What do you do to kill energy in the house?

Here's the situation: it's raining so the dog park is out and I'm not thrilled about the idea of a wet walk. If I don't wear Clyde out, I will not get to watch Lost in peace tonight. What kind of indoor energy burners can you guys suggest to shut my one year old spaz down for an hour?

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Oh Jill, I was thinking the same thing! :D It's raining here too!

I'm lucky that there are still birthday bones left...they are enjoying them right now! :lol:

As for later, I was thinking of playing fetch with the ball, but we are fortunate to have a finished basement that is all one room, so there is room for them to tear around! :D

They also follow me from room to room while I'm tiding up...it seems to keep them occupied and interested...though I usually find them more of an obstacle than a help...but it is raining! :cry:

Okay- here are my suggestions....indoor ball or chasing. Bogart loves indoor ball with tennis balls and it can be played with him and one or two ballplayers. This will tire him out for a little while. I have been layed up from surgery- so I have had visitors come to play with him and wear him out and these two tricks seem to work.

Good luck!
But doesn't Clyde have a RAINcoat :evil:
I tried putting boots on Genevieve today so we could walk in the rain. It was hilarious!!! :lol: :lol: She picked up each foot like it weighed 25 lbs. :lol: She wasted no time in getting them off her feet. So...I am anxious to hear these suggestions too! :D
Barney's primary indoor activity is chasing the cat. He runs all over trying to get him. Another thing is he loves to run around the kitchen island---but it has to be on his own terms...I don't think I can entice him to do it...
You can make him run up and down the stairs a bunch of times...
It has been raining nonstop here but luckily Chum and I both like going out in the downpour. She also loves getting towel-dried when she comes in. . . .Even my cat likes to go out in the rain and drink from puddles. 8O

Sorry not to be helpful. .. :roll:
It's raining here and the forecast is rain until Monday 8O

I keep a small stash of fascinating new toys-

petco large tennis ball
kong (large beehive shaped one)
Merrick smoked bone
fire hose fabric toy

We give him the toy to play with and play the
run, give it to Mom for a treat game.

He plays ball in the sunroom

We are lucky, he loves TV, so at night a chew toy he
crunches on while we all watch the program.

Lots of luck!
My two tend to occupy each other, but if they do seem bored (or I am bored...lol) I toss a tennis ball around the house. It's puppy proof anyway, so there's nothing they can break.
How about hiding all his supper kibble in little piles in different areas of a room? Make him work for his dinner, and it may take him 1/2 hour or so. Mix it with something smelly, like bacon bits to entice him, and help keep his interest. Or hide it under cups turned upside down everywhere. It will keep him busy for that time, and then he should be tired from all the exercise of walking and sniffing for 1/2 an hour.
good grief! I READ THE POSTS. is it raining all over! encluding here NYS. I find playing tug of war , ball chasing , getting on the floor and crying help with my head covered, LOL I get over comed. chaseing them round the best I can do. They still want to go out!!!! Oh well wet dogs. yuck
We play hide and seek....see how long it takes panda to find one of us..the other one stays with her to make sure that there is no peeking 8O
Thanks for all the ideas everybody!

Well, we just got done playing fetch. Unfortunately, Clyde only has a long attention span for his favorite thing-- bothering Lucy. I can't keep them quiet late in the evening unless they're just completely drained of energy.

It is also times like this that I realize I spoil them too much when I can't really give them anything new and exciting because they already have everything. Good thing I don't have kids!
I've been pondering the same question for a while now, as we are now starting to get more rain!! I hate rain and live in the pacific northwest. I still take Max for 2 walks a day but I try to go when there is a break in the rain. Here's some other ideas to wear Clyde out, take him for a car ride and maybe stop in at a petsmart for some fun!! Try taking him to an indoor dog daycare now and then. Or maybe a trip to grandma's house, (I'd rather trash grandma's house than my own :twisted:) Have fun,

I lock myself up in the bedroom with the tv and let Jasper have run of the house. :)
We discovered a great game. Our rescue goes nuts when we take a flashlight out and shine it everywhere. She barks and chases it and our dog chases her. It is herarious!!! It is so much fun. we just laugh and laugh because they are funny to watch. Try it!!
El Gato wrote:

Tivo is an ongoing argument in our household. We're supposedly waiting for "the next generation" which will be far superior. Great, we'll get that one when it comes out, in the meantime, I'm missing Lost because of the wild dogs.

