From one extreme to the other

We've had Mallory for a little over a month now, and in that time it hadn't rained until finally the other day it opened up and boy did it pour.
Mallory took one look outside that first morning, looked back up at me and ran to her crate and wouldn't budge.
So we tried again about an hour later, nope Mom, sugar melts she had to be thinking, and back to her crate she rain. She did this several more times. So finally I grabbed an umbrella, walked her out onto the front porch and closed the door behind us, after many "go potty's" and her just staring at me, I opened the umbrella, which TOTALLY FREAKED HER OUT and she took off like a shot into the rain!
She barked and barked at me standing there holding the umbrella. But wouldn't get near me. I finally pushed the umbrella backwards sort of above and behind me and she realized I wasn't some big rain monster out to eat her and she relaxed. Well within a couple of minutes she went from hating the rain to loving it!!!!! It was coming down in buckets, I mean literally!!! The front yard was covered in about an inch of water if not more and here goes my wild and crazy once fluffy puppy running at full tilt, jumping in every big puddle she can find, holding her head up to the sky catching the rain in her mouth, barking and bouncing with glee after a leaf that fell into a huge puddle at the road.
She was in her puppy glory. She was soaked to the skin but as happy as she could be! She is such a good baby. I couldn't help but laugh at the sopping wet ragamuffin as I dried her off. She went from one extreme to the other just that fast. Haaaaaaaaa Gotta love a girl that loves water! :wink:
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Gotta love soaking wet Sheepdogs!

We go through lots of towels when it is raining!

Sounds like she was having a blast though!
Ahhhh Mallory! :lol: Your story was so descriptive, I swear I could see her! :lol:

Now if she could just teach Gooch...he'll hold it FOREVER! It was raining here very heavily on Friday and he held it, and held it. At one point I was standing in the rain while The Gooch was pressed against the patio window trying to get under the small roof overhang to keep dry. Then we gave up...again and 5 minutes later he stood in the family room and peed...he was looking right at me! :evil: As you can imagine I was pretty mad! It's like he was mad at me because it was raining! Like I have control over it or something! 8O

He's such a pretty boy! :evil:

This was 1 hour after he ate my glasses! 8O

Needless to say, Friday was not a good day! :(
Oh what fun!! :?
Oh Colleen...

That is just toooooooooo funny.....I roared my head off..
Pepso loves the rain also.
My other two dogs hate it. In our old house the would never go out back to pee in the rain...but for some reason if I let them out in the front yard then they would pee there :roll: freaks!!
I swear the longer Clyde's hair gets, the longer he'll try to spend out in the rain. I miss the puppy days when a blow dry took about 10 minutes!
Great story, Pam! Mallory is so funny!! :D
Panda loves the ocean, but otherwise hates to get her feet wet...she doesnt mind the rain, just doesnt like to walk on the wet grass....she'll go potty, but does it as close to the sidewalk as

I'm can't stop laughing. Why do they have to do once thing right after another. Glasses and mouth guards are some of her favs to chew. Like I'm not going see what you've done anyways????? :roll:
Why do they have to do once thing right after another. Glasses and mouth guards are some of her favs to chew. Like I'm not going see what you've done anyways?????

I KNOW! :x Just once I would like a sheepie that has a bit in his brain that registers consquences! :lol: Not the huge part that must be saying...MMMMM yummy glasses, smells like Mommy, tastes delicious, chomp, more glasses, hmmmmm nap now. What, what? why is mommy freaking out? What's going on? I'm over here Mommy, why can't she see me?

Do you also find the most frusterating part of this whole senario is how many pairs of glasses (or in your case mouth guards) do we have to go through to make us realize that they will always chew them!!!!!! :oops:

That's the worst part for me...I'm starting to think I'm missing something in MY brain! :cry: glasses STILL are not ready yet! :evil: I've been wearing contact lenses morning, noon and night for a week now... :cry: Maybe this will teach me a lesson....finally! OK...I'm embarassed but I'm going to share...he's eaten 4 pairs of my glasses! Hakim Optical LOVES ME! I'm sending one of their children to college for sure by now! See....something is wrong with me! :oops: :cry:
Maybe they can work a deal with you at the optical place.
Buy 9 pairs get the 10th
Sorry, just couldn't resist that one.
If I would only learn to keep stuff out of the reach of the dogs around here life would be so much easier and cheaper..
But you have to love them when they look up at you with the head cocked. She fustrated me to no end sometimes. Gucc has eaten 4 pairs of glasses, Bunker has eaten 2 mouth guards (they aren't cheap $500.00 a shot cuz I grind through the cheap one. Funny thing is my Denist had a sheepdog and he said it was the dumbest animal he's ever had. She ran through windows), Glasses, about a dozen remotes for TV, DVD, CD player (good thing I worked for an electronics store), shoes (some that i didn't even get to wear) : :evil: , underwear, tubes of lotions, bar of soap and pens??. I leave nothing laying around anymore. Its all put in drawer, up high (she is a counter cruiser). Then she has the nerve to stomp her paws when I put the baby gate up when I leave the house and confine her to the main floor. HELLO, I don't trust you. I love her to pieces, she is lucky she is so damn cute.
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