I'd love to stay and chat

but I've got a personal trainer for Bentley coming to the house tomorrow at 5:00 and I have to clean the house!

Naturally, Bentley's been pretty darn good all week (since I contacted the trainer) so I figure I can pay someone to come over and have Bentley behave like a gentleman while he's here. :roll:

So let's see . . . my list of grievances in no particular order

1) barking to get Jil to move faster - Jil is old now, give her a break

2) wanting to keep all other 4-leggeds away from Jil with no regard to their feelings - Kayli & Otis & Calvin are going to gang up on you one of these days and Jil will be watching with a smile on her face

c) pulling at the leash - actually, except for squirrels, other dogs & his favorite 2-leggeds in the neighborhood, this grievance is minimal now

d) the attitude - Mr. Bentley Austin Buckeye does NOT rule the world

5) grooming is not the worst form of torture in the world no matter what anyone else has told you

6) oral fixation - you do not have to put Jil in your mouth if you do not get your way

Have I left anything out?

wait, 7) Jil is NOT a jungle gym
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How about, it's okay for the car to slow down on the freeway? No freaing out necessary! ;)
That was really hilarious. Good luck!!
I personally love # 7...Panda tried to get my whole head in her mouth..only ended up with my lip....dark lipstick does not cover it very well....good luck!
Jil, who did you end up getting?
Hi Jil!

Loved your post and thanks for the chuckle. Seems to me Bentley, Merlin, and Lil Walty are all made from the same mold. Except for #6 Merlin has the same characteristics. I'm sure going to be interested in what advice you're given.

Cant wait for your future post!

Marianne and the boys

Marianne and the boys
:lol: :lol: :lol:

sorry about that Jil didn't mean to hijack your topic...I'm so darn excited to have this new computer been cutting,pasting and posting stuff..but darn stuff keeps going to the wrong place.

<<smiles feebly and waves
ha ha that made me smile this morning - love point D :lol:
Marianne, that was funny and actually sort of appropriate, after all, I am trying to learn Bentley's language, right?!

Holly, don't ask me why I picked him. I generally make important decisions based on absolutely nothing! :oops: I filled in this long questionnaire on his website - about Bentley & his lifestlye & his issues. I guess the clincher was the question - What do you love about your dog? I actually answered "I don't know right now" and then rambled about stupid little things and about how he's been such a pill I haven't seen a whole lot to love. The guy probably thinks I'm a nut case, but what the heck. After pondering that question for a couple days I realized that some of the things I dislike about him are also things I love about him, so I guess I am a nut case.

Jill - I'd forgotten about that - we'll add that to the list as #h.

He told me to be sure Bentley was hungry (yeah, like that would ever be an issue) and to have small, soft treats. I hung up the phone thinking that Kayli is going to freak out - treats treats treats treats! Later I realized that she's going to freak out just because THERE IS SOMEONE IN HER HOUSE so this is going to be an interesting session to say the least. But that's the point.

Hey, I didn't realize/remember that Merlin was a pill too!?!?!

Oh, Bentley told me this morning that he DOES rule the world and he hopes this training will help me realize it. :twisted:
Good luck Bentley! Rosco says to tell you anything involving lots of treats cat't be all bad :D
Thanks for a great laugh to start my day, Jil! :lol: :lol:

I can't wait to hear the report from your training session! I sure hope it goes well!! :lol:

good luck with Bentley's training session! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!!

Karen :)
Is that sign for real??? Love it
I think the OES are just waiting for us to realize that they do indeed rule the world. We just aren't ready to give control to them yet!

Good luck.
Holy cow - Kayli bit the guy when he walked in the door!!!

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

I got a few useful tips, but Bentley was being very good as expected, so not a whole lot of new input as far as the jumping and biting. I did learn that I'm 'm doing the right things, I just need to be patient.

I can't believe she bit him. She's never bitten anyone. It was a free-for-all at the door and I'm guessing Kayli decided that Bentley wasn't taking over THIS job and it just escalated from there.

I need beers.
floofdog wrote:
I need beers.

Maybe Kayli could've used one ahead of time... 8O
<<makes mental note to send Jil beer. Perhaps a Canadian?

Marianne and the boys
hang in there jil!
Marianne wrote:
<<makes mental note to send Jil beer. Perhaps a Canadian?

Marianne and the boys

Is there any other kind? 8O
Marianne, I still haven't seen that beer yet . . . :wink:

In an ironic twist of fate, Bentley was relatively well-behaved all weekend. Kayli, of course, was so proud of herself for warding off the evil trainer.

