Is it too soon to plan the Phila/NJ Picnic?

Anyone know if there is a date in mind yet? It's gonna be a busy Spring.
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I don't know about planning the picnic, but I would like to know if there is an interest in a dog carting demo thing at the picnic. :-) I brought the cart last time, and we did Rides for Rescue to benefit the Rescue dogs. I could do it again this year, and I would love to teach what I know if people want to learn.

Funny how we're thinking about Spring already. My sis & niece are both getting married in May so I might be missing out on the picnic again! :evil:
Look Josh, you promised us a visit from the Pooh this year so I don't care how busy your spring is, you either clear the date or teach him to drive!! :twisted:

But seriously, when is the picnic going to be? I'll do the grooming demo this year. We were talking about it last year and it just never seemed to materlialize. We also need to think of some games or contests!
Perhaps we can do a costume contest (since the Other picnic has a Hat contest). Maybe we can put together an "obstical" course. Something like agility, but just goofy things. Not timed, just for fun.

Yeah, FUN - there's that whole field behind the bathroom area that could be used. :-)

Dudley will again be giving rides in his cart.

Well, as far as clearing the calendar, it's shaping up to be a busy spring already.......I hope I'll be able to make it!
jsmarcus wrote:
Well, as far as clearing the calendar, it's shaping up to be a busy spring already.......I hope I'll be able to make it!

Why don't you toss out a date that works and see if other people can make it. . .
How about now! :lol:
I'm up for it! Hopefully I won't be in the hospital next year same time!
I thought I replied to this thread already, but I must have done something wrong because it is not here...anyways... Whatever anyone would like to have at the picnic this year, if you would like to organize that activity, go for it! I am open to adding just about anything that folks are interested in. As for the date, I have planned the dates in the past to be a bit before the NEOESR picnic, which is in early June. This way people can meet others who may be going too, and we can talk more people in to making the trek. The venue, I feel should be the same spot. I think it is about the best place I have found for a gathering. The idea I would like to put out is this year for food, we could have a pizza party. I know they will deliver to us there ( I saw a delivery guy bring a pizza to a couple who were nearby us). It should be easy, inexpensive, and the time can be scheduled in advance. Ideas? Comments? Concerns? People craving italian take-out?
Adding pizza is a good idea, Chad! :-D

That way, we don't have to worry about packing or bringing or cooking food. Do they deliver soda, too? Or will we have to send someone the the price club for that?(BJ's, Costco, Sam's Club, etc)

We'll be able to spend more time sitting and enjoying each other's company, as well as lining up for the group photo. (which might have to be broken up into 2 or 3 groups this year)

Something else we need this year is NAMETAGS!! I'm bad with remembering names, especially if there are a lot of them all at once. :oops:

Delivered pizza sounds like a great idea!!

I volunteered to make bring name tags last year, but unfortunately was side-tracked by a trip to the hospital and couldn't make the picnic. I'll volunteer the name tags again for next year.

We did have name tags available next to the Guest Book, but they were overlooked perhaps. I hope we have as much interest as we did last year, I was amazed how far folks traveled! I am getting excited for spring already! Thanks for starting this thread!
I'll do the grooming demo this year. And I promise not to let Jil sidetrack me so that we just sit and chat and don't actually do it!!!!!
I was looking at the dates, and last year we were the weekend after Mother's Day, we had it on May 14. Mother's Day falls on May 14 this year, so that would put us at May 20. May 20 is one week before Memorial Day, so no conflict there. What say you all? May 20? On the topic of games or contests, like I said before, anything that someone would like to take charge of and organize is OK with me. I myself have never been much for games, but I know others love them so feel free to do whatever makes your dog happy......well,....whatever they will somewhat tolerate!
May 20 works for me.

And Mandy, Bentley volunteers to be your grooming dummy. That ought to make for an interesting demonstration. :P

I've got one of those agility courses - tunnel, weave poles, sit box . . . that might make for an interesting contest. No professionals allowed of course!

I can also make some award ribbons and certificates.

