Stolen Debit card

Today I went to lunch with a girlfriend...we decided to to some shopping afterward...we go to J.Crew and find a cute top...I give the girl my card and she says its declined..What??? My friend say probably their machine didnt work..she pays for my shirt (I spent all my cash at lunch). Off we go to Orvis to buy Panda's birthday gift (a squeeky rooster, shhhh dont tell) and my card was declined there too! What??????? So I figured the best thing to do was to go directly to the off we go...well, it turns out they put a stop on my card because of fraudulent use....some one, some how got ahold of MY debit card # and used it to buy $2000.00 worth of stuff in ITALY. PLUS, there was a "money" conversion charge of 50.00... Im soooooo mad...I never use atms, I always keep my receipts, and religiously balance my ck the heck did they get my number???? Italy, hmmm, Ive never even been to Europe...I WANT to go, but have never been ABLE to AFFORD it!!!!Sooo, long and short is now Ive had to put flags on my credit reports and social I missing anything else.....???? I AM MAD!!!
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Hi Darcy,

I don't have any advice but I'm sympathetic and would also be peeved. Sorry that happened to you.

Marianne and the boys
Holy Crow Darcy.... that sucks..

Are the police involved... what is your bank investigating?

Scary stuff..
I see you put a flag on your credit report but have you contacted your individual credit card companies to see if there is any use? Also, I believe the banks are insured (FDIC?) So you should be able to get that money back as far as I understand. Please let us know how they got your info if that is discovered. Bummer.
I've had that happen to me too, but locally. A gas station owner was making copies of everyone's debit card info when they used it, and had a camera to record them putting in their pin code.
My bank was great about getting money back in my account the same day, but the guys who did it (to hundreds, not just me) skipped town right quick and never were caught.
I'm sorry this happened to you, hopefully things will be straightened around fast.
Now I never use my cards at smaller businesses.... though I will at large chain stores.

That REALLY SUCKS :evil: I'm sorry you are having to go through such a mess. I hope your bank is helping you out.

I have a Credit report subscription ($12.00 a month) and I check my Credit report EVERY MONTH to make sure that everything is accurate and in order. I also check to see who is making "credit" inquiries. I think it is well worth the cost to make sure that nothing is going on that I don't know about.

When I first subscribed I was amazed to discover that there were accounts listed on my credit report that I thought had been closed 15 or 20 years ago but were still listed as open. I made sure to contact the companies and have them closed (one less opportunity for fraud). We live in a world where you can really get into a mess.

Good LUCK with getting it all straightened out!!!
Wow that really sucks! I am sure you will get the money back and hopefully they will find this person.
I would really like to go to Italy... I would especially enjoy spending that money Italy. lol
It is a tough situation and makes you feel really vulnerable. I had someone get my credit card info online a couple years ago from a purchase I made. Thankfully the credit card company caught it before we knew what was going on, cancelled the cards and all that stuff. The person had access to all of my personal info though b/c within a couple days a flower shop in Canada called me at my work about an order!!

I agree to check all credit cards and watch where you purchase things at and how. You can never be to safe these days.
Well, I jsut got off the phone with my husband(he's still enjoying California) and told him everythng....he's not blaming me, but he's not being as sympathetic as I would like either....he said "Well, thats what you get for living in "Darcy" world...see everything isnt as nice and peachy as you think..."

Okay, so Im an optimistic person. That doesnt make me bad...and personally, Id rather see the good side of things rather than the negative.
Yes, this really pisses me off (pardon the language) BUT I refuse to be aother out, but at times like this I just wish he could say "It will be okay honey, You've done everything you could. Let's just keep an eye out and let bank take care of it"

sigh...sorry for my ranting.....
Yikes Darcy! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you get everything straightened out and get your money back quick! (((HUGS)))
Darcy wrote:
sigh...sorry for my ranting.....

Rant away! :wink:
This is definitely worth a brief rant. Anyone to whom you give your card to pay for things has an opportunity to steal your info. The bank should immediately credit you pending its investigation. Keeping a regular watch on your credit report is really important. I read recently that the vast majority of fraud is caused by normal theft (like the gas station example) and not online. "Darcy World" sounds like a nice place to live!

Good luck!!
You wouldn't believe how much this stuff happens. It's not your fault if you're keeping your receipts and guarding your info. These people are tricky and they have far more ways to get your info than we do to protect it. All you can do is be as safe as possible. It may not have been anything you did either it may have been random or something very benign.
That being said, your bank should cancel that card and you should be able to account for the stuff that you did buy and they should credit you for everything that you swear (it's one of those official, hand on bible, sign on the dotted lines kind of swear) you didn't buy. It's then up to them to take care of recouping the losses and finding who did it. That's why they're the bank and we buy services from them. Same goes for credit card companies.
Everyone should copy both the front and backs of their credit cards so that you have all of the numbers associated (id, expiration dates, etc.) as well as the 1-800 numbers that you call when you need help. That's something you don't think of until you don't have the cards and need it.
You should also check to see if you can file a police report with your local department. It really depends on where the theft happened and not where you live but check with them to see if you'll need to register for the stolen identity file also.