We started the 2nd round of obedience last night and I think this may be it! I really like the instructors and last night there were only three dogs in attendance, so there was lots of personal attention. One of the owners seemed as knowledgeable as the instructors and I got several great tips in the first 20 minutes. They also listened to me and my whining about Bentley's obstinate intelligence and didn't seem to blow me off.

First off, a pinch collar - I know, I know, but this type of collar did wonders for Kayli and I know how to use it - I just didn't want to try it on my own, if that makes any sense. Also, up the ante on the treats. I cooked a roast last night and will cut it up tonight. Oh, and practice heeling next to a wall so he can't wander. :roll:

This class is Rally/Obedience, so we're going to work on all sorts of interesting things. I was intrigued to see Bentley watching one of the demonstrations with great concentration, LOL.

So, for the next 7 weeks my life will be training training training. I am motivated by the idea of seeing Boo sit by my side, walk around me, jump over a pole then turn around and sit and all the other things we saw last night.

(It helps that work isn't as insane as it's been.)
This sounds so great, Jil! I cannot wait to get my dogs back into obedience. I think we're going to start next week. It's been too long and it really shows. :oops:
Alright Jil!!
Good luck in class! Sometime these guys need something a little more interesting than sits and stays and long downs to get them to really want to work so rally might work out great.

Good luck Jil! Maybe when Bentley gets a little better, you can have someone take pics of him doin his stuff! Hang in there! (And thats so weird with Kayli biting the trainer...)

Karen :)
Rally-O! Much more fun than plain obedience! Good going!
Clyde says to tell Bentley that he's sorry that he has to do more obedience and if Bentley needs to get a hold of him, he'll be pretty busy laying around doing nothing as usual... :)

In all seriousness, it should be fun. I liked obedience with Clyde and he liked it too. I'm jinxing myself by saying this but, for most purposes, the kid's pretty well-behaved. He'd be an angel if he didn't have Lucy to torture! Otherwise, I'd probably go back for more classes. I'm pretty happy with him coming when he's called, sitting and walking on a leash. I have simple needs.

I'm done making this about me now... :twisted:
Bentley says:

"Yeah, well, my mom knows where you live and even though I've never used a doggie door, I bet I could and I could teach Clyde a thing or two about being a dog . . .

I hear you have sticks over there - I love sticks!

Plus, we could run and jump and play in the house!!!"
floofdog wrote:
I got a few useful tips, but Bentley was being very good as expected, so not a whole lot of new input as far as the jumping and biting. I did learn that I'm 'm doing the right things, I just need to be patient.

I need beers.

Tim, Bailey and I are in our second Obedience class too! We're working hard on the jumping thing. Every time someone walks into the house, we make Bailey sit, and if he tries to get up to go greet the newcomer in a frenzy of excitement the person has to stand still, then start retreating. Poor Bailey! He positively wriggles while he's sitting there waiting to be loved. We have to keep a pretty firm grip on his collar to make this work. But Obedience has made a world of difference so far so we're sticking with it :D And on the days that it doesn't seem to be working, I have an extra glass of wine :wink:
Unfortunately, Bentley's problem isn't jumping on other people, it's jumping on ME. It's a dominance thing that is getting better - at least now he's not barking like a maniac while he's on my back. :roll:

Either kind of jumping, it's tough to contain that kind of excitement in a sheepie package!

One of the trainers was watching us work last night and she said "That's a smart one you got there..." and she just sort of drifted off. In retrospect, I'm not sure if I should have been proud or afraid, very afraid. :D
Afraid. Dummies are much safer...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Rosco said to tell Bentley he'll go if treats are involved :roll:
Bentley says to tell Rosco that he's got a pound of roast all cut up in the frig and if our Moms hide it all over Clyde's house we could go find it! 8)
Only ONE :) Okay, I guess they can share!
Jil says there's actually TWO pounds of roast in the frig and she's wondering why Bentley said there was only one . . . . :wink:
Could it be JIL doesn't want to share :evil:
Sounds like Bentley is doing just great!! :lol: He'll probably continue to try to be "top dog" (pardon the pun!) for awhile, but with this training he'll learn faster just who's the boss! 8)

Aw, who are we kidding? They're ALWAYS the boss! :roll:

Good luck!

Please don't hide beef in my house... 8O
ButtersStotch wrote:
Please don't hide beef in my house... 8O

Are you afraid there's a chance they won't find it all?
Lol. Yup, that would be my luck. I picture myself trying to hunt down a "mysterious smell" for weeks!

Or I'd find them all eating in my bed! Oh wait, that already happens.
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