Michigan folk - we're leaving on Friday to allow ample time to get lost. 8)

Chad, Belle & I had a great time last year ~ thanks for all your organizational work!
You guys coming to my house Friday?
I totally skimmed over the agility stuff part too. (Just got excited when I saw, LEAVING FRIDAY. Meaning y'all are definitely coming!!!)
Toby's ready to go! Even though he did fall off the dogwalk last class. Stupid fat butt! I caught him halfway to the ground which impressed the rest of the class. He absolutely loves the tunnel and said he'd lead everybody else through!
Bentley hates the tunnel, so Toby can tell him it's no big deal.

I'm sure I'm speaking for the entire Michigan contingency when I say we'll definitely come to your house that Friday, as long as we don't get TOO lost. :roll:

Oh, and I, too, am impressed that you caught Toby on the way down.
Agility stuffs? Ribbons? COOL! 8) We are very far from agility "professionals", being as the Duds is lacking in the obedience part of training.

Maybe we could have relay races.

I will pack my spare harnesses in case people want to play with the cart or practise pulling empty milk jugs, etc. :-)

~Katie & the Duds.
Pooh and I won't be able to make May 20th...well, er...I won't be able to...but Pooh is more than welcome to go on his own!

We'll be away that week. My parents are having all of us down to Hilton Head to celebrate my mom'd 60th B-day. :( Maybe this won't be the date, but if so, guess there's always 07!
Just curious if May 20th was an absolute for the Philly picnic?
Does anyone know for sure? :?
I'd like to come but will need to take Friday off, so I need to put it on the work calendar. :D Just planning ahead...!! :D
I suppose nothing is ever definite, but I haven't seen any other dates proposed. Just fyi, May 20 works for me but I am open to other dates as well.
hmmm, according to Mapquest, Philly is only 4 hours from me...interesting...*wheels churning in head*
Yes Steph! You need to come, too. If I can drive from North Carolina you can make it from Virginia!! :D :D
Besides, Beaureguard would LOVE to meet Barney!! :D
barney1 wrote:
hmmm, according to Mapquest, Philly is only 4 hours from me...interesting...*wheels churning in head*

And its an easy drive! I do it frequently! Just flies by. . .
Tammy, is only Beauregard going? What about Gen? Is it too much for 2 pups at once?

I'll have to see what hubbie's schedule is. This could be fun! And I know we wouldn't hear a peep from the sheep on the ride home!
Oh yeah...I'll bring both Genevieve and Beauguard. It's just that, except for when we have a male foster dog in the house, all of Beau's friends are female. I figured he'd like to have another guy to pal around with for awhile. :D 8)
Hmmmmm, Phil isn't THAT far from me, THREE HOURS . :lol: :lol:

WHEELS TURNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, Barney is definitely a guy's guy...Beau will have great boy-time with Barns
Only three hours, Ginny?? You have to come!!! :D

Sounds great, Steph - I'll tell Beau tonight! 8)
Duds and I drive about 3 hours from Northern NJ to my mum's house in South Jersey, and we go to the picnic from there.

I asked her to maybe bring one of her dogs along this year, maybe she will this time. It will be our third Philly Picnic. :-)

Hi, I'm new here. I have my 1st oes pup witch is 4 1/2 months old. She is just awsome. I live in south central Pa and would be interested in coming to these gatherings. Could you tell me more about them? Thanks
Great! I can't tell you anything since this will be my first time too but I look forward to meeting you! There are a bunch of pictures in the gallery from last year. Looks like alot of fun!
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Only three hours, Ginny?? You have to come!!! :D

Sounds great, Steph - I'll tell Beau tonight! 8)

Actually the wheels have been turning furiously about it for the last 24 hours!!!!! If it really is that weekend........ I have a State exam the weekend before and ought to be about ready to really kick loose and celebrate by that weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When will plans be "definate" ? Who is "large and in charge" ? This would be a first for me!!!!
Chad, aka IluvmyOES, is "large and in charge." He books the park, sends out e-mails with directions and hotel info, coordinates the food, etc.

