At what age should we cut the hair?

Hi all....
It`s been sometime that I`m wondering at what age are we able to cut /trim their hair?
the thing is that down here It`s been getting hotter every day and although Pisco seems ok I realise that he gets really tired after his walks...specially in the morning (I stopped doing that and only take him at night) but maybe what he need is a hair cut but since he is just 9 month maybe I can`t do it yet (puppy hair still?)I don`t want to cut all his hair just all he belly area since I know that is where they feel hot the most....can some one help me about this or know anything about this?
thanks from me and Pisco.
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Shanti is Argentine.... :lol: think that is almost the same weather as in Peru. I haven't shaved him. I asked his breeder what to do on summer time. He told not to cut his hair as it is a protection to him. not tto go for a walk during the hotest hours. So we go outside early in the morning and during the evenings. Shanti seems ok.

I now a lot of people in this forum has differente opinions. Mostly all of the shave their OES. I am still thinking about it so this is my 2 cents about this topic.

IN Spanish:

Vero, acá en Argentina creo que tenemos casi el mismo clima. A Shanti nunca lo pelé. Llamé al criadero donde es shanti para ver qué hacía durante el verano, y me dijeron que no lo pele. Ya que su capa lo proteje tanto del frío como del calor (también insectos, sol) También me encontré con gente que tiene un OES en el parque, y me dijeron que si su perro hubiese tenido el pelo largo, no hubiese sufrido tanto cuando se peleó con otro perro (no tenía su capa de pelo "protectora").

en el foro dicen que los OES se siente mejor cuando los pelan, asique son diferentes opiones. Aveces pienso si lo pelo a Shanti para que este más fresco, pero nosé si es el lado "humano .yo" el que lo necesita o sufre mas.
Durante los días de calor, Shanti está junto a mi en los lugares mas frescos con aire acondicionado o ventilador.

Espero que te sirvan estos tips. Cualquier cosa escribe en mi PM.

Espero escribe que bien a tu. I have forgotten my Spanish!

Most of the people on this forum favor shaving, but only because we love to play withour dogs outside in the heat and muck. Most of our forum members who live in Canada or UK DO NOT think shaving is appropriate. Why own a sheepie if you are going to shave it?, they say. Well, I owned a standard poodle and shaved it all the time. If you tell the dog how gorgeous they are, they will not mind being shaved. And it really does speed up grooming and bathing.
Even those who don't shave, have admitted to shaving the stomach area, including under their arms. Also trimming up under their anus and along the inside of both back legs helps a lot. I also shave under Abbi's ears, so they lay flat and I don't have to worry about pulling on her hair there.

I started Abbi with a puppy clip and shaving her underside, inside rear legs and under her ears when she was 6 months old. Their hair texture keeps changing until they are about two years old. The worse change was about at 8 months old. Keeping her hair length to less than 2 inches sure made it easier to play with her. And I had to bathe her then, because my eldest was still living with us and has severe asthma and allergies. Everything had to be cleaned, and having a shorter haired Abbi was nice.
I do not think you even have to worry about them sunburning their stomach unless you leave Pisco outside a lot and he sleeps on his back (which Abbi does inside, but not outside). For some reason Abbi will only sleep on her back next to our couch. Maybe she likes the smell of leather?
Go ahead and try shaving his belly and see if it is better or not. It grows back in a few months, so it isn't permanent. Don't shave his head though. That hair doesn't grow back as fast or as nice sometimes. I regret shaving Abbi's head last year, but it is finally filling in again.
Let me know if you have more specific questions.
Thanks for the input...I was afraid once I cut his hair as a puppy it won`t grow again the same....Pisco sleeps indoors (and yes on his back) outside he goes to play and pee.
Don't worry ... the fur grows back really fast!! We had Pippy operated on in June and July (they shaved the region they cut), we let her go until October, had her cut short then to match the area they shaved, and she's almost back at full length now. The avatar/picture you see was taken this morning.

But we didn't "shave" her (as in the Spanish "afeitar" sense), we just cut her hair short, about 1-2 inches long. (2-4 cm, I think)

Sheepies have an undercoat in that first inch. I've heard some say that the undercoat helps keep them comfortable in the summer. Something about that doesn't make any sense to me; but if someone could prove it, I'm listening :)
How do you take pictures of your sheepys? I have tried to take pictures with my digital camera but she goes running off for under our bed everytime she sees the camera? I think it's the flash and the noise. Any tips?
Turn the flash off. Pippy doesn't like green dots in her field of vision any more than I do :)
It has taken 4 year to get Abbi to let me take a flash of her without trying to lick the camera.
I find if I take photos of others and then Abbi, she loves the attention.
I think I will try to post a new avatar today! Abbi looks totally different than this old photo.
Yes, their hair grows back fairly quickly. I will post some before, after, and grown out-again photos if I can manage it. Keep your fingers crossed!
I do not and wouldn't shave the hair too close. Abbi's hair has saved her from being stung by bees and ants (when I am quick enough). So I do not surgically shave her to the skin. I always leave about half an inch, even on the stomach. I do not know about protecting from heat, but it gives them some protection from insects and sunburn.
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