An important announcement from Danita & Saul...

We're getting a new puppy!!!!! :D

A human puppy, that is.... We just found out last week that Danita will be having a baby in June, and we're really happy!... It's really funny, Baby will be born on the chinse year of the dog, so now we are going to have 3 dogs!!! :lol:

Our doctor showed us the baby in a sonogram and I'm the proud dad of a cute tiny blob (She's just 6 weeks pregnant, so that's all there is).

Now we'll be looking for lots of advise about sheepies and babies, we'd love Sofa and Lennon to participate in the growing of our baby but I have no clue on how to do that... Everyone has started to tell us that we'll have to get rid of the dogs, and that's a NO-NO for us, how can we give up our furry children?!?!

8O How do we begin?!?

(Can you tell I'm a first time Dad??)
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Let the furballs get used to baby noises (perhaps taped?) baby smells, baby strollers, bassinets and cribs before baby comes home. Give them lots of extra hugs when baby arrives so as no jealousy arrives.

Congrats to both of you!

Marianne and the boys
Congratulations! Such wonderful news.
your human pup is very lucky to be able to grow up with 2 sheepdogs!
YEAH!!!! I'm so happy for both of you (or all 4 of you including Lennon and Sofa). I know you'll be terrific parents. And DO NOT even think about getting rid of the dogs.
That's so awesome. Congratulations!!! June babies are great, my Jakob is one. :)

Congratulations. No wonder there hasn't been too much new art lately, you guys have been busy creating elsewhere.

CGC/TDI classes have a section on judging how dogs react to babies. Maybe look on the site to see what they do to test and train dogs in this area for a nice, high jumping off point.

Good luck!
Ahhhhhhhh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! What an exciting time for you all.
I'm happy for you both!
Way to go Danita and Saul!!!!!
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Congratulations, oh what fun!!!! We are going to have all kinds of babies amongst us in the coming year!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Congratulations, now we can have baby and doggies together in the art. Nothing sweeter than babies, hope you and Danita enjoy the whole process, and she has a healthy pregnancy.
Woo Hoo!!

That is fan-tastic news!!
From one dad to be to another, CONGRATS!
Congrats to both of you! How exciting!
If you need any advice.... let me know.
I have three fur kids and two uprights.
Hayley is now at the point when Pepsi comes up close to her, Hayley will grab dog beard. Pepsi just loves it and kisses. What a great Sheepdog!!
Peanut :twisted: the evil Poodle will try to nip at her when Hayley grabs that pom pom wagging tail. He just grabs her to let her know it's not ok....but I am not happy with that. Peanut will be taught when baby is not tease her with the or somebody will be wearing a muzzle.
Your dogs are going to love having a little brother or sister.
Send them a big congrats! Pepsi has lots of advice if they need it :wink:
Congrats! I agree, June babies are the best, I was one. :wink: Give Sofa and Lennon belly rubs, oh and Danita too.
Congratulations to all of you. It will be a blast!!!

Congratulations to both of you, and best wishes for a happy, easy pregnancy to Danita! I'm sure you'll both be excellent parents, and I'll bet Lennon and Sofa will LOVE the new baby when he/she arrives :)

Karen :)

Has anyone else noticed the veritable baby bonanza we've been having recently? I'm gonna have to watch out...
You better hope its not contagious.
What absolutely WONDERFUL news! Congratulations, Saul and Dani!!
Congratulations!!!! :clappurple: :)
Great news, congratulations!!

You both must be very excited!!
(You too, Lennon and Sofa :wink: )

Best Wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Saul and Dani!!!!! :D :D :D :D I am so happy and excited for you both. You both have such kind hearts, beautiful spirits, and creative talent, your child(ren) will be so lucky to have you as parents. You will have to keep us updated throughout these next few months. Give Lennon and Sofa extra big hugs and sheepie kisses from us, they will be big brother and sister soon!! Ooooh, do we get to be official Aunties and Uncles of this new joy?
Joey was also a June baby. It really is wonderful, as you don't have to spend the extremely hot months very pregnant. Then when your baby gets here, the weather will be nice for morning or evening outings. Ashlan came in September, so I was so miserable during the summer being so pregnant.
Email me anytime, as you both know I can talk about my kids, furry and not to no end. My beautiful Godson Noah just arrived as well, so I am still at the top of my game knowing the needs and wants of baby products still....LOL
Thank you both for sharing this wonderful news with us. I will pray for a easy pregnancy, and a beautiful, happy, healthy baby for you both.

Stormi, Jack, Annabelle, and the Raggies.
YAY! :clappurple:

That is just wonderful news! :D
That's wonderful news!
Okay, I am very busy and so I only glanced at this yesterday. I THOUGHT it was exactly what you said it wasn't (A PUPPY!!!). I was very happy for you and was going to post later.