At this rate, sounds like there will be LOTS more attendees this year than last!

Hey Chad,

When you do the pavilion reservation, is there a chance to reserve the next one down the lane that's a little bigger that the one we've had in past years? I remember that we were overflowing last year...and there might be a little more parking, too.

I'll bring Duds' cart for a demo if anyone is interested in carting and/or driving. I have some spare harnesses that are adjustable for people to try. And we'll also do Rides for Rescue again...that was quite the popular thing last time. :-) (Duds gave rides in his cart in exchange for a donation for OES Rescue. The proceeds went to NEOESR and OESRNSE.)

That's great Ginny! :D

I put down that Friday 19th as a vacation day so I can have a driving day. I think it's about 8 hours straight drive - so probably a little longer with the babies.

I'm really looking forward to it! :D
This is soooo exciting. I can't wait to meet all the other sheepies (and parents). :D
:cry: :cry: :cry: I wanna go :cry: :cry: :cry:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
:cry: :cry: :cry: I wanna go :cry: :cry: :cry:

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL COME ON DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elissa...we have to start our own... :D
Is the date for the philly picnic may 19? If so we will be there, with our new addition Bella!! Murph can't wait either, since he had so much fun last year!! Hope to see everyone there, lorie & rick :D
Darcy wrote:
Elissa...we have to start our own... :D

Yeah, but we need all the people that are going to this picnic to come to ours. We will call it the NATIONAL Sheepie Picnic. So it will be a can't miss event. 8)
The Jill's and I better leave on Thursday because we use mapquest and tend to get lost.....
I thin I'm gonna get us GPS for this one...
That's a great idea :D I think there's an Ikea on the way so we better leave on Tuesday.
Darcy wrote:
Elissa...we have to start our own... :D

Oh come on Darcy, you and Elissa CAN COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just pack a tooth brush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:
I asked Doug and he said WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D But he wanted to make sure Ty can come to (HAHAHAHAHa). Maybe he can be an :honorary sheepdog for the day?????? But he also told me it's more like 6 hours not 3 :oops: but that's ok, we'll take friday off!!!
Remember, I've already been to this one, so we don't have to leave till Wednesday!

And of course there's an IKEA. A trip with the Jill's is not complete without an IKEA. Bring rain gear because it will rain.
I have two spare beds and an air mattress. You guys can fight over who gets what.

You should leave early and then we can spend a day at Hershey and I can go to Ikea too!
Dibs on a bed!

Hee hee. Now it's in writing... :twisted:
I'll take the air mattress; my back is always okay on my air mattress when camping. :o

I'm just waiting for the final date to be announced so I can request the time off.

Are we leaving all the sheepies with Bob when we go to Hershey? :twisted:
Lol. Bob will be like yeah, sure and then go running for the hills as soon as we leave. Sorry in advance about your house, Mandy.
Whoa! I guess I need to check my settings, because I missed alot of octivity on this topic! The Park system computers have been down since the beginning of the yesr, but I will be able to make reservations tomorrow! I will check to see if there is an area which will accomodate a LARGER group! I am very excited to see everyone again and meet some new friends! As always, I will be sending out the directions and linking them to Annie's web page (which has not been updated in a year...). I will help folks any way I can to get lodging, get unlost, whatever. The date I am looking at is May 20, a Saturday so folks can drive home on Sunday if they are traveling (or we can plan "after picnic" activities if desired). Hope this works out for most people, it is hard to pick a perfect date, and the week before is mothers Day, and afterwards brings us dangerously close to the probable NEOESR picnic date. Feel free to contact me directly at if it seems I am snoozing on the Forum replies! Hope to see everyone at the 4th Annual! Chad
Woo Hoo!!

Jill & Holly - do you want to leave Thursday or Friday?? I want to request these days off NOW - and I don't care if there are reports due, I'm going to the Philly Picnic. :twisted:

Mandy, we'll bring garbage bags.

J&H, don't forget ear plugs in case of construction.

