Dirt..Mud..GRASS...Dirt...NOW MUD AGAIN!!!!!

And so the saga continues.....

As some may remember last fall construction on my house was completed tooooo late for any grass to be planted so you all were blessed with lisenting to me WHINE endlessly about the mud and the dirt throughout the ENTIRE fall winter and spring. Thank the GOOD LORD for Taskers boots (remember them :D ) and my carpet steamer which did save a teeny tiney bit of my sanity.

Well, construction also was completed tooooooo late for the finish grading, by finish grading I mean leveling of a MOUNTAIN and flatening of a hill. The contractor was to return in the spring to complete the job. Well through a series of UNFORTUNATE events :roll: , which I won't bore you with, spring turned to summer which turned to YOU GUESSED IT: FALL and the grading, mountain moving and flatening did not get done.

BUT THE GRASS GREW. Oh how it grew!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL LUSH LOVELY GREEN grass covering the ugly nasty dirt. Grass Tasker could roll in, Ty could play in. Grass that DID NOT TRACK in my house. Lovely lovely grass :D

This week, in my brief absence, my wonderful significant other made arrangements for his brother inlaw to come with a bull dozer and move the mountain, flatten the hill, and finish the grading......... 8O 8O 8O 8O

Soooooooooo the mountain is moved, the hill is flattened, the grading is completed and

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Below are some pictures of my lovely new yard, without a blade of grass. I hauled out Taskers boots this morning and prepared for another Fall, winter, and spring of





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Just barely enough time to get some grass seed down... pick an area and sling it :D
wow...thats a yard!!!! Just thinking like Brian...who's going to mow all that? Tasker boots, hmmmm? Where did you get them? We have grass but all winter long Panda brings in dead grass (hay like), I too am tired of vaccuuming.......the rag by the back door doesnt really cut it...Just think though, in the spring, you'll have a lovely yard that not only will the boys enjoy, but you too!!!!
Ron wrote:
Just barely enough time to get some grass seed down... pick an area and sling it :D

We put 20lbs of seed down yesterday and barely made a dent 8O
what a yard! the sloping hill and tree border are incredible. wow!
Thanks! SOMEDAY it will be a LOVELY yard :wink:
Your yard will be so wonderful! I echo your mud pain...we haven't done anything this summer because we were waiting for the miraculous fence to appear! :lol: And we still have sand and mud, instead of grass too! SIGH... :roll: Some day! :D

Maybe The Gooch and Murph need some boots too! :D
Several sources for boots Darcy, Cabellas is the best. If you check on line they even have a nifty video (or did) on how to fit and use them. Tasker currently has 5 or 6 different pair for different weather conditions. My favorite are the Cabellas neoprene sole boots. Unfortunately they are also the hardest to put on but they are the most durable and work the best. Of course YOU DON'T HAVE THE SEVERE WEATHER THAT WE HAVE :twisted: :twisted:
Toby got a pair of boots (THANKS HOLLY!!!) and they were a lifesaver for the past few days because the weather has been about an inch shy of needing an ark.
The only thing I could think of the whole time we were out and he was wearing his boots was poor Tasker getting made fun of! We went to a Newfoundland dog event yesterday and these people with their giant dogs thought a sheeodog wearing boots was the most amazing thing ever!
Tasker, we feel your pain!
Toby got a pair of boots (THANKS HOLLY!!!)

Gucci would like to see pictures of his brother in boots, please! :D He says he won't even consider them unless he knows for sure that other sheepies actually wear these! :twisted:
HAHAHAHAHAH!!! THis morning as I was out with Tasker and Ty (in the mud and the YUCK) I COULD TELL that Ty was quite jealous of Tasker's boots and that Tasker quite PROUD :D . First thing when we came in I hopped on the internet and I've been bidding on e-bay on some REALLY keen bright red boots for TY (of course we found a MATCHING FLEECE COAT!!!).

It's all in the presentation (that's what I've been telling ya all for the last year!!!) You just have to explain to Toby that ALL MANLY SHEEPIES wear boots :D :D :D

Someday I'll convert SOMEONE!!!!!!!!
Consider me a convert!! :D

I just explainined to my family on Friday evening (after two straight days of pouring rain with absoultely NO breaks) that I was going to get slickers and boots for my two babies. I had that picture of Tasker in his manly boots in my head! My brother guffawed at the idea. He had the mental image of Beau wiggling at the door, dying to go pee, and me saying....hold on a minute baby, we've got to put your boots on. :lol:

I said "you betcha!!"

I'm going online now to Cabellas! :D
Tasker has learned to stand quite politely at the door while his boots are put on :D (treats treats treats :D :D )
BTW, your backyard will be so fabulous when you get finished!! It's lovely even now! :D
Maybe some ryegrass .....it germinates in about 10 days.
We spread some tri-rye and are keeping our fingers crossed for a warm october!!
It will look glorious next spring, Ginny! As for now, just keep telling yourself - this too shall pass! :lol:
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