Reacting with fear

Mallory appears to be going through a new phase.
Anything new or placed where it has never been before elicits barking and running from her.
This is just a new thing within the past two weeks.
She will see the object, run to the end of her leash, growl and then slowly inch by inch approach it, then stretch just as far as she can stretch towards the object to sniff it. Once she has sniffed it and it hasn't grabbed and eaten her she is fine.
I keep the hair up out of her eyes, so I know that's not the issue.
And it's not like she has led a sheltered life and never been around new objects. I take her everywhere with me so she has been subject to all types of objects and situations.
Did your Sheepies go through a scardy cat phase too? I don't recall my fist Sheepie ever being this way. If they did, how long did it take them to grow out of it? Mallory is 5 months old now.
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She is probably just really noticing things now and exploring her enviroment.
I would try to just walk on past without making an issue. The more normal things seem to you the more normal things will be to her.
Daisy does the same thing, but it seems that she is trying to alert me to something that is out of place and wants to check it out to be sure it is okay. I thought she was being protective more than afraid - she wants to be sure nothing hurts me.

She also does this with some people. She generally loves everyone and wants to go up to be petted, but there are a few we meet (particularly at night) that she does not want near us. Also if I am working outside and someone comes up behind me that I don't see, she will bark to be sure I know someone is there - even people she knows and likes. Once she has my attention she will be fine but it does scare some people. Like she would hurt anyone - shes a big woos.
Beau & Gen still do that sometimes, Pam. I remember when Beau used to be scared of our shadows when we were walking at dusk. He'd start barking at them. It was really funny. :lol: :lol:
Barney sometimes does that. It seems like he goes through phases, almost like he's watched a scary movie and then is afraid of everything. Like this weekend, my husband cut down a tree in our backyard and it is currently just lying there, waiting to be removed. It is also close to Barney's 'spot' and so the first day it was cut he runs outside like normal and then turns the corner and stops dead in his tracks. Walks forward about 2 steps, stretches out walks forward a step or two and then looks back at me, like DID YOU SEE THIS!!! He still really won't go near it.
And he is afraid of his shadow on occasion, as well...
Annie's 8 yrs old and still doing things like this. She seems to be on high alert since the wind starting picking up and the leaves are falling and blowing. You'd think this wouldn't be new to her, but I enjoy it. It means she is still attentive to her surroundings and acting like a pup. I don't want the days to come when she doesn't react to things.
Maybe this is one of the traits of a sheepie!! Max is the same way, he is 10 months now, and particularly at night, he is like a night prowler. I think he sees imaginary things and freaks himself out. He was recently scared of a scarecrow decoration, and also barks at balloons. I get so entertained by his silly ways.
The funniest thing my dogs were afraid of was a 3' ceramic sheepie I got for my fireplace hearth :oops: Beau wouldn't get within 5' of it, Luke ran up and growled at it, Daisy barked her fool head off. Rosco was the best, he would run up to it, bark right in it's face, then run. He kept looking back wondering why she didn't follow :roll:
I bought a new tv, thought nothing of it, broke down the cardboard container it was packed in and laid it on the floor. My Cody wouldn't come into the living room. It was too big for him to go around to get to me so he finally got up enough courage to dash across it, I should say "slide" across it. Then he turned back around and continued barking at it. Big coward acting brave. lol

My bird's terrified of the two singing fish my husband has. :roll:
LOL I love all these stories! What characters these guys are!

Shuffles, I thought the same way with Merlin as you did with Mallory. Exposed him to all sorts of people, noises and places from the moment he arrived home. The offleash dog park which we visited daily also had some walking trails. In my area an "unknown artist" frequents parks at night and carves the most amazing faces on dead trees or tree stumps.

Walking the trail one day, Merlin saw a face on the tree(swore he gulped) and high tailed it back to the open area..ha ha! Every once in a while it happens that my boys will react funny to a situation which suprises me. Could be Sheepies "make strange" as babies do at various stages in their lives?

Marianne and the boys
Dancer is like this too... I really think it is mostly my fault for handling it wrong when it first came up. I handled things differently with Sky, making sure not to make any issue at all if she showed a little fear of anything, and she then realized it was nothing to fuss over.
Dancer barks like mad at anything out of place in our house, and when people come to the door. She takes a while to warm up to new people, but Sky is all over them for kisses immediately. LOL
My sister had one once that was afraid of the dark. She wouldn't go out unless the porch light was on, and once out would stay within the "lighted" area! :roll: You gotta luv em! :lol:
Lol. I have one like that right now. If the light isn't on outside, Clyde only goes through half of the dog door until we turn the light on.
It's just amazing to read all the posts about behaviors! Phlufie has most of the traits. Being scared of things is one of them! He normally doesn't bark, but when he is afraid he starts to bark (and you can tell the dear in his barks). One time he saw his own reflection, and it freaked him out so much. He jumped back and started to bark!

OES, you have gotta to love them!

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