Car accident with my dog. :-(

I was headed home late last night in the pouring rain, and Duds was with me in my truck. I got rear-ended when I was stopped at a red light by some lady who wasn't paying attention.

We were both buckled in - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you secure your sheepies (somehow) in the car!! I can't imagine how worse it could have been otherwise. I can get my truck fixed, but I cannot replace my dog... (Drive Safely),
~Katie & Duds. ("What was that big bump, mom?")
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Gosh!! I'm so glad to know you're both alright!! Thank goodness it wasn't more serious!

Sorry to hear about your accident, glad you and Duds
are o.k. That is very frightening to get hit from behind.
Thats why its important to buckle yourself and sheepie

The time I got hit from behind, the car pushed me
through a wooden fence. I was ok, but a wreck driving
for a while. Luckily, my first sheepie was not with me!

Take care of yourself and Duds ...
I am glad that you are both okay. Puddy rides in in the bed of my truck, but he is ina Pet Porter that is strapped in.
I'm very glad to hear you and your sheepie are okay!!

Is everyone with less than 100 posts called

Driving Dog Extrordinaire

...or did Ron give you a special title. 8)
Is everyone with less than 100 posts called
Driving Dog Extrordinaire

...or did Ron give you a special title.

I dunno - are there other sheepies that drive ( on here? ;-)
Sorry about your car...but glad you and Dudley are okay!
Glad you guys are okay. I think it was mentioned on the board before but there are some rumors that legislation will be passed in some US states for mandatory restraints for your dog. Of course the law is being written that your dog can't become a projectile during an accident but whatever works to get it passed. :D

So glad you both were okay and sorry to hear about your car. You have the right attitude however, material things aren't important when it comes to things that are irreplaceable like Dudley. Hugs to you both!

Marianne and the boys
Well, as of this evening, Duds is looking pretty normal. I have a claim filed with the car insurance people of the lady that hit me. They will pay to have my car fixed, and also for a rental car for me to drive while it is being fixed. I have an appointment tommorrow morning for a claims adjustor to look at my car, and then it will get fixed as soon as they can fit me in at the car-fix place.

I thought about taking the Duds to the vet to get checked out (since I'm going to have my back looked at tommorrow). He looks ok to me and isnt seeming to be sore or in any pain. If he was hurt, I might have to sue. The insurance lady asked if I had any passengers, and I told her that I had my dog with me. I'm not sure if that counts or not. I'm sure if I told them that my son was in the car with me, that'd be a whole 'nuther story.

So we are looking good for fixing. I heard somewhere that "If it's fixed by money, it's not a problem" - anyone else ever hear that? I found out today that the father of one of my co-workers had a massive heart attack last night. It really put things in perspective.

~Kt & D.
Soooooooo glad you are ok 8O
So glad you and Duds are okay, Katie. You have the right attitude - things can be replaced, living creatures can not.
Hey, wait. Was Dudley driving? :twisted:
Oh no...I'm glad everyone is okay!
Glad you and Duds are okay. It could always have been much worse. Technically, anything that is injured, damaged or potentially injured/damaged is covered under car insurance. For example, if you are in an accident and the ambulance crew cuts your clothes to examine you, you get new clothes. If you hit someone's mailbox in an accident, new mailbox, etc.
Anyone in your car is entitled to medical exam under your car insurance and that will be the first thing they bill. (ie. they bill your car insurance before health insurance.) This should be the same situation for Duds and vet care. There usually is a time limit to get the initial exam in but definitely check with your insurance and they should check with hers. Since she hit you and from behind, she is at fault and her insurance should cover any extras.
I'm so glad to hear you and Duds are OK! :)
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