Whew...I'm back, I missed you all!!!

Good morning all!

I have missed you all so much! The past few weeks have been so crazy around here...a lot of laughter and a lot of tears.

I hosted a huge Halloween party in which all the Nuna's were together!!! The Nuna's are my girl group and 2 of them live out of our area, Shanny is from Winnipeg (she is also my sister-in-law!) and Kimmy is from Fort St John, BC. It was so great to have all 8 of us together we had so much fun! It took me 2 days to get rid of my hangover! 8O I lost my voice for a week! I'm not sure why I think I'm a rockstar after a few drinks...but anyway it was a good time had by all! Smooch (as his Auntie Kimmy has named him) and Murph had a great time at the party too! Their dog friends Kia, Josie and Valentine came too! The boys loved having the girls over! :wink: The boys stayed up all night and partied too! Smooch stole a Witch's finger cookie from the food table...he's getting so tall! Thankfully someone caught him so he only enjoyed the cookie up to the knuckle! :lol: Murph was a little freaked out by the behaviour of his mommy later on in the evening! The singing-dancing Mommy is not one he wants to see for a while! :D Neither does Grant I think! 8O :lol:

It was very sad to say good-bye to Shanny and Kimmy...I wonder when we will all be together again?

Last week was really sad. My Ottawa family lost their Uncle/Brother quite suddenly to liver failure, due to a lifetime of Alcoholism. We were able to be with him on Monday night, to make sure he was comfortable and see him to the end. Sorry...I just needed to talk about it a little as I am quite frusterated by the whole disease. I have alcoholics in my family as well and have lost a grandfather from this disease as well. A man a never met, as my Grandmother moved her 5 kids up to Canada, to give them a life without alcoholism. He was a very smart man, passed the bar exam, but chose to be a bartender and drink his life away. It just seems so wasteful, someone spending their life that way, only to pass away so awfully! Has anyone else ever gone through this? You just want them to stop and it's so hard to understand how they cannot see what they are doing to themselves. My brother is a recovering alcoholic and has been clean and sober for almost 4 years. I am very proud of him and especially relieved after watching my Ottawa family go thru what they did this week. I also consider myself very lucky that this disease has not been passed on to me. I am a social drinker only and don't drink very often...which explains the above situation. 2 drinks and I'm very tipsy!

Wow, sorry...I really did go on and on. Thanks for listening! :D

Enough sadness...now on to something really great...guess what we have?


It's so great! We finally found a company to tackle our property issues and build us a fantastic fence!

Guess what Smooch and Murph do in the big, beautiful fenced in doggy playland?

They sit at the back door and stare at me thru the window!!! 8O :evil:

Can you believe that? :lol: Well they are sheepies! I guess in all my hoping for Gooch to have his independance, to wander without a leash...I forgot that they are Sheepdogs and they just want to be with me! So in order for them to play outside and run free...I have to be out there with them! 8O :lol: God I love them! I think secretly I am pleased! :wink:

I will try and get some pictures for y'all of my pride and joy....THE FENCE. And perhaps if I'm outside with camera, the boys will give us some action shots! :lol:

Thanks again for letting me vent...I feel better! :)
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Colleen, What a great story...... You asked if anyone else had Family with alchol problems..... As an only child of 2 Alcholics I have seen a lot. It ran in both side of their Families...I am an WW II Baby and That Generation did not talk about anything that went on in the house....THE ELEPHANT IN THE LIVING ROOM SYNDROM!!!!!!!!.....I knew as a child that other Families were differnt then mine....I knew when I went to other kids houses Their Parents didn't act like mine did...... Then as you get older you are ashamed and don't bring any kids to your house.....THen you get out as soon as you can.......... Depending what kind of drunks your Parents were ....has to do with how you fill the HOLES you have in you......I have found that most surviving children of alcholics are looking for Parental Approval. In other words Parents!!!!!!!! Long Story I won't go into now............. For reasons I didn't understand then I was drawn to men that had problems.......I Married a Man that was an Alcholic.....Alcholism ran in his Family also....Although at the time I couldn't see that........ I have one child....He was an Alcholic.... He got bomb barded from both sides of Parents Families...... He is 35 years old and is still struggling......HE is Married to a Wonderful Girl and has a 4 year little girl....... He still hasn't quite....My Daughter In Law has become co dependant......She stood up to him for a while and threatened if he didn't stop.......Then she finally just gave in.She Loves Him.....He isn't a mean drunk.He is a sloppy drunk....They live in Florida and I can tell on the phone when he has had one beer..It changes him that much that fast......I stay out of their business..I have made my opinion clear......One of My Puppy Paremts is the Director Of Betty Ford in Palm Springs.So when he hits bottom and admits that he has a problem...The arangments are already made.......But,He has to admit he has a problem....It Breaks My Heart!!!!! But, There is nothing I can do......He is a Wnderful Likeable Pleasant Soft Spoken Man when he isn't drinking.....But when he drinks he is a Smart Ass Know It All.........His biological Father died of Liver Cancer.......Although I used to be a social drinker. Don't drink at all anymore...Never had any problems taking or leaving it......It jumped me too for some reason......If we did the genentic testing on people before they have children like we do our dogs alot of us would never have been born...Kaye
Colleen! You're back! I was wondering about you. I thought that maybe Barney had scared Smooch away with his manly courtship of Panda!