Is it too soon to gas up the van?

Josh gives great directions, BTW.
I'll go as early as you like. I never have a problem with time off. I'll probably take the whole week of just for fun. No wait, Wednesday to Wednesday would be smarter. Yeah, I'll do that.
I have a pretty nice boss, I can leave any day you want :lol:
Well, ladies YOU tell me then - what days should I take off? I've got the form right here in front of me (yes, I'm at work AGAIN).

May actually looks pretty clear on the GfK 2005 reporting calendar, I haven't seen the 2006 yet.

Talk to me.
You pick, Jil. We can do whatever is easiest for you. That sucks to be at work today :evil: Hey, is that guy still sleeping? We could call him....
I'm the only one here now so at least I'm getting lots done. Ah, the life of the accountant in January. Call SleepyBoy anytime Monday, you'll have a 50-50 chance of waking him up. :x

I'm not deciding on the days, LOL. That way I can tell my boss that the decision was out of my hands and since I'm driving I have to take the time off!

I was so excited when I saw this that I almost squealed and I'm not a squealer!!!

I'm pretty sure that when I tell Bob he'll just schedule to be out of town for that time period. (I believe going on tour is the musical equivalent of running for the hills!)

Just let me know what you guys settle on and I'll see about Hershey Park tickets and what not.

WooHoo WooHoo WooHoo!!!
How about Thursday and Friday? One day to get there, a day for Ikea and Hershey, a day for the picnic.
I was thinking Thursday & Friday also.

Maybe I'll take Monday off to recuperate!

Hey, Mandy ~ don't tell Bob until May 17th . . . :twisted:
You guys know CPR right? If I tell him on the 17th somebody better be there to help with mout-to-mouth!
Bentley & Clyde will help with that and I'm sure Toby, Carl & Norman will join in!
Just tell him as we pull into the driveway :lol: That way we can all help, dogs included.
Maxmm wrote:
You guys know CPR right? If I tell him on the 17th somebody better be there to help with mout-to-mouth!

Not to worry...... I not only know CPR but I'm ACLS certified :lol: :lol: :lol: I could drop by :twisted:
Ginny, we'll pick you up on the way, can't have too much help :)
Come on down, Ginny!!! Not only do we have the camper available but my mom's house is only 10 miles away. She lives in the Hershey suburbs so you're that much closer to the park.
Not to mention that we'll offer up Shellie's house for visitors too. She's only about 15 miles away and close to Hershey also.
We have lots of room for pre and post picnic rowdiness!!! Let's go people!!!
I'm beginning to think the actual picnic is going to be anti-climatic!
Hey you guys, can I get in on the activities? :mrgreen: I don't need lodging and I'm about 90 min away from Hershey. I'd leave Drez at home, though, except for the picnic itself. I'm not much of a rides person, but the park itself is fun to walk around and it would be fun just being with everyone! :clappurple:
C'mon with us Chris! This will be sopoooo much fun :D
Sounds like I should arrange a doggie daycare! There is a new place right near me that offers doggie playgroups and daycare. It is just off the turnpike at Willow Grove, which is one exit east of the exit for the picnic, and in between the exit for the picnic and the Red Roof Inn. It is called Best Friends. Food for thought.....
Hi Chad-

Is that part of the Best Friends chain? And how is Annie? I read on the OES-L about your concern for her. Hope all is well.
Yes it is part of that chain, it is brand new and they have been helpful to the group I am with who are raising money for a dogpark. I have not borded Annie there, so I have no recommendations, but I thought I would put the info out there. Annie is ok. I suspect some urinary issues, hopefully just a UTI. She ate half of a hotdog cut up in her food, but not very much of the food. She sleeps alot and is getting too thin. She played ball today outside and seemed happy. Time will tell. We are going to try some new supplements.
floofdog wrote:
I'm beginning to think the actual picnic is going to be anti-climatic!

