend with each individual dog. Really the only time they each get that much individual time. Occasionally if the session gets long, I will give a cookie to encourage more good behavior. Remember to start out slowly, gently and firmly. Grooming is a big part of an OES's life whether they are in full coat or cut short. Good luck!
Something that is being said but not emphasized is that this is a good time for both the dog AND the owner.
If you are getting frustrated try to end the session while you are in total control and start again when you feel more relaxed. Dogs and people do better when they are not in an irritable mood. Start and finish in control and in a GOOd mood. Reward yourself too. The reward for me is the photo ops! I love to take Abbi's photo.
You need to be motivated too! Promise yourself a grooming afterwards :lol: !

I have Abbi sit and give her a treat (we are talking pieces of hot dog, liver, fish, a really good little treat) before I start. Then I have her Speak and give me her paw when we are finished with another treat (usually a bisquit or something to help clean her teeth). And giving the dog a chew toy and LOTS of praise while brushing is a very good idea.
Enjoy and so will your dog.
Pisco would always sit very quiet and almost fall asleep durning his grooming session....but lately he is just getting restless about what I am doing is have treats handy and give him little bits at a time...always praising him...making him snuggle in my lap for a bit and gently start grooming him...if he is knotty..i start very gently with it because he doesn`t like the tugs ...even gentlr ones..but with praise I can do so well....and yes I do treat myself afterwards :)
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