Let me know if you need more info.
Darcy - I'm so very sorry to hear this happened to you! It really is a major pain in the butt!! :evil:

When my laptop was stolen a few months ago, I contacted all the credit card companies individually and reported stolen cards. They were all replaced within 10 days and I was not responsible for any charges made.

You only have to report to one of the "big 3" credit report companies. They are responsible for letting the other two know.

Hope you get it all straightened out soon!
I'm so sorry, Darcy! What a hassle! Sounds like the bank has the credit card situation under control, at least. It's really scary how easily people can get personal info.

Darcy World, huh? Sounds like a fun place!

I am soo sorry to hear about your problems. I know it has been a hassle, but at least the bank caught it before it got any further than it did. Also, it is nice to know that I am not the only one that lives in their own world. I tend to go to Betsy's world when I read, and my hubby hates it. I can completely tune everything in the room out.
Wow! I'm sorry to hear of your trouble. It sounds like you've pretty well covered all the bases with your notifications. When my purse was stolen, I went through some similar hassles. I was grocery shopping and a man asked me a question about a cut of meat he was supposedly buying. Meanwhile, someone took my purse out of the cart. Within an hour, someone charged $800 worth of electronic equipment on my credit card. Someone also wrote 10 checks to various stores. One store actually called me and said they declined the check as the woman was acting funny. They caught on because my ID didn't match her. She was a different race, different height, weight, etc. In fact, the only thing we had in common was that we were both women! They had her there but didn't call the police and let her go! She wrote 9 more checks before I could get them stopped. Boy, was I mad that they let her go! Anyway, sorry for MY rant, but it still makes me angry that people do these things and think nothing of it! By the way, I'm with you: I'd rather be optimistic and be disappointed once in a while than live as a pessimist!
Poor Darcy!
That sounds horrible...but at least you can tell your husband that it was a good thing you went shopping, otherwise you might not have discovered this so quickly. :wink:
LOL...He asked me if I bought the shirt.....he did call back and act the way I needed him to...MEN.....
As Mandy said, this stuff happens all the time now. That's why it's so important to check your statements and your credit report on a regular basis. Tim recently had 1 fraudulent charge against his debit card - only one, so his bank thinks it was a random generator program that just got lucky. Many online vendors don't have tight security and don't really check to make sure credit card numbers match addresses and expiration dates.

Also keep an eye on your mail - sometimes identity thieves will run out and open store credit cards in your name, because the security behind applying for instant credit at a retail store card is minimal. (They can afford to take the hit on fraudulent accounts because their rates on the real accounts are so high.) If you get some mail from a store you don't typically shop at, make sure you open it just in case. The good news is that once you have the warning added to your credit report, no one can open instant credit in your name anymore. The bad news is - neither can you! I'm willing to live with that to make my life more secure.
Who cares about the shirt - did you get the squeaky rooster? And when is Panda's bday?
Was about to say: "Bad Brian, Bad bad Brian" but then he corrected his mistake. I've only been married for 2 1/3 years, but I learned long ago the3 "izes" in consoling: Sympathize, Empathize, Apologize.

Everything will work out fine in the end Darcy!
That sucks... My credit card got stolen by some russian guys a couple of years ago and they made funny charges with it. It got cleared in the end, and hopefully the bank has everything in control by now.

Are you still taking applications to rent a beach condo on Darcy World?
LOL...Darcy world is open for business....its a great place...everyone is friendly and kind....beautifully decorated and everything works as it is impecable and the service is outstanding....what more can I say????

Sue, Yes I bought the rooster :D and Panda's birthday is Nov 3...the big 2

Josh, Brian is slow when it comes to girl needs...I think it comes from working with "macho" men for over 20 years at the fire dept....He's getting better...some men are slower than others...doesnt make him a bad guy, but can frustrate me at times...still wouldnt trade him in for a different model...he's not "broke", he just needs's come a long way, baby!!!

Thanks all, the bank has been very helpful.....and thank you for all your words of encouragement.....Italy...Hhhmmmmmm..still not fair!!
Bailey wants me to tell everyone that he's been to DarcyWorld and he highly recommends it. The water bowl is always full, there are always treats and there's lots of green grass to play on. What more could you ask for?
Holy Crap! That totally sucks! :evil:

I'm glad you are back in Darcy World! Don't let those idiots get to you! :evil:

PS What did the top look like? :lol:
The top is very very green and off white stripe...long sleeve with collar...looks great with khaki's, loafers and a kelly green cable knit sweater....can you guess what I wore to work today??? 8O
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