Wait-- there's a picnic? :twisted:

Holly, are you gonna bring a dog?
Yep, I think it'll be Rosco. He already knows Clyde and Bentley and they have fun together.
Excellent Holly! Bentley's been wondering where Rosco is! He thinks that they'll have a great time on the road.

Man, I can't wait for this!

I took Thursday Friday & Monday off.

Chris - you MUST join us!
Of course I'll join you guys!! :clappurple: Mandy, if you need me to, I can get discount Hershey tickets from work. Not sure how much I can buy them for yet, will probably have to wait until the park opens for the season. Just let me know!

This will be SO cool! :lol:

Hey Chris, I just automtically figured you'd come along. (You're too close no to!)
I'll see what I can wrangle up as far as tickets go. We have some "connections" so I'll see what they can do for us. Is there anywhere else anybody wants to go?
I'd like to go - if that's okay?!? Will you be going to the park on Friday? What fun!! I've never been to the amusement park at Hershey. :D
We are doing the park friday, right?

The more the merrier. (hint, hint Ron!!!)

I'll tell Shellie and we'll yank Ian out of school that day to go with us also.
Yup, the park on Friday!

(I've got to stop thinking about this; I'm not getting anything done and everything is due this week.)
Tammy, how great that you'll join us!! :lol: This will be SO much fun!
I can hardly wait!! What a fun weekend!! :D
Okay, my time off was approved.

Now it's occurred to me that Mandy has had issues in the past with getting her time off after it's been approved. You should let the offending person know that there are many many sheepie owners who will kick his posterior if he interferes this time.
Tell that guy are "team" is on high alert and ready to spring into action. All he has to do is show up for work and nobody will get hurt :evil:
I've got half a mind to hurt him anyway . . . .

Whoops - did I say that out loud???
You guys are a HOOT, I sure wouldn't want to mess with YOU!!!!!!!
Ain't it the truth?? 8O :lol: :lol: 8O
Count me in too! This will be a such a hoot!
Ok gang, it's official! The date is May 20, but the place is a little different. It is in the same park, but in another section. This pavilion has 25 picnic tables and holds 200 people! The restrooms are right there, there is a horseshoe pit, ball field,2 parking lots, and the creek is nearby. We can entertain a larger crowd this year, so come on down! (or up, depending on your particular geographic location) If you look online at Fort Washington State Park, it is the Flourtown Day Use Area. NOW, pray for good weather! :D
Woo Hoo!!!
I know this weekend is not good for everyone, and I apologize. When I called to make the reservation the choices were slim. I hope folks who can't join us this year will try again next year, or meet us in Connecticut in June! The NEOESR date was announced and it is THE picnic. Well worth the drive!
If you waited for the perfect date for everyone there would be no picnic.
It sounds like there will be a big crowd already :D
So we should be expecting plenty of Hershey Kisses & Reeses Peanut Butter cups at the picnic then??!!
You know Deb, you could just drive up to Hershey and get your own!!!!! (Hint, Hint!!!)

But we will bring lots of chocolate!
Hey, if we get enough people to come, maybe we can close the park to just us - a BIG private party! 8) Wouldn't that be a kick???
Sorry all, it'll have to be another year without meeting the Poohster...unless that is, someone wants to dogsit him for the week? We'll be taking a family vaca to Hilton Head and will leave that morning :cry: so we'll miss it AGAIN. Maybe I'll have to make a trip to CT if the Sheepfest will have a sheep mix!
okay, I know that I shouldnt...but Im going to....WHINE....I wanna go :(
I don't think that the Sheepfest is in Connecticut, but the NEOESR Picnic sure is!

