do all boys act like this?

will be picking out our first oes in about a week. still trying to decide male or female? i have read several notes about the males humping but the breeder we chose says hers have never done this. also about the growling? we were tending to choose a male as we have female dogs (all altered) and thought this would curb some fighting. is this behavior common to all male oes?
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Max just turned 2 years old on Dec. 22, we have never had any problem with him humping things. He does have several sounds that could be considered a growl, but not threatening noises. He has a different growl for playing, needing to go out side, and just plain getting attention.
thanx!! for your reply. we went to the breeder's friday and chose a male we cannot live without. we bring him home in about 4 more weeks. can't wait!
Have you decided on a name yet?
we have thought of using something from his pedigree in front of joe rugby - joby for short. any other suggestions?
Our Oscar is 8 1/2 now. He was neutered at 5 and will still hump another dog on occasion if given the opportunity. Maybe if he was neutered young, this wouldn't be the case. It's no big deal, just a natural instinct.

He has never attacked another dog or person. He loves everyone. Raise your dog with lots of love and affection, and that's what he'll give.

I must point out though: the first 6 months to a year requires patience. He will likely be a handful as they like to chase, nip, chew, bark, poop and pee in the house, etc. Once you get past that stage (although potty training won't take long if you get a doggie door and scented pads), the rewards will more than make up for it.

Not sure about a name, so many choices. How bout George?
Lennon is 10 mos. old and sometimes he humps on everything he can :? Since we want to have some puppies, he's not neutered yet. He rarely growls at things except when bothered, but has a very rich language that some people read as threatening when all he does is bark or make noises to communicate his feelings or needs.

Kids love him and they play outside with him all the time playing fech or chase, they have a very playful nature so you have to be careful of controlling their impulses from young so he does not hurt anyone.

oscarz2 is right, the first 6 months are hard, but with patience and love, your OES will be a great companion for a long time. Congrats on your choice!!!

If you get a female, why not calling her Yoko?
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