seizure medicine

My sister has a seven year old hushy/malamute. He started having seizures a year ago. He went seven months between the first one and the second. Then a couple months between. Now he has had 3 in a months time. They started him on phenobarbitol yesterday. I know about people seizures but not doggy ones. Does anyone else have dogs with seizures? He seems so doped up today. She is really hoping he is not going to be that way all the time. Think he just needs some time to adjust?
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He probably needs time to adjust, and they may want to adjust his dose a few times to find the right balance.
Right. I have a trainer who's Cocker Spaniel has seizures and is on meds for it. At first the meds will make the dog loopy but once the dosage is adjusted they do great. His dog's meds have finally gotten regulated and she is now bouncy and active again. She does Obedience and Agility without problems.
Dog seizures and people seizures are the same. It's like every circuit in the brain is turned on at once causing an overload. That kind of activity will also make the dog super drowsy and disoriented. It's like they just ran a 5k race without going anywhere.
With time and proper care there shouldn't be any problems.
These are perscription only drugs but they work. We use these in vet clinics a lot when we have seizure patients come in.

Diazepam (Valium), Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital, Primidone, Dilantin, and some other drugs that aren't use a lot anymore because of advances made with the previously listed drugs. Talk to your vet, there are also other methods of dealing with seizures. Try to find out what the causitive agent(s) is because sometimes you can stop them from happening or shorten their duration. Good Luck

I have an Old English Sheepdog who started having seizures at 2 1/2 he is now almost 3. I have had him on potassium bromide and it seemed to help at first, he went 5 weeks without a seizure. Since then it seems to have quit working as he is having seizures once or twice a week ! It is so hard on him and the family as it is difficult to watch and it is a mess. He shakes his head so hard and jumps up I am afraid that he will hurt himself if we are not here to help him lay down. Does anyone have any suggestions? Could there be something in his food or environment that contributes to this.
Your Vet should be checking his levels to make sure his dose is high enough. I know when they put my Toy Poodle on meds they had us in every couple of weeks to check his levels.

I eventually stopped prescription medication as all it did was made him gain weight, act doey and his seizures increased no matter what dose we gave him. The seizures went down again to about twice a month. On the meds he was having daily seizures.

I met a woman at the dog park and we started talking. She had just put her dog on Bacopin and he had been seizure free for 3 weeks. She had tried the prescriptions too with no success. So I figures I would try it, we had nothing to lose. It worked, his seizures stopped.

Here is the thread in which it was discussed.
Your sister may find this website helpful... it shares a lot of information on seizures.
http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-ang ... te_map.htm

Best Wishes~
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