Tie your kids inside and close the curtains!!

I've been to 3 department stores that had Santa there. I asked if this was a little early and the big guy said, "he has to check his list twice." We picked up some baby furniture and when we went to their warehouse, there were bags and bags of Christmas gifts that parents had on layaway already. Jeez. Hope everyone is saving. 8)
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I know...it gets earlier and earlier each year. I went to Pier 1 today at lunch and all their fall stuff was on sale and they were unpacking christmas stuff. they had some cute stuff! Too early, though, I think. My brother is a die-hard believer that christmas season can't start until thanksgiving is over, so if he sees any commercials advertising christmas he'll turn off the tv and he also won't purchase a product by that store...a little extreme!
It's not really that far off in terms of paychecks...lol...
Willowsprite wrote:
It's not really that far off in terms of paychecks...lol...
Good one!
I am such a huge Halloween fan. here in my neighborhood we do more yard decorating for Halloween than for Christmas! So I can't possibly think about Christmas until Nov. 1st. I can see people shopping early, but not decorating and CERTAINLY not Santa! What's that all about?

Is it too early to get out my 6 foot inflatable vampire?
Our brand new Lowes has had the Christmas trees up for 3 weeks!! I just
can't believe - Christmas trees in September!!
Yesterday I was there and they now have the entire Christmas inventory
out- - all the decorations etc.
A bit early for me - I LOVE Halloween too. I am working on a great big
giant bat for one of my doorways!

Crafters appreciate having things out early........but yeah gads, not the trees and lights!
Geez that can't wait until after Halloween....what is this world coming to.
It's bad enough that my son has been talking about Santa since last Christmas :roll:
Went to Cost Plus the other night to buy wine....and lo and behold xmas junk galore.....I thought it was more appropriate to put that stuff out right before thanksgiving....sigh.....its too early....I still have to buy 25 lbs of candy for holloween.............(we get 400 kids or so) (they truck them in)
Money is getting tighter and companies are having to compete more. I don't recall them starting before Nov. in the past??? Wonder if they're playing on the "generosity of giving" this year due to the storm victims?? Wouldn't surprise me.
Its ashame that the true meaning of Christmas isn't celebrated as much as the commercialism. So many people feel the need to rush out and spend money they don't have. The holiday season is depressing for many due to lack of money, loss of loved ones, etc......
Then, many are faced with credit card bills for the rest of the year that they shouldn't have used in the first place. But, the creditors don't care as long as "they" get the money.
Could be too, with the price of gas going up and the 60- 70% rise in heating costs this winter, that they figure they better get our money before we have a chance to use it wisely or before theres none left for them to get. :roll: :x
I'm a grump and a scrouge. I HATE Halloween and really wish Christmas would just GO AWAY (the commercial aspect of it). I always wish I could runaway on Oct 30 and reappear on Jan 1 and pretend the entire period doesn't exist.

Maybe we should start a post "Why I hate the Holidays" for all us BAH HUMBUGERS
I HATE Christmas shopping :twisted:

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
Tasker's Mom wrote:

Maybe we should start a post "Why I hate the Holidays" for all us BAH HUMBUGERS

That is a good idea

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
Sign me up for the BAH HUMBUGER CLUB! I too am not crazy about the holidays...I keep trying to stop the gift giving between relatives, I keep suggesting that we donate to the women's shelter or somewhere else where it is needed. The relatives all call me Scrooge...yeah whatever! :lol:
My kids dont need gifts from all the aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents they get. Last year my kids donated their gifts they got from relatives. This year I am not getting the kids as much as usual...they need nothing. The neices and nephews are getting cash. I know its a cop-out but we hardly see them and we dont know them well at all so we have no idea what to buy. Plus it is a LOT easier on me to hand out cash. SO I too wish we could just skip the holidays...especially since hubby invited his family for Thanksgiving (which is NEXT weekend here) and there will 26 people in my tiny house and I have NO clue what to serve LOL I think I will be making a turkey the day before and serve it cold...they are coming for lunch. Sigh
Reminds me of the year I tried to get my family to make "charitable contributions" instead of gift giving......... Made the suggestion at Thanksgiving, EVERYONE agreed, said it sounded like a wonderful idea. That year our church was involved in a mission where you could "purchase" things like a cow, a goat, a pig, etc for a family in a third world Country. I carefully made my selections.......... and donated an animal in the name of each family on my list. There were very nice gift cards saying that a "_____" had been purchased in their name. Christmas morning arrived and..... YOU GUESSED IT, the rest of the family arrived laden with wrapped presents and I arrived with pigs and chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think my mother EVER forgave me for giving a pig in her name 8O
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