Smoke FREE for a year; now hooked on the Nicorette gum?

Having been a smoker for many, many years, I can say that I had quit, oh probably 100 times. Last year I went for my physical and my Dr. gave me the lecture about losing weight and quitting smoking. But this time he ended with "Next time I tell you this, it will probably be in hospital!"
Well that did it!
The next day I bought Nicorette and quit smoking. I have been smoke free since June 13, 2004.
Now for the rub. On my 1 year anniversay, my daughter said to me, ah ma, isn't it time to give up the gum???? WHAT? I have to give that up too? So I did. After about a month, I started having those nasty little thoughts. Oh you know the ones: Hmmm...just one puff. Hmmm...just one cigarette, you know you can stay off even if you have just one! Remeber, I was one of the smokers that LOVED smoking! The devil was on my left shoulder, the angel on my right. I hadn't had any of these thoughts while I was on the gum. After much thought, I thought...I need the gum. It won't give me lung cancer and I won't think about smoking.

So...I'm back on the gum, but more importantly, I'm still smoke free. Almost 1 1/2 years!

Darcy and everyone else quitting..STICK WITH IT!!! Get those firesticks out of your mouths. If I can do it, you can do it.

I'm proud of each and everyone of you! And! Don't be a nag to smokers. They will learn in their own time.

Deborah (chompin' away)
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Good for you Deb :)
How are all your pooches doing? Has Pirate taught Kiera manners yet? LOL
congrats :clappurple:

Keep up the good work! I never heard of anyone that died from gum! lol
Keira and manners? Never use those two words in the same sentence :roll:

She's a doll, but a bit hyper. And a bit pushie. Keira wants, what Keira wants...and NOW! She'll start agility soon. I think she'll love that.

Pirate is the same ol' laid back guy. Sweet, loving, slow and not bright. 180 degrees different from the brat girl!

Thanks for asking!

Are you still hooked on the gum? Please quit the gum... cut down, go to a lower strength, but if it's still keeping you from smoking, by all means, chew the gum. But try to quit. Please.

If it's cost effective for you to purchase your Nicroette from Amazon (with free shipping probably)..... please consider using these links.
Nicorette Gum Offerings:
Here are a bunch of choices for Nicorette Gum.
There are 13 different offerings here, they've just been sorted a couple of different ways:
Either choose your flavor, or choose your strength, you'll see all of your options.

Good luck! Let our community help you quit.
But first, Get The Gum!!!

Fresh Mint Flavor Choices:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 2mg, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 4mg Starter Kit, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Original Flavor Choices:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 50 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces

Orange Flavor Choices:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

2mg Strength Choices:
Original Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces

Fresh Mint Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 2mg, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Orange Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

4mg Choices:
Original Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 50 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces

Fresh Mint Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 4mg Starter Kit, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Orange Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
:( Yes...I'm still chewing. It is a crutch. I do use the lowest dose Nicorette (orginal mint). I can get it fairly reasonably at Sam's Club.

I've grown to love the taste of it.

And it does keep those nasty old cravings away.

Maybe after the hussle bussle of the holidays, I'll try to switch to "regular" gum.

(smoke free) Deborah
A friend a mine quit smoking 5 years ago using the gum. She continued with the gum for about 2 years. Now she just keeps a pack in her purse in case she ever has the temptation to smoke. She had to wean herself off the gum though.
She keeps a pack of cigarettes or gum in her purse? If I had cigarettes, I'd be a goner!

Its good to hear she got off the gum. There's hope for me.

If anyone watches the tv show House, I was told they had a character who was hooked on the gum, and came in with some ailment from it, but the person who saw it couldn't remember what it was. If any of you saw it and remember, please let me know. I don't think it was meant to be serious, but I'm curious.
My god I have tried to quit smoking 20 times already. Been smoking since the age of 13 and now I'm 34. I tried like hell with the patches and they didn't work for me due to really bad skin irritation. I thought what the hell I will try the gum. Bingo it works and 6 weeks later not a puff of smoke in my lungs and now I'm hooked on the gum. I smoked 2 packs a day and now I only chew 5 pieces of the gum a day which is considerably less then what I was smoking and much cheaper. I get the generic 2mg gum and works great for me. Now I'm hooked on the gum. It's better then smoking and I feel so much better now then when I did smoke.
Here I am, 3 1/2 years after quitting smoking...and STILL chewing Nicorette! Whenever I completely stop chewing, I get that nasty little voice in my head..."go don't smoke anymore, so 1 cig isn't going to start you up again." I'm sure all you ex-smoker have heard that voice. So...I still chew.

I talked to my doc about it, and he said the gum does have small amounts of nicotine, but doesn't not have the really bad stuff that will give you lung cancer or empasima (sp?) or kill you. So, I chew with the doc's blessing.

Keep up the good work, Rausch! And chew 'em if ya got 'em!
Maybe, WHEN YOU ARE READY, if you cut the pieces down in size a little bit, and try to wean yourselves off very slowly.

Nicotine is a very powerful drug.
Brians ex wife still chews nicorette after 11 yrs....she is fine!

ive been good after only one month on that chantix...although, i do cheat a LOT in my dreams...and i dream of smoking at least once a week....

my mother in law actually offered me a smoke the other night...i looked at her horrified...sheesh....
After all my smokefree time, every once in awhile I have a smoking dream. And it is DELICIOUS! Then, all of the sudden I remember OH MY! I QUIT!!! WHAT AM I DOING?!

I love/hate that dream!
Don't worry - the Royal College of Physicians (London) released their latest report on tobacco and health, entitled, “Harm Reduction in Nicotine Addiction: Helping People Who Can’t Quit”. In the preface to the report, Professor John Britton, Chair of the RCP’s Tobacco Advisory Group, stated,
NRT is perfeclty safe.
It's five years now, since I quit smoking. And five years since I started chewing Nicorette. Every December when I go for my physical the doc asks me if I'm still smoke free...YES...then he asks...are you still chewing?...YES...and then he reassures me, that's perfectly fine. You may be addicted to nicotine, but it will NOT kill you.

So...I chew.
At least it's just just the gum, not a wad of "chaw." :lol:
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