I'm so sorry to hear about the troubles in your life in recent weeks. It is a hard disease...currently my sister in law is battling it--it is so obvious to us and all those around her what she needs to be doing (and not to be doing) but she is practically doing the opposite. It just seems like they will either get it that it is destroying them (physically and emotionally) or they won't and it will just get them. It is so hard for us to watch because she they have 2 young children (almost 6 and 3)...

On a lighter note, I'm glad you had fun with your friends. That is so important, especially when you don't get to see them that often. I miss my friends back home :cry:

Yes, take pictures of your fence and of your fenced-in boys...

Welcome back! I think you missed the whole missing avatar episode, too...
WELCOME BACK!! Isn't it funny how life sometimes get's in the way of the forum!!!! :lol: So glad to hear you solved the fence problem, PICTURES!!!!
It sounds like you've had some highs and lows, I know the feeling. I'm not fond of the rollercoaster either. LOL
I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your friends.....
I'm sorry to hear of your family's loss.....
And I'm very glad to hear about the fence! You've been looking forward to that for so long now! I'm not surprised at Gooch and Murph, that's one of the reasons we love these velcro dogs so much. I don't think it will take them long to enjoy their new freedom....
I can't wait to see pics of them running free! :)
Oh Yeah, Youre back!!! Panda has missed the boys, but as you know, Barney has been trying to take all three places...he's been a busy boy! Im so glad to hear about your fence...the boys will get used to it and run wild in a bit...sorry to hear about your family problems...Brian and I just got bcak on ourselves about 10 min ago...lol...put your arms in the air and ride it out...scream if neccessary!!!

Yay ~ a FENCE!

So sorry to hear about the family problems; my dad had a drinking problem, and eventually died from it. :(

But you've got a FENCE!!!!

Hi Colleen!!

Welcome back!! You were missed!!

I'm sorry to hear about your family troubles and you're right it's difficult to watch while they do destructive things to themselves..some do come out of it but have to reach rock bottom first. That's always the hardest on the family, to watch a love one go through. My dad had a problem with it and as a result I never touch the stuff...no aversion to it..just never been interested in even socially drinking.

Hey great news about your fence!!! Had to chuckle regarding they now have room to run and still give you mournful looks at the back door. Ha!

Guess it's up to you to show them by taking the lead and running around the property first! :D Wherever humans go...sheepies follow!

Marianne and the boys
Thanks for all the replies! It helps to know that others have gone thru this...

As for Barney...hmmmm the boys are very jealous and are devising a plan to win Panda back! :twisted: I don't know what it is...but they look pretty serious! :lol:

As for the fence...I have played outside with them...getting them to run around. What ends up happening is Murph barks his head off and attacks Smoochy Gucci, who never seems to see it coming! :lol: Murph forgets that he is deaf I think! :lol: They do have a blast out there...as long as I'm there to watch. It kind of reminds me of kids in a swimming pool, look at me Mom, look at what I can do!!! :lol:

Thanks again...this is going to be a better week for sure!!! I'm working at postive thinking!!!! Yeah it's MONDAY AM!!! LOL :lol: :lol:

Welcome Back.. we missed you!!!

Sorry for your family troubles.. and no you are not alone.. you are never alone when you have friends like us!!!

I chuckled when I read about the fence.. we have a fenced yard as well.. do you think my boys will go out by themselves.. noooooooooo. When we do throw them out to play all they do is sit at the door and howllllllllllllll to get back in....the only time they will stay out side is when one of us is out there with them.... sigh.. thats okay, but when it -30 it's a different story. Had the fence for a year.. they still haven't got the hang of it.
Yeah Colleen!! So glad you're back! We've missed you! :D

Sounds like you had a great time with your friends. Thrilled that you have a fence now!! :D Love that the boys still want you nearby, though. Sounds just like my two. They're happiest when we're all outside running & playing.

Very sorry about your uncle. It is a sad and tragic disease that, unfortunately, affects many families. I, too, lost an uncle to the disease. By the grace of God, my immediate family has escaped it.

Can't wait to see pics of the boys enjoying their new freedom! :D
Welcome back, Colleen! 8) What fun it must have been to get your old gang together, if only for a short reunion! Everyone's so scattered any more that that's very hard to do!

I am so sorry for your family's loss. Please know that we are always here for you.

How great you finally got your fence! :lol: Can't wait to see pictures of it!

Hey Coll, Panda does the same things with her toys outside...she has a soccer ball that she will only kick around when we are there to watch...and she keeps looking at you like "see what I did" and she will stop unless you tell her to kick it kick it....lol...kids..........

PS..she likes the new nick name smoochy, but what about the murfster..he needs a sexy name too..
LOL...Darce! :lol:

I've been calling them Smooch and Smurf...Grant keeps telling me to stop...it might be the annoying baby talk I use when I say it as well! :oops:

But "Smurf" loves it...it makes him wag his little powder puff..SUPER fast! :lol:

Thanks again everyone...I feel so much better! :D
haha his little powder puff, i love it
Hey Colleen! Welcome back. Sounds like quite a rollercoaster. I love Smooch and Smurph. That's adorable. So happy you have a fence. What is your "ottowa family"? Sorry about your loss. Sounds very frustrating and sad.
Welcome back Colleen :D

The sad truth is that you can't help someone unless they want to be helped. All you can do is be there for them as you did.

Glad the boys finally have their fence!
Val, My Ottawa Family is my family away from home! They have pretty much adopted Grant and I since all of my family is in Winnipeg! They have made my life here so great! We celebrate every holiday and as you read AND tragedy together. I finally got sisters!!! :lol:
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