
Walter just attacked me twice.
got my arm pretty good too!
He was being goofy all afternoon, I'm not exactly sure why. I should have known not to feed him when my parents werent around. I picked up the bowl after the first bite, but that didnt seem to do it. luckily we had some jumbones in the cabinet and I could get him to listen to me with those. I lured him into the laundry room and put a gate up. My parents arent home and it looks like I cant trust him by myself again.

Very frustrating! It had been so long!
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I have nothing to add that will be helpful, just that I'm soooooooo sorry! I know it must break your heart to have your baby attack you after going through SOOOOOOOOOOO much. I remember the many posts and each progression too. :(

You don't live at home anymore, do you? Do you think he did it because you have been gone at school?
Oh Heather, I'm so sorry!

Man, I wish they could talk and tell us what on earth they're thinking.
Noooooo! I was sure you & Walter were past all this nonsense.

I guess its back to square one: nothing in life for free.
I hope your arm is ok.... As a soon-to-be JD maybe you can sue Walter for peace, as a class project! :)

Good luck Heather...
Hope you're OK.

It must be the full moon. I was planning to take Barney and Maggie to challenge the CGC tests next Wednesday. We did a trial run this week and they both did great. Yesterday: Barney totally forgot what Sit and Down mean, and Maggie never hear of the word Stay!
I'm not always in the loop around here so I'm not totally familiar with Walter's behavior. When I have more time I'll have to read up on it! But he sounds sort of like Max! It's been a battle since I brought him home. I ended up having a trainer come to my house and it was worth it!! He's almost 10 months now, but he still gets crazy on me sometimes. Mainly he'll get over excited (usually in the backyard) and start charging me and growling and jumping. Or sometimes on a walk or just hanging out in the front yard he goes wacko. I do what you do and separate myself from him if I can and then ignore him. I hope Walter gets over it, but I feel for you!!

Oh Heather, that totally sucks! :( I hope your arm is OK and your feelings aren't hurt either! :(

I don't have much advice, just sympathy! It must be so hard to come home after missing him and have this happen! :(
thanks everyone! my arm is fine, just scratches and bruises.

walter is just a big ball of brattiness lately, but i do have to blame myself for easing up on a lot of the rules. Henry's mom is right.... back to the drawing board!
Heather, Sorry to hear about the behavior problems, glad you're not seriously hurt. We read all the books and listen to all the trainers who say that pack behavior is dynamic and that you have to be diligent in maintaining your position as pack leader, but then Bailey is so good for a while and we slack off... and he starts his bid for supremacy again! We're just about done with Obedience 1 and are going straight into Obedience 2 and it's been really good timing (9 months). The daily obedience practice is a good reminder of who's in charge. Our trainer recommends hand feeding at least once a week forever to reinforce pack position too.

Good luck with Walt!
I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I'll throw this out there just for good measure... has there been a weather change where you live in the past few days? The weather here in LA cooled off considerably in the past day and boy, the dog park was full of aggression (including Spike) that was never there before! The weather really has quite an effect on animals so hopefully that's all it is! Good luck!
Aw, Heather, I'm so sorry to hear this. I agree with Jo - I think since you're not around him every day now that he doesn't view you as alpha any more. Does he act like this when your parents are around?

Like you said - back to square one! Good luck!

Heather I'm so sorry to hear that Walter is regressing to his old ways....
I was just wondering, has your vet ever done a blood test to check his testosterone levels? I am just wondering if he is one of those dogs who weren't nuetered "all the way". Sometimes even a tiny amount of testicular tissue remaining can cause these things... I think Ron has been through that before.
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