I'm Nervous!

Hi everyone!

I'm new here. I'm Helen- an Irish computer nerd and I'm picking up my first OES tomorrow!

Her name is Blue and she's just over eight weeks old. I saw her a few weeks ago- the most mischevious looking from a litter of six. The parents look great too- have been sight, hearing and hip checked and all papers are up-to-date. They're registered with the IKC (Irish Kennel Club) and the breeder seems to know his stuff- even giving me written notes on what to expect for the first few weeks.

But I'm still nervous! What if she doesn't like me?

I'm definitely a dog person. My family have bred Samoyeds and West Highland Terriers in the past but this is my first time having an OES. I'm confident that I'll be able to take care of her- I have the space, time, love and money (vet bills over here are extorinate!) that she'll need. Guess I'm just nervous.

Can't wait though. Have wanted a Sheepie for years and now that I finally have a nice big farm that she can rule, I'm really excited!

Have to admit this is a two way thing, though- figure all this walking will help my waist-line. Great incentive!

Ok- that's it. Just wanted to say hello and that I like the fact that you people seem so nice!!

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Welcome Helen!

It sounds like you're a little nervous! :D

I don't think you have anything to worry about in terms of your dog liking you... you're probably going to need help in getting away from her to do things like doing dishes, going to the bathroom, sleeping...

Good Luck! Looking forward to the stories and (of course) the pictures!


Don't worry about your new puppy liking you, another name for sheepies is velcro dog. This is my second one and she is great, we rescued her at 1-1/2 years and she figured out her loyalties in a week. A new puppy will be yours instantly. Nothing like an OES.


Helen, don't worry. I agree with Ron. You sound like you are gonna give a lot of love to your new puppy, and she is going to respond in the same way...
The time that I went to pick Shanti up, I said to the breeder that first I wanted to see the reaction of the puppies to me... none one came to me! Even Shanti. Now he is a really Velcro. People told me that when I am away, Shanti waits for me sited down besides the door. Even if it takes me 20 minutes to came back-
OES are very lovely... I know you gonna love each other.

If you have any question about the breed, don't hesitate to ask. In this forum people gives tips, advices, they are very helpful.

Post a picture of the "puppy" ASAP!!!
Welcome to the site Helen.
I think everyone else is right, these dogs will stick like glue if you don't watch out. I was thinking about how many time poor Abbi was stepped on when she first came to us at 8 weeks, then I thought about tripping over her this morning at 4 years old. Guess she thinks that's what we do, just trip over her. It's amazing how loyal and quiet they can be.

After all that research and waiting you are just anxiously awaiting your new pup's arrival. Don't worry, once she gets there you two will work things out.
Today I had to re-format (we are trying to network them and I wanted them on the same OS) one computer and break down and set up two more as we are re-modelling the office. Abbi was so quiet, I forgot she was there until she got up to follow me out of the room and was so entangled in suge protectors and cable I had to go and help her get untangled. I guess my husband and my daughter had just dropped everything there at the door until I needed them and Abbi had laid down on them. She looked like someone had tied her feet together, yet I am sure all she did was get up too fast. Had the devil of a time getting her to sit still while I had all of the cords untangled.
They sure can get themselves into the strangest predicaments, guess that's what happens when you live too close to humans.
Best dog in the World ever! - Sticks like glue, warms the bed, licks the face, never grows up and gererally makes for the daftest, hairiest, most loving dog you could wish for.

Welcome, Good Luck and Slainte Mhath!

Mike & the Woof (who was also the naughiest of the litter - by a long way)
Ok- it's officially love at first sight!

She's fantastic. So cute and fluffy and just looooooovley. One blue eye, one brown. Patch ears. I'm convinced she smiles. Last night was her first at her new home and she did settle in pretty well. We've got one of those triple garages that's shuttered off form the outdoors- that's where she sleeps. She has a nice blue bed and a mini Jack Russell terrier to keep her company.

We took our first walk this morning. Just around the house and duck-pond a few times until she gets used to the leash. I'm delighted at what a fast learner she is! After 10 minutes or so, she was trotting happily next to me. Clever girl! She's even beginning to come when you call her name.

Felt awful leaving for work this morning- she just gave me this look as I drove off. Oh well, at least she has Mom and my niece to keep her company until I get back. Feel like a new mother myself, actually. Had to ring home at lunchtime to check that she's ok and to remind Mom to feed her.

Never mind her being Velcro Dog- I'm turning into Velcro Owner and loving it!!!
Hello Helen,
this is Vero from Lima, Peru.....and I am the proud mom of Pisco...beautifull 8 1/2 months old.....he can be trouble when he wants to but generally he is a sweetheart....
you will be in love real soon...they just make that happen.
V. and Pisco.
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