While I'm on the subject, I made it almost all the way through before the natives got restless so I stuffed treats in their mouths and it did the trick. I've decided nothing short of a hamster wheel will wear Clyde out enough to keep him subdued.
ButtersStotch wrote:
I've decided nothing short of a hamster wheel will wear Clyde out enough to keep him subdued.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I can relate to that feeling! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I odnt know about your sheepies but london loves boxes - especially the priorty boxes from the post office. i'd put in a treat and sealed it up really good. he'd play with the box for hours to get the treat out. it wears him out, sometimes i catch him sleeping on the box! :)
ButtersStotch wrote:
El Gato wrote:

Tivo is an ongoing argument in our household. We're supposedly waiting for "the next generation" which will be far superior. Great, we'll get that one when it comes out, in the meantime, I'm missing Lost because of the wild dogs.

Comcast has bought the Tivo software and put it into it's own DVR's. I recently switched from my Tivo (about $14 a month plus the original cost of the box) to using my digital cable box, plus an additional $4.99 for the DVR. Easy to use. And realtaively cheap if you have digital cable.

Time Warner also has a "Tivo" version that old Tivo users have been happy with the interface. I don't have any ipersonal knowledge on what they are charging though.

Here's how you can start off the argument : "for about 16 cents a day..." :lol:
Didn't mean to hijack the thread.
American Cow hooves. Chews on them for hours at a time.
mouthypf wrote:
American Cow hooves. Chews on them for hours at a time.

Don't the hooves smell like death?
ButtersStotch wrote:
.....Don't the hooves smell like death?

The dogs loved em' and they do put off an odor while they chew them, but death? I just called it "stink." :lol:
We spent last weekend dog-proofing the garage so "the boys" would have a place to wrassle during the winter. It was a lot of work, but we thought, oh, we are soooo clever! It will be worth it! After the garage junk was all put up, we put special "wrassle room toys" in a tub and special "wrassle room treats" in another tub... All you sheepie owners probably know how the trial run went. We excitedly put Hamlet and Paddington in their wrasslin room, they wolfed their treats, then spent the rest of the time laying by the door, terribly insulted that they were not in the house. Oh well. At least the garage is clean!

Of course, as soon as I let them back in, they wrassled in their favorite spot: the formal living room. :P
We spent last weekend dog-proofing the garage so "the boys" would have a place to wrassle during the winter.

That is a great idea! :D I got all excited...until I read the end! 8O

:lol: :lol: You know they would have had a blast in there, if they had busted in themselves! :lol: :lol:
I've got the opposite problem with regards to the garage. Max has made the garage his favorite new place to be!! His crate is there now and he sleeps wonderfully all night long. During the day, the garage door is open and he loves to lay there (hooked to a metal pole) and watch the people go by. I have him outside a lot too. At night before he has to go to bed, he loves to run around the garage and chase his tennis ball. The big problem is I am missing my favorite tv shows at night, cause I play with Max. Hubby is now going to put a tv in the garage for me. When I take him inside, he only stays for a little bit before wanting back in his garage :roll:

this may sound a little wierd but if you can pull it off go for it. MY mom's 7 month old OEs is packed with energy. She will walk him for an hour, go to puppy class with him come back and play outside with him and then put him on the treadmill at low speed. She started it when he was 14 weeks old. she stays with him ofcourse. In the beginning he was on a leash and he got off when he wanted to, she never made him do it. then as he got older there were treats at the one end he was walking towards and then she started taking the leash off. Now she says Sammy treadmill and he races upstairs and waits till she turns it on and he runs for like 15 minutes. that seems to take the energy out a little bit but he is still a big ball of flying fur when he gets downstairs and plays with his toys.

I remember wearing Crumpet out by playing keep away with a ball in a hallway. We knew she was tired when she'd get the ball and go drop it in the toilet.

Simone (MO) will have her brain frizz...run from the bed, down the hall, into the living room, bank of the couch and retrace her path....full speed...about a dozen times. Unfortunately if another dog is in the house, they interfere as they are certain she has lost her mind!

Do you have a garage to play in? Cars don't stink when they get wet, so they can be backed out into the rain.
When Dancer and Sky being their nightly romp around the house Abby seems to get excited and wants to play, getting up, wagging her tail, and just looking like a party showed up, but she doesn't seem to know HOW to play, so she just stands there and looks confused. LOL Then, suddenly, she will walk calmly back to her puppies, and lay down in such an elegant manner, as if to say "You did NOT see me do that" LOL
My wife and I do the fetch thing............I could never keep her attention very long. However, after buying everything at every pet store and food store within 30 miles, I finally found two toys that Zoey will almost always want to play with in the house. When interested she will chase these things until she completely poops out. The first is a cat toy, a silly ball made of crinkly paper like stuff. The second is an old volleyball that must be deflated 50%, any more or any less and this dog just won't touch it, so I keep a pump handy.


We do the "give me back my stuff thing"............This is where I show a lot of interest in an item, such as the TV remote control, a hat, a shoe, a sock etc.. The thief in her will almost always want to steal that item from me, providing she thinks I am very interested in it. I then chase her all over the place.

If the above 2 fail, we do the "argue with each other over who gets soaked by rain thing"
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