Christmas in October

What do you all think of the Christmas merchandising that starts earlier every year? I just can't believe that there is demand for Christmas decorations and wrapping paper this early in the season. I can understand people doing their Christmas shopping early, or year round, to spread out the expenses. But light up Santas, Christmas candy and Christmas tree paper plates? Don't get the feeling that I'm a Scrooge - I LOVE Christmas. We decorate the house, have 2 trees, and always have a party. But I think the Christmas decorations should go up after Thanksgiving.

From my perspective there are lots of things to celebrate before Christmas - fall itself, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving. It really annoys me that stores have the santa stuff front and center this early.

If anyone out there knows the retail industry - what's the driver? Demand or supply? The only thing I can figure is that they can sell lots more Dancing Santas if they put them out 4 months early.
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Sue, Dont even get me started....this is tooooooo early for all of the Christmas stuff...I love Christmas, but I dont want to see the stuff until after Thanksgiving!!!! The marketing has just gotten out of hand.....
I agree, the groucery stores are to fast too. Our have all the decos there. Not before Thanksgiving. They jump right after school starts.Yuck :twisted:
I couldn't agree with you guys more. I understand that for business sake you can't just promote something for a really short period of time because it doesn't make economic sense. But when people are already sick of a holiday before the season even starts, that is really sad. I used to look forward to Halloween because I knew on Nov. 1 the Thanksgiving decorations would come out (both at home and in the stores), and same with Thanksgiving--the Parade and after Thanksgiving sales just signaled the start of the season. I can't think of one person I have talked to that is happy that Christmas arrives so early these days. So many people have mentioned boycotting stores because of it, but nobody really will...that's the only way these stores might consider not putting things out so early--boycots resulting in less revenue.
I mean, what do people do with all the Christmas stuff they buy right now? Too early to put it out, but seems like an awful pain to pack it away and then bring it out again in 2 months...
I agree with Darcy.. They should not have this stuff on display until after Thanksgiving. I know I always looked forward to thanksgiving because I knew Christmas was right around the corner. I enjoyed the anticipation...
Now what!!! There should be Halloween stuff until Halloween, Then Thanksgiving stuff until Thanksgiving.
OK major sales on toys would be appreciated but the rest of the stuff I do not agree with.
I totally agree with all of you on this!! I love the holiday season, but why does it have to be so heavily promoted, as if they're shoving it down our throats!! Right now, I'm in the Halloween mood and Christmas can happen after Thanksgiving! I also hate how the stores have all the Back to School supplies out by the end of June and I'm trying to just get used to the summer routine :roll:
I think of it this way, ... "It's HOW many paycheques till xmas?!"
YES!!I hate that also.In some way I feel Thanksgiving is looked over due too the bright red,green lights of Christmas.I like too enjoy each holiday,and w/ Halloween,Thanksgiving,and Christmas stuff out I dont get that special feeling for each holiday.Sux!!
I personally dislike the fact that holidays are now advertised too early... Wait and see, you'll see valentine's day cards by Dec 26th on the stores, it sucks.

But seen from the retailer point of view, you have to maximize the exposure of your products to guarantee a sale. Besides, if somebody else did it, then you have to go with the flow of be afraid the competition will take over you. I'm guilty of having the store with XMas decoration now and I'm not very happy about it, but since some of the competition is already doing it, we have to go with the flow.
For us, it is time to start shopping early, and around November of the next year, it will finally be paid off, so that we can do it all over again. :D We spoil our kids at Christmas, I will be the first to admit it. They get presents from Santa, us, and my Dad (Papa). I guess we overcompensate since we don't have other family around us. It is only my Dad in our lives right now, and I really wish we could have holidays filled with family and friends. I know all of us would give up our gifts for the grandparents in our family to get healthy and be able to join us. This has been a very difficult year for us. I am never one to hurry to see time pass, but I really pray that next year is easier. I have been trying to feel the Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit, and I just keep coming up blah. My Dad is the Christamas King. He has a gorgeous handmade Santa suit, the works. He has done this every year since I had Ashlan. This will make the 9 th year he will be Santa's helper. He has 2 Christmas trees, I should also mention he is an avid Coca Cola collector, so his tree's are 100's of coca cola ornaments and lights that fill his tree. He has Coca Cola signs, machines, fountains, thermometers, billboards. He has a book that shows the value of his things, and I would say at an auction, he could probably retire, pay off everything and live for the rest of his life, but he is saving these things for me and my kids some day.
My children still strongly believe in Santa Claus at 8 and 5. Something I wasn't really on board with, but when I saw how important it was to CJ, we did make the magic of Christmas very wonderful for them. We also have Happy Birthday, Jesus cake on Christmas day and tell the story of the birth of Jesus, so we try to give them both the fun and spiritual side. I still worry how our kids are going to take the fib we have told about Santa, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy, and if they will be upset that we didn't tell them the truth.
Anyway, I couldn't sleep and decided to come on here and ramble. I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season and tries to find the joy in the holidays.
I still worry how our kids are going to take the fib we have told about Santa, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy, and if they will be upset that we didn't tell them the truth.

Just don't tell them. We didn't. They will find out by themselves, and you will be surprised that they already know before you realize that they do. Our kids didn't want us to know that they knew because they wanted to continue to get the "stuff" LOL. Plus they thought WE enjoyed it. Go figure. The tooth fairy and Easter Bunny were the first to fade, and I think it was around age 10 or 11 when the Santa reality kicked it. At least that's what they tell us! LOL
Bosley's mom wrote:
[...] when the Santa reality kicked it. At least that's what they tell us! LOL
8O what do you mean......? 8O
8O what are you saying...... 8O
<center>OHHHHH NOOOOOO! SAY IT AIN'T SO!</center>
Hey everyone....
Only 5 weeks till Xmas!!!
Holy cow....have to start soooon!!!!!!!!!
What is the busiest day of the year for shopping? The day after Thanksgiving. So stores have to be up and ready to go. They can't ask their staff to give up Thanksgiving week in order to deocrate and stock.

As long as we insist on making Indigestion Friday such a big day, then the stores will respond.

If you do crafts, you want those holiday items out early, but geee whizzzz, not all over town decorating.

The solution, stay out of the stores until December 1st.
Tell me about it....I have to get up at four thirty am to drive my stepdaughter to work at Target....great...instead of shopping Im going to need a nap................
Here the Christmas stuff does come out right after Thanksgiving...but here Thanksgiving is in you have Halloween and Christmas stuff all in the stores at the same time. This year I am taking it easy for Christmas...all the neices and nephews will get cash and mostly everyone else's gift has been ordered ONLINE....well worth the shipping costs...keeps me from spending extra on that one...or four cute little things
We have a radio station here that's playing Christmas music 24/7 already and has been for a few weeks. Way too early. I don't mind starting my shopping in Sept-Oct (buy a little at a time vs. using 1-2 paychecks to buy it all since we don't have credit cards), but the decorations out that early is just ridiculous. I think it ruins the spirit of Christmas - by the time it's here, you're just ready for it to be over with after seeing decorations up since Halloween!
I love the true Spirit of Christmas and would love to see the commercialism taken out. Christmas is a very depressing time of the year for so many, because of the death of loved ones or no money.

Since Christmas is the celebration (or suppose to be) of Christ's birth, I think the perfect Christmas would be a day spent with family giving gifts of love and companionship, with the elders in the family telling stories of the families past for the younger generations to carry on with and reading the "true" Christmas story instead of Santa stories. Oh, what a dream.

Instead, it's off to buy a few things for some kids that already have way too many toys and clothes. :roll: Merry Christmas everyone. :wink:
25 Days Till XMas!

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