First night jitters!

The day is finally here! We are getting our puppy today. But all of a sudden I am nervous about tonight. I can't imagine my beautiful furry pup all alone in his crate tonight after sleeping with all his brothers and sisiters for eight weeks. Do I have to crate him tonight? I don't want to get into bad habits and let him rule me from the begining (although I think deep down he already does!). I eventually want to have him sleep in his crate, either in our room or downstairs, before he's old enough to choose his spot, but what about tonight? This is more nerve-wracking than my honeymoon! :lol: Anyway, what are my options? What's best?
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Congrats, that's so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I would say crate starting the first night. Our dog never barked when left alone (thankfully). She later began to be spoiled and "preferred" the crate to be in whatever room we were in.
Id have him sleep in the crate in your room...see if that works...over time, Id move it to the spot you want to keep the crate....Dont plan on much sleep a baby, I wont be surprised if you keep getting up to check on him...Congratulations!
I agree - it's best to start it right from the beginning. But, do put it by your bed. That way when he whimpers, and he will, you can be nearby to console him. Darcy's right, don't plan on getting too much sleep for the next couple of weeks. :lol:

Congrats!! :lol: :lol:
Today is going to be so much fun. So exciting getting a new puppy.
I have to agree, start with the crate the first night. It is hard, but it will get easier. If you can put it near you, that will help. That way it will be near you and you will be able to hear when it needs to go out. Some dogs are very happy with their crates, Mojo barely tolerated his. We only used it till he was house broken. Now he curls up in the kitchen and doesn't bother anything.
Congratulations on your new sheepie puppy :clappurple:

I agree with the advise above, crate him for at night.
You can put the crate in your room.

He may be so exhausted from the excitement of the day,
he might sleep like a rock.

The first night we had Bogart he slept sound in his crate,
woke up only once to go out.

Bless him, he got a better night sleep than I did ! :lol:

Best wishes!
Janell! Hi! We got Bogart back in August and I can remember our first nights with him. We took turns sleeping downstairs on the sofa next to his crate- so he would get used to the crate. He was amazingly really good! After about 5 nights of that- we moved his crate to where we wanted it to stay and we both slept upstairs with a baby monitor on him. I thought it worked really well. My husband had a hard time with his whimpering and carrying Bogart quickly got to sleep in our room. We put a dog bed on the floor and thankfully- very feel accidents and thats where he has sleep just about since week 2. Granted- he was almost 10 weeks old when we got him. And- we now let him sleep in our bed when he wants- he's so cute- a little cuddle muffin.

But- be careful- don't get into too bad habits right from the start. The trainer at his puppy class- advised us to give a command to allow him on the we are doing that.

Enjoy! and share some pics :)
Hee hee! A new baby! :lol: I would start him in the crate right away! And definately by your bed where you can pretend that you will get some sleep! :lol:

Welcome to the forum! :D What is the puppy's name? And please take lots of pictures! :D
I would start him in the crate right away too, just near your bed so you can reach down to touch the pup to reassure him.
I can't wait to hear all about your furbaby!
Thanks everyone for the advice! Gandalf the Grey is currently sitting in my lap. He whimpered in the car all the way home, which made me so sad, but seems to be happy now. He even ate some dinner. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions, but this forum has been a great help already! Thanks.
YEAH!!! Welcome home Gandalf.
Great name :D Welcome to you and Gandalf. I'm not surprised he was whimpering, it was his first time away from his littermates and first time in a car, that's a lot for a baby to handle! Bailey was pretty freaked out by the first car ride too - who are you people, what is this leash thing and why are you taking me away from my home? But he settled in really quickly. I would encourage you to take Gandalf for car rides on a regular basis so that he gets used to it and doesn't just associate the car with going to the vet.

And I'm sure you've heard this but I'll say it again - take lots of pictures! I didn't take very many and now I regret it.

Welcome Gandalf, that is a marvelous name!! It seems like just yesterday we brought Max home, it was sort of like bringing home a new baby!! These puppies grow incredibly fast so enjoy his small size for now!! And train as early and consistently as possible. I've learned so much from this forum, it has been a lifesaver for me, look forward to seeing your puppy :lol:

I agree with Sue. Take plenty of pictures. I thought I was at the time, but now it doesn't seem like nearly enough. :( They grow so fast! My boy is 11 months old today!
Gandalf....the name is fantastic! :lol:

I'm dying to hear how your first night went! :D
The name Gandalf is great for an oes :)

How did the first night go?
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