Need Advise for Rescue Dog

I picked Daisy up from her original family on Monday. She is supposed to be house trained, but she WILL NOT go potty outside for me. I don't know what to do for her. She's going to explode!!

I left her gated in my kitchen for about two hours yesterday. Well, she was supposed to stay gated. She jumped the gate and peed and pooped in the house. Since then, she has submissive peed a few times, but otherwise, I can't tell that she's gone at all.

She won't go on the leash, so I let her in the fenced yard to go. She just walks around a bit and comes back and sits on my feet. I don't know what to do with the poor girl!

Any suggestions?? Please help!! :roll:
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Have you tried walking around in the yard with her with no leash? When I need Clyde to go faster (like if we're in a hurry) it seems to put him more at ease if I'm there with him-- goofy as that is.

Sorry I don't have a of of advice as far as in the house for a rescue. Was she a crate trained dog? Would it be worth trying? She's probably just really scared and confused right now-- hopefully as she gets more comfortable things will begin working themselves out.
Yes, I've walked around in the yard with her without a leash. She walks around but then just comes back to me w/o doing anything. It's like she's too private or something...LOL.

She goes into her crate with no problem, but she howls until I let her out. :? Not sure what that's about. She's very sweet, but she does suffer from separation anxiety. Her mom was a stay at home mom, so she's used to being around someone all the time. She's well mannered and minds me very well. She just won't go pee or poop! :x

I'm only going to have her for a few days, so I don't want to cause her undue stress during this transition period. Her furever family is supposed to pick her up within a week. I don't feel comfortable leaving her in her crate when I know she hasn't gone potty. So, she's with me here at work - but she still won't go. :roll:

Tammy, sorry to here that Daisy is having a hard time settling in. I don't have any experience with this. Maybe put her in the crate, leave for an hour so you don't have to hear the howling, and take her outside immediately when you get back. If you keep increasing the time in the crate at SOME point the poor girl will need to pee!

Is she eating and drinking as much as she should?

Yes - she's eating & drinking fine. I've had her out several times this morning. She runs around and sniffs but just will NOT go pee or poop. Beats all I've ever seen. :?

Thanks Jill & Sue!
Don't you wish you could read their minds? I would think she would be thinking "I can tell Beau and Gen have gone out here so it's OK for me to go too", but maybe its "Hmm, other dogs have been here and they might get mad if I go in their yard...". Where's the Pet Psychic when you need one :lol:
Good question!! I do wish I could "dog speak" to her and let her know it's OKAY TO PEE!! :lol: :lol:
This whole thread reminds me of my sister-- who can only "go" in a familiar place. She hates traveling or being away from a safe bathroom. It sounds funny but try touring Europe with someone like that. We'd be on the other end of Paris from our hotel and have to return because she couldn't do it anywhere else. Maybe Daisy is just like her. :twisted:
This could be a number of things. Dogs develope substance preference for the criteria they require befroe they will eliminate. This could be gravel ground, grass, and also prefered circumstances, which could be on-leash, off-leash, alone, with someone, with dogs, without dogs...even a certain time of day. Best thing to do would be to try all sorts of different environments to see what works. She may even be waiting for her verbal cue, so try to cue her verbally with something that she may have been trained with. I note she went when she as alone in the house. That means to me that she is not comfortable about going in front of people, so she may have been disciplined for going in the "wrong" place before. Now she doesn't know where the right place is so best go when she is alone. We've taken in many rescue dgos that have not been house-trained, and thus the reason for the re-homing. And in a lot of cases the house-training does fall off the wagon, anyway, so treat her like a puppy for now. Where to eliminate is not her bigest worry right now, poor baby. Crating is not a bad thing for a rescue dog, as they need time to sort things through. Time alone will help her get her wits together as she is probably so overwelmed she cannot think straight. Unless she gets really stressed in a crate. A nice walk or run to get things moving may help, but if she is not comfortable she will not go, so keep things as calm and quiet as possible. If she can go with other dogs that often helps, like people chatting over a cup of tea or having a beer, dogs often do their thing and then examine each others. I went out of town on a 3 day weekend once with my dog, and he never went potty (either one) for the whole time. Don't stress over it. It may take a day or so, but it will happen.
That's funny, Jill. I dated a guy like that once. We drove an hour home from the mountains in the middle of a picnic so he could go! :x And then we went back! :roll:

Bosley's Mom - thanks for the response. I have tried to verbally cue her, too. So far, though -no go. That does make me feel better though to know that it's not unusual. She's only my third foster dog, so I'm still new at figuring out how to help them transition.