Then I saw it was A HUMAN PUPPY! That is SO awesome!!!! :D :D

Another OES poster and I, and I just recommended this board to another poster here who has a pregnant wife, go to
If you follow the link at the top that says "COMMUNITY" will direct you to the message boards. There she can talk to only "JUNE" mommies. You have to scroll to the very bottom of the message boards to see the calendar where you can click on the month you are due. Just an idea! I know I ALWAYS wonder "is this normal" "are other people my week/size/condition having this or that happen" ......etc, etc. I love the board, and it's always nice to see that others are gaining more than you (esp. when you already feel crappy). ;) :lol:

I'm a JUNE BABY!! I agree they're pretty spectacular. ;) Plus, I don't mind having the pearl as my birthstone!! Pearls are awesome. :)

Can't wait to hear each update!!!!

edit: actually to make it easier, here is a direct link to 100's of other mom's who are also due in june 2006 ... imBoard=57
Oh how wonderful for you both, Saul and Danita! I am so excited for
you. You will be the most wonderful parents! What a blessing.

I was just thinking about the baby bonanza too!
I think this may be how I got pregnant the last time. Watch out!

Iriskmj wrote:
Has anyone else noticed the veritable baby bonanza we've been having recently? I'm gonna have to watch out...

I should throw some babydust your way. hehehehe :lol: I guess you want an OES first though!
For the love of....

I'm not coming back here until this baby thing blows over.

I'm officially scared!
:lol: :lol:
Me too Mandy....frightened out of my mind......
Congrats to you all! We brought home a baby into the house of 2 "brothers"(aka 2 sheepies) over six years ago & everything was just fine! No worries at all! I think all the worries came from non-dog owners! Now we have two children & our O'Bailey Boy that is six months old, oops, he's seven months today!Both of my boys just love their fur brother so much. Bailey Boy gets so excited to see the six year old when he gets home from school. He loves the 2 yr. old, but sometimes he's a little ruff on the fur!: ) And, this probably goes into another post, but I have to tell you how pleased I am with my sheepie Halloween shirts. They came yesterday & my boys went crazy!! We'll be sure to send a picture! I hope you guys do a santa one for Christmas!

Congrats again :lol:
Congratulations Saul & Dani! :lol:
Congrats. I really hope that this isn't contagious!!!!
We want to express H U G E thanks to everyone for all the good wishes. Our families are far away and it's tough living by ourselves in this city, specially with the baby coming and all.

Believe us when we say we really appreciate your warm wishes and kind words, belonging to this community makes us feel less lonely, as we consider you our friends. I wish I could give everyone of you a hug and invite you to a BBQ to celebrate our coming baby... Bring your own sheepie!!

Thanks everyone!!!!!!!
Wonderful news :D Having a sheepie or two with a new baby won't be any problem at all!
Congrats!!! To lessen the probability of jealousy, I'd advice bringing home a set of TWINS. No hassles of having to share, they'd each have their own doll baby to play with. :roll:

God bless.
Congrads you guys!!!!There couldnt be more perfect parents than you two wonderful,caring people!!Your sheepies will be fine,like everyone said just start bringing your sheepies around the differnt smells,sounds,feelings etc....and I just know they will love their two legged baby.Especially once the eating,farting machine starts too eat table food.They will be his/her best buddy!!!LOL!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Congratulations to you both!!!

BTW - I'm nervous to post here too, there are 5 teachers at my son's school (plus a few moms) who had a baby or will be having 1 soon.... :lol:
A huge Mazel Tov to you two!!!!! I wish all of you good blessings, good health and long and happy lives!!!

i only got einy in feb and my son was born in may so babies and sheepies do mix

einys only 11 m,onths and isaac is now 5 and no probs at all except that einy likes to lick babies feet and baby likes to grab einys hair

tell the people who tell you to get rid of you puppies to stuff it !!!
sorry if thats a bit rude

theres always enough love to go round

congrats again

zoe einy and isaac
Congrats. I'll say a prayer that all goes well.
That is wonderful news! You will will have two great sources of joy....your children and your animals.
congratulations :D :D :D :D hope everything goes well for you both sheepies and babies do mix ive a 3yr old sheepie and a 1yr old son there best of buddies and a new baby due in just over 5 weeks. my sheepie just adores babys she loves to lick there faces. so i know i wont have any problems when this one comes along. this one will be even more special as we are planning on having this one at home.
Congratualations Saul and Danita,
I bet your so excited especially if this is your first.I think you'll make wonderful parents. Before long you'll have a little one to fingerpaint and do art projects with. Little kids are so fun. I think the dogs will be just fine just pay a little extra attention to them. They;ll probabbly enjoy extra walks when you take the baby for a walk. My kids are older so the only experience mine have are with my oldest daughters baby. My sheepdog Mardi can't get near it because our female aussie herds him away. She barks and growls at him. She's quite the mother hen. the baby fell asleep in my lap and she laid down beside me and put her head on him.He's 13 months old. Mardi was content to watch from afar.I think it scares him when the baby cries he doesn't know what to think.I thought it was cute that Skye was so protective but when I watched an episode of the dog whisperer he said some dogswill even try to keep the parents away from the children which is not a good thing.
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