This Old Shack

Here it is:

Legal Map Showing Subject Property (Lot 49)

Not much to look at...and my friends are rolling their eyes that I'd be willing to give up my comfy house in the burbs, my job, the security and seniority and move to an Island. No one said I was sane and this brings me one step closer of someday having a place to home aged sheepies. I see the future potential of this place overlooking the debris and junk!

There is currently a bid on this house made by someone else. I find out tomorrow if the others are even close to getting their financing approved. Morgage broker is looking for a lender for me..which is going to be tough as he (the broker) says you might not have to sell your home and can buy this place based on equity! How cool would that be?

Means I can stay put and spend a couple years fixing up the place until I was ready to move knowing someday its my future sheepie retirement home.

My mind was filled with thoughts after I just got off the phone...oh please please let this work out and how the heck am I going to be able to pull this off? The morgage he is trying to arrange as I said ,based on equity of my home so that I would need no down payment or anything to purchase this home but would have double morgage payments. I already struggle to make payments on my current home supporting my son and 9 furballs. rings..."ello...Mayun...remember me...Meeses S...ESL Learning Center? You work for meeeee ummm 2 years agooo want job? I need someone to teach ...eeeenglish to children after school. You want?

I just about fell out of my chair!! Yes!! Okay not thrilled about a second job (third if you include my magic shows) but would only be for a while.

Think the Ark in the driveway is sorta symbolic too.... :D

So for the next few days I'm going to cross my fingers, legs and even eyes too..hope I can make this a dream come true.

Marianne and the boys
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Okay, what am I missing? :)
The pictures, I think... but I'm missing them too. I would like to see a 1910 house, I love old homes, good thing since I have one :lol:
oops sorry I had to edit now!

warning it's a really ugly house..not nice looking at all.

There is also a mobile on the property, currently rented as well as that ugly trailer but I like that as both are rented and would help with morgage payments.

Just visualize the potential in a few years.

Looks isolated but village square and ferries are just around the corner. (not shown).

Oh Marianne!!! It's cute! It has a very woodsy/cabin thing going for it. Maybe not the height of fashion, but I think it could be really charming with some TLC! I love the property too. It a sheepie retirement cottage! My father-in-law is doing something similar- he bought a retirement place that he's working on. He still has the home in town, but he goes up there to work on it all the time, and it's gotten to be quite nice.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes!!!

Karen :)
Is this the island? If so, about where is the property?

I think the map you are showing Ron is Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island is quite the metropolitan place..has the province's capital city located there (Victoria).

The Island I'm thinking of purchasing this property on, is called Gabriola and is a smaller Island but only a 20 min ferry ride across the way to the city(the bigger Island which is Vancouver Island) So while pastoral and private - a short trip across the ferry and you are in the city.

The Island is known for it's numerous art galleries (quirky artist types live here),lots of festivals and community theater and is famous for it's beaches and brilliant red/gold sunsets.

One of the pics shows a view of the road with property on the left, there is a car parked further up on the right..if one were to walk there and turn the corner they would find themselves right in the village square which is very active with cafe's, shopping, boutiques..and only a five min walk to the ferry if one didnt want to use their car to commute back and forth to their job on the bigger Island. I had already looked into being hired by the school district a few years ago..and was told no problem but would be on call for a year or more. So having the ferry within walking distance was a bonus. The other side of the Island has very expensive homes and float planes are available at the cost of 75 dollars fare to take someone to Vancouver (the Coast) if they don't want to take the 2 hr ferry ride back to the Mainland.

If you look at that map it puts it all into better perspective, the property is that circle thingie on Ross Way near the question mark and Post Office. Private but not isolated from civilization. I'm whacky but not that crazy! :lol:
Marianne and the boys

It's wonderful.. look past the "now" to see "the future".

The first house I ever bought was at an auction. It was a DUMP!!! the only thing appealing was the fireplace... everyone thought I was off my rocker to even think about buying it. I had a vision.. I stuck with it.. and I'm glad I did.