Daisy is a really sweet girl and I'm trying very hard to make her comfortable. I know she's got to be nervous and afraid being away from her family for the first time in her life. I even let her sleep with me last night! I'm afraid I'm going to have a very difficult time giving her up. :cry:
Be patient... when she finally goes, be so happy, and praise, not loud noises, just happy sounds and a very gentle hug.

This is what happened with our Foster guy. Once he realized we actually wanted him to go on leash, and was praised and hugged, he just melted in my arms.

( in the quoted paragraph that's titled: "Ron to a Bunch of People wrote:" )
I am sure you have done this, but it popped into my head when I read
about Daisy. You said she has had an accident inside- did you put the
"evidence" outside where you want her to potty? I had a similar problem
when we were moving with our old dog. She had never pottied anywhere
but her own old yard. Once I brought some of her goodies from the old
yard, problem solved.
Just a thought

Thanks Ron & Shellie. :)

I appreciate the help. I think she did finally go yesterday afternoon. I left her in the yard (fenced) by herself for awhile and when I went back to get her, there was evidence that she'd gone. Whew!

I still can't get her to go on leash for me, though. She got me up at 2:44 a.m. this morning, I THOUGHT to go pee. She was ansy and kept going to the door (she slept with me again). So, I took her outside. She ran around a bit and then came back to the door...did not pee. Of course, she went out again this morning, but didn't pee then either.

I wish I could stop worrying about her. :( I know she'll go when she has to go - it's inevitable (sp?) right? But, I had to leave her in her crate today and not bring her to work with me. My stupid battery died on my SUV :evil: and when I got it jumped off I drove straight to the dealership to have it replaced. Not knowing how long I'd be there or how/when I'd get to work, I didn't want to bring her along.

Sooo....she's at home sleeping (hopefully) until I go pick her up to go to the groomer. She's getting shaved down today.

Thanks for listening and helping with my little ongoing rescue saga!! :D
Yaah! She's gone and done it! I wouldn't be concerned about getting her to go on leash. If she is not used to doing it that way she will likely take a while to start, so her new family can work on that. Think of it as if suddenly you were expected to relieve yourself in a bathroom with no door for now on. You may only go when no-one was home..or in her case, when noone is outside with her. Far cry from going when you have visitors LOL
She may be very glad to see you when you get home, so take her out right away and she may "forget herself" and perform. Always bring some yummy treats outside with you, so you can reward her if she does do it with you there. But don't make a big deal about her not going, as she will get stressed if you are asking her to do something that she does not understand. Relax and enjoy fostering. It is hard to do, but you need to try not to bond with her, so that she doesn't miss you too much, and can latch on to her new family when they shower her with love and attention. Almost like tough love. I do a combination of giving attention to see if they can easily bond with a new person, and I also remain somewhat detached so the split is not that hard on the dog when it goes to its new home. That's the hard part, and also the part that my husband just doesn't get. He's the bubbering cry-baby when the rescue dogs leave...: )
I went home to get her and poor girl had peed in her crate. Of course, I didn't "fuss" at all. Just pulled the comforter out and tossed in into the washer and cleaned the crate floor.

At least she did finally go pee! :D

Now we're off to the groomer. :D

You're absolutely right Bosley's Mom. It's really hard to stay somewhat detached with the foster dogs. I think Daisy has been tougher for me because she just left a loving family and is confused about what's going on with her. She bonded with me almost immediately. I hate it because I realize it's going to make it harder for her with her new family. :cry: And for me when she leaves. :cry:

She finally decided to go potty for me!! Last night she let me know she had to go out and she pooped in the yard!! LOL I'm so relieved!! :lol:

This morning when I took her out she went straight out and peed and came right back! :lol:

SO happy she's finally adjusting a bit.

She looks so sweet with her hair shaved...and she smells good, too!! :D
Yaah! Happy days! Funny how excited a group of dog people can get over some doggy doo LOL
It is funny, isn't it? I never thought Poo would make me so happy! LOL :D
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