Are you giving out candy or dressing up this halloween?

I will be alone this halloween in an empty house (Mr. J will be on his way to Alaska), so not this year. :(

I had big plans to, but it looks like there will be no time to prepare. So I want to live through you guys and remind y'all to take Halloween pics!!! Pa-lease. ...esp. if your dogs are in costumes.

What are you dressing up as?

Kudos to the few who give out whole candy bars. Good grief, you guys must have money. ;) :) Those are my favorite houses to go by. haha
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I am sure I will dress up, I always do. I love Halloween.
We have an outfit for Hayley, a Bumble Bee but that was Ryan's when he was little...Billy might want to get her something else.
Ryan is not sure of his outfit yet. Last year when I was pregnant I was a Green M & M lol I sure filled it out too. I said I was a peanut M & M
I was so disappointed last year. We must have gone to 80 houses and only about 20 people answered their doors. People are strange here in the desert. We had decorations up and even one of those projecters that projected a huge picture onto the house... Even with that we only got 5 trick or treaters. I am thinking that maybe I should take the kids to a different neighorhood.

I've noticed that a lot too. In my folk's neighborhood, it used to be a BIG thing. Now, there aren't that many kids that go out and do this with their folks. I hope this isn't a dying thing.

I said I was a peanut M & M

way funny :D
Jake used to go out as a cat every year. All of the neighbors were quite patronizing towards him, and believed the outfit.

In 2002, our motorhome celebrated the 4th of July for Halloween, and was decorated accordingly.

As last Haloween was only a short time since coming to his new family, Mulligan hasn't been very adventurous with us yet, and he hasn't decided if he's going to participate in this ritual or not. I suspect it depends on how his family is feeling the week before.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
......I am thinking that maybe I should take the kids to a different neighorhood.

I'd rather be safe and only go to 5 houses than take my chances on going to the "wrong" house and regretting it. Please be careful.

I think money and safety play a part in it. I know I'll only spend so much and that's it. When its gone the lights go off, whether its dark or not. They start coming so early it doesn't take long to run out and where I live you can't just run down the road for more. The kids seem to come from out of the woodwork that night, I know they can't all live around here. lol Sometimes I think these kids go home, change clothes and come back for seconds. :lol:
My kids go out...the dogs are crated...the kids dressed up Freaks out Merlin LOL, I dont know about Avalon...she would probably be fine. She'd give the kids a scare LOL
We get about 400 kids here, we are a small suburb in the middle of a huge rural area so the rural kids come here as well. I dont mind, I buy so much and then when my kids get home we go thru their stuff and we re-gift the peanut products (we have a daughter with a peanut allergy...there is very little halloween candy she can eat). But I am one of those who doesnt like the holidays....Thanksgiving here is BEFORE Halloween and yes the stores all have the Christmas decorations out ALREADY :roll:
I am so disgusted by the early Christmas merchandising. I would boycott those stores but then there would be no where left to shop, sadly.

We LOVE Halloween! Lots of houses in our neighborhood put out great yard decorations. There are a lot of kids here so we get lots of trick or treaters. And my husband and I both dress up, last year we were pirates. Tim bought a fog machine with a remote and hides it on the path to our front door so he can fog the path to give it that creepy effect. The kids love it! Can't tell you how much time he spends discussing the fog machine with inquisitive little boys. I'm not sure how Bailey will react to Halloween, he's still pretty excitable when people come to the door so we may have to leave him crated this year.
We get about 300 give or take 100 kids every year...we live in an old fashion neighborhood where holloween is a big deal. Not only do we get our own neighbors kids, but kids from all over the valley..we go through 25 lbs of candy, which doesnt sound like a lot, but it is 8 of those large costco bags...and it is all gone by the end of the night....what I dont get, is the adults that are pushing a stroller with an infant dressed up...they want candy too....its not like the baby is going to eat it...come on!! I think its rude, but hey...the only other thing I hate is that most kids dont even say thank you anymore........

by the way Im not exaggerating when I say the amount of kids..its been on the news...Im going to have up myself this year from margarita's to whiskey sours..........what should panda go as?
sorry we live on a mojor highway, no children.
When we lived in Mission Viejo we had a ton of kids.
The kids that pissed me off were the ones that didn't even say Trick or Treat. They would just hold out their bags. I would make them say
I'd say ummm Trick or treat? and they'd say yeah. :roll:
And of course the kids that would come back more than once. They didn't even have the courtesy to change clothes. If they at least did that then maybe they would deserve another candy.
Darcy, Panda would make a cute cheerleader. My sister dressed her dog Sadie as one a couple of years ago

good idea elissa....humm where can I find pom poms?
I'll ask my sister
My daughter won't be dressing up this year.... :cry: but my sons still have a couple of years left to dress up. We go out for hours every year, I make sure they get a good enough haul that I get to raid it all of course.
I told Ashley the bonus of being too old to go out means she is old enough to raid her brothers candy with me after they go to bed :lol:
We give out for a while after we get back, or for a little bit before we go to the littlest trolls and goblins :D
We had just moved into our house last year and I don't think many kids came by...We had leftover candy that we never got to hand out forever! I always remembered trick or treating in the dark, and now it seems all the kids come in the daytime, and for this time of year we're not even home from work yet, so maybe that's why we didn't get any last year--we got home too late (at 6!).
I don't dress up, but I am ashamed to say we bought Barney (who my husband has now been calling Billy Bob) a costume from Costco on Saturday! It seemed so big that we figured it had to work (it was a children's costume) and it was too small! It was the funniest thing I ever saw putting that thing on him. I think we'll just have to cut out the back legs and it will fit him...we'll try again...I'll post pics when I get them up on the computer. Until then, y'all are in suspense as to what he was!
Darcy wrote:
where can I find pom poms?

Darcy, go to one of those Party City places. The big party superstores have aisles of Halloween accessories and the prices are pretty cheap.
There aren't that many days of the year you can really go crazy/all out for, so that's why I love holidays! I look back as a child and my mom was one of those who didn't make a big deal of them (after I became too old to do those things and believe in Santa). Then I look at my husband's family who makes a big deal out of all of them even today and how much fun it always is at their place be a part of this huge ordeal and seeing everyone so happy. Reinforces my feelings towards BIG HOLIDAY celebrations!

With that said, my husband wants me to pass out candy at our new home.

I told him he was nuts.
Timeline: I arrive to Alaska the 24th Oct.
A few days later, the household goods will arrive.
I will have no vehicle but will have to rely on a couple we know there which is already uncomfortable for me. Makes me WANT a rent-a-car because I HATE relying on others (i like to start on my own schedule). However, I am worse than Jessica Simpson when it comes to sense of direction, and with the ice/snow in Alaska... I'm still debating the car thing.
Then I will have to be there when household goods arrive ....being almost 8 months pregnant... and begin unpacking.

My husband will arrive sometime after the 1st of Nov.
NO THANKS.. I don't even want to buy us a refrigerator because I am too chicken to ask our friends to drive me to the store (on top of everything else).
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