I hope you get it and everything you dream for this house comes true.
Nope, that's the right place.... just look at the shape of the upper left hand side of the island in my pic and in your graphic... thsoe streaks in the water are from little boats.... that's Gabriola!

Here in this picture is Ross Way -- unfortunately, this side of the island isn't in high resolution....
(these pics are coming out very dark.... but here's a larger version ... ossWay.jpg
Does the black dog come with it 8O

Good luck honey!!!! May all your dreams and wishes come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The land is gorgeous, and it has so much potential! Good luck! :)
Marianne,one thing I do know is IF anyone can make that place into a beautiful retirement home for elderly sheepies it is YOU!!! :clappurple:

I think the land is just beautiful,and many sheepies would just love too live out their last yrs there!!As for the "home",I have always said Home is where love lives.You can take that mobil home and turn it into a castle if you desire..Maybe a nice Aframe place?Whatever you choose I think it is perfect,and if you need any advice let me know whole family full of drywallers,framers,etc.......

Let us know wha happens!!Good luck!!
Good luck Marianne! What's one more mortgage payment? The dogs will appreciate it and "country" living might be good for you, just look at Green Acres.
Keep the renters and make them mow the land for you!
I love it!! Good luck!

I hope you get the place and could make it your home. It has a lot of potential. What a wonderful idea about sheepie place. Good luck to you on your venture. You are a very kind person, your dogs are luck to have you.

I vote the Ark STAYS! lol Your friends may not understand, but I sure do. Good luck.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! It really meant a lot to me and you guys are the best!

I got the financing!!!! Without having to sell my current home either!!! Not sure how the broker pulled it off but he's a miracle worker, as honestly people I'm not independently wealthy and no rich relatives I can depend on, lurking about.

He got it so it wasn't based on income either, but equity in my home and that the mobile home (pic of that one is shown if you click listing) was currently rented as well as the trailor, while the 1910 house sits empty which allows me to fix it up at my leisure while continuing to live in my present house. (It is a few hours away but doable.)

Still one glitch however, before I'm doing the happy dance....the people that bid first...they have until the 14th to get their financing approved. If theirs doesn't go through then the place is mine.

The wait is going to kill me.

Mouthypf...Hey I thought the same thing about the ARK!! I'd move it but wouldn't part with it..instead turn it into art work complete with pics of animals on the side..and won't forget the sheepies!

Urg...another night of restless sleep..I'm gonna be so pooped by Nov 14th.

Marianne and the boys
That's wonderful news, Marianne!! I'm so excited for you. I really hope it works out that you get it!! :D

What a wonderful thing it is to actively pursue your dreams! :D
Looks like sheepie heaven to me! We have all paws crossed for you....GOOD LUCK!!!!
Marianne wrote:
..........The wait is going to kill me.

NO! Don't say that! But, to help relieve some of the stress: Don't know if you celebrate the same holidays or not but, Friday is Veteran's Day here, then there's only half day Sat., the banks are closed on Sunday and this is already the 9th!!! So that only leaves them possibly 3 days to get the loan out of the 6 days you have left!!!

Keep the Ark - move it if ya want (but, not too far from the house :wink: ) and name it: THE MARIARK and BOYS :lol:

START PACKING - Don't waste energy. If you're gonna be pooped, at least make it worth it. Don't stress - it's yours. The Lord expects us to tend to the land and His critters, He will surely give you the land to develope a place to do just that! Keep the faith.
Well, you know that I'm already thinking of the place as "The Ark", so it has to be yours!

Just think, if we all lived closer, we could pack up our tents and come help out with the renovations! At night, we'd sit by a campfire and watch the sheepies frolic and try to steal the marshmallows.

I think that will be my happy thought of the day.
floofdog wrote:
Well, you know that I'm already thinking of the place as "The Ark", so it has to be yours!

Just think, if we all lived closer, we could pack up our tents and come help out with the renovations! At night, we'd sit by a campfire and watch the sheepies frolic and try to steal the marshmallows.

I think that will be my happy thought of the day.

I LOVE it! Do you mind if I share your happy thought today?? :D :D
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