Jumpy when hugging Danita

Lennon hates it!

I cannot hug Danita without Lennon going crazy, he gets all barky and jumpy, and tries to separate us. Once he's done separating me from her, he will push me and walk me away from her... It's hilarious.

Also, god forbid that I dance shaking my butt... He'll bark like crazy and try to stop me at all costs!

I really don't mind, as he's always gentle and non aggresive... He makes us laugh, but do you have any idea why he does that?
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He's protecting Danita from the evil Saul!

And as far as the dancing goes . . . well, that's pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? :wink: :lol:
Mine did the same thing. It's because they're jealous. And, we all know "what OES want, OES know how to get." :roll:

Mine would get riled up if you cupped your hands like you were going to grab "buns" even if you weren't close enough to grab. I use to get so ticked off at my hubby for doing that. Everytime I did dishes, him and the dogs had a blast behind my back. :oops: :lol:
saulmr wrote:
Also, god forbid that I dance shaking my butt... He'll bark like crazy and try to stop me at all costs!

LOL Saul! Same here! It's barely a dance - all my husband has to do is start wiggling his butt and Bailey goes nuts! He gets down in that low crouch and barks like crazy. It's definitely a game with him but we're laughing too hard to figure out what the game is! :lol:
Dudley does that protection thing, too.

My old boyfriend used to call him "a professional intimacy blocker". You can't crate him, because he goes nuts in his crate and makes a huge racket. You can't leave him loose because he tries to jump in bed. :oops: You can't close the door because he'll push it open with his nose, or scratch the heck out of the other side, trying to get in.

Duds did come in handy one time when a date was dropping me off at my house, and he got a little - how shall I say...."handsy" - and Dudley barked and jumped on his crotch. That was real good at that particular time. I think Duds knows the difference between "bad" people and "good" people.

Maybe Lennon wants a hug from his mommy and daddy, too?

Ha ha ha! Barney does this too! When my husband and I hug, Barney bounces and bounces around, sometimes bouncing off of us...then he tries to join in on the hug, but he uses his nails, so we don't like to hug him like that!

Also, god forbid that I dance shaking my butt... He'll bark like crazy and try to stop me at all costs!
*sigh* If only Barney would stop my husband from shaking his butt! They dance together--Barney bouncing and spinning...it's a sight to see...
Steph, next time Barney and your husband dance, grab the camera! Would love to see a picture of that! :lol:
I had to laugh about all the posts LOL...Avalon does this if ANYONE get ANY attention but her! We are training her to "wait" for her turn for hugs...sometimes she can wait but sometimes she just can't "Hey it's MY turn mom...don't hug that merlin!" LOL She barks at Merlin to get out of her way. Sometimes he growls at her to let her know that I am his..after all he licked me...isnt that the way it works? If they lick it... it is theirs? :lol:
This post is very funny! Annie tries to direct attention to herself when Steve and I hug or even sit on the couch too close to one another. Thing is...she is usually vying for Steve's attention. She knows she'll get attention from me ALL the time, but Steve is a litlte stingy with his affection. If we're standing up, she'll usually run to get one of her stuffed "babies" and smash it into our butt or legs. We find it very funny but kind of ruins any romance in the house unless we close a door tightly!
Bunker does the same. Barks and barks and pushes everyone away from her Mommy with her head. Even if my Mom or dad goes to hugs me she goes ballistic. Also I cannot pet my parents or sisters dog if she is around cuz she bulldozes them out of them way. :roll: Silly girl.
She also has to sleep on the bed, sometime in between us.
Truman goes nutty when my husband hugs me. He barks and butts his head between us until he gets us separated. He is jealous -- not of my husband but of ME! He likes me but he absolutely adores my husband. No fair! It was my idea to bring him home, shouldn't I be his favorite? :? Oh well, at least I'm my husband's favorite.....I think..... 8O
Saul- is this just recent behavior since Danita got preganant? He may be instinctually trying to "protect" her from bodily harm... I guess the best thing is to try distracting him with another command while hugging Danita... you might wanna try some "practice" hugs while issuing different commands (with yummy treats as a reward for good behavior) so he gets the idea that you hugging her is a good thing. And of course-Danita gets a few extra hugs during the day! (and couldn't we all use some of those?!)

Karen :)

He's been like that probably since we got him, but until he grew large enough to push us around we noticed it. He got very protective towards danita the minute we returned from vacation two months ago, that's what made her suspicious about being pregnant.... He was the first one to find out!

We'll try with treats a another command to see if he calms down when I hug her. So far he has not caused any damage and it's more another part of his personality than anything else, but it never hurts to have a more behaved dog, right?
saulmr wrote:
....it's more another part of his personality than anything else..

"If you call them, they will come."

But, you will miss it, when its gone.
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