Dogs of all denominations are welcome, as long as they keep their owners on a leash. There probably will be 100 sheepdogs there, give or take.
It will be Duds' third NEOESR picnic this year, and he's an OES mix. We have always been very welcome at the NEOESR picnic, and we even participate in the Rescue Parade, too, since he is a Rescue. :-)

The Sheepiefest is near Chicago, wonderfully planned by Deborah and Paula O.
Ok, here's the latest. We are rapidly approaching the big day! The plan is for a pizza party. I will arrange for the pizzas and beverages to be supplied, as well as paper goods and utensils. We are hoping that our local Fox TV affiliate will give us some air time. Seems there is an OES lover in their midst, and we hope she is looking for a fix! More ideas are brewing, and we will keep you all informed of the updates. As far as costs are concerned, they will be kept to an absolute minimum, which will be determined by the participation. I am hoping that we can again raise a few dollars for rescue, exactly how will be figured out soon (I hope).
The date is May 20. The time is 11ish and the place is Fort Washington State Park. Full detailed directions will be e-mailed to folks on my list.... so get on it! E-mail me at and get the info as soon as it becomes available!
This is the only thing that got me through a long MI winter :) Jackie, are you bringing any of the herd? Any other Mi people going besides the Jill's and I?
You said it Holly!

It's only FIVE weeks away!
WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo, WooHoo!!!

I've been trying to contain myself but it's too close now!!!
Wow - only five weeks!! 8O Yippee!! :banana: :banana:
Ha! I contained myself, but Mandy made up for it!!

I think we need to have a sheepie dog show - no special grooming allowed. Goofiness gets points.

How about a wet beard contest?
Jil! I was planning on clipping down the wigglebums this weekend!
Can we enter shaved sheepies?? 8)
Yes, shaved sheepies get special consideration!

(Is it already that hot down there Tammy?)
I'm reading all this and still wondering if I'll be able to make the picnic!! I saw Chad's note about it starting at 11 AM so I'm afraid it'll be all over by the time I'd get there. I just HAVE to figure something out! Help me, friends!!
It's getting pretty warm, Jil. We've hit the high 80s several times already. But, truthfully, I'm really doing it for me more than them. I am doing a major overhaul in my yard this year. Tearing things up, planting, building a patio, etc. I am afraid I won't have sufficient time to keep up with the brushing when I'm spending every evening doing yard work, and that's not fair to them. :( So, shorter hair it is. :)

Chris - tell us what we can do to help and we will gladly do it!! We really want you to be able to come! :D I'll be so disappointed if I don't get to meet Drezzie!! :D
Ah, I totally understand that Tammy! I am determined to keep Boo long, but I neglected the garden last year and I'm starting to think he'll get shaved for the same reasons as yours.

EVERYONE needs to meet Drezzie! It should be a life requirement. I probably sound like a moron, but you will understand when you meet her. :roll: :hearts:

Chris, I think you should stop at the picnic for an hour or so on the way to the airport.
Rosco is a shaved sheepie, with his hypothyroidism he may never grow back :(
Annie usually gets shaved for summer. She does not tolerate heat well at all. With her bad liver, she does not grow hair back quickly. Right now her hair is a bit longer, but the fact is, she is SO skinny that she will look horrible shaved. She is having a bad night/day/night. Multiple accidents, a little off balance, and drooling like a faucet for about 24 hours now. Looks like she is on an upswing though, more perky.
Chad, have you ever given Annie milk thistle to help support her liver function?
Aunt Jil, thank you for your kind words about me! I love you too!

PS: Don't worry. Mommy will figure out something!
I need to make an announcement regarding the picnic. I have just received confirmation that the WiggleBus crew will be here! If that isn't reason enough to make the journey from all points on the globe, I don't know what is! BUT WAIT... there's more! A special passenger will be onboard. The Director of Placement for NEOESR, our dear Grannie Annie, Annie Raker will be here! Don't ask me how these people have managed to squeeze us into their schedules, but we are proud to have them join us! Now all we need is YOU! If you are not on my list as coming, please e-mail me so that I can keep up on attendance. For those traveling in on Friday and staying at the Red Roof, I think a little "cocktail party" may be in order.... what say you? :clappurple: :banana: :go:
We are proud to announce that we will introducing our newest member at the picnic! Stormy, now called Emma, is our newest addition, and she is a dollbaby! She is a rescue, and while her hips are bad, her heart is wonderful! We look forward to introducing her to everyone!
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :cheer:
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