Feeling bummed...

I've been soo busy with the new (old) house renovations, I'm hardly on to say hi to everyone... so Hi! Renos are going well, but we still can't get the doggie till spring (good thing come to those who wait, but this is getting ridiculous). Hubby wants to have a fence up before the dog comes, we're surrounded by roads on 3 sides, and the neighbor has an Akita, and not a very nice one either. I'm concerned about aggresive behavior, and want to make sure that my dog is properly protected. It is still such a bummer though... I want my Sheepie, durn it all!

On top of the doggie disapointment, my horsemanship instructor is moving out of state to Arkansas! Waah!


Still: The house is lovely, even if it needs a lot of TLC, my yard is huge, I just bought my first rose bush for the garden, and my Victorian curtains look smashing in the dining room!

How is everyone else doing out there? Are the kids enjoying the new school year? Are all of the Sheepiues behaving themselves (or not, as the case may be)?

Karen :)
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Hey Karen --
Sorry you are feeling down. You new home/yard/dog are all wonderful things. Planting a rosebush is a great start! Will you also plant bulbs? I'd love to see pictures as things come along. I hope you will be able to make friends with that Akita. . .Where will the doggie be while you are waiting? That sounds really really hard. Hang in there!


Karen... Akitas can be really nasty towards other dogs... hopefully this one is not, but if it is, I would suggest a double layered wodden fence might be the first outdoor project! :)
Hi Karen, It sounds as if you'll be quite busy with your home for the next few months. Hopefully time will fly by and your sheepie will be with you in, what seems like, no time!! It sounds like so much fun to redo an older home, someday that would be something I'd like to do, with my hubbies help of course!! Spring will be a wonderful time for a new puppy, I'll look forward to hearing more about how your house redos are going. take care, Sharon :lol:
Do we get house pictures??????

Enjoy this time of renovating your first home while you're young! We did major stuff like this when we were young and now we look back and say - how the hell did we do it? Where did we find the time and energy? And for sure, we couldn't do it again!!

Your sheepie will come soon enough. You're right - you need to make sure the furbaby will be protected from the Akita.

And who knows? As the old saying goes - new house, new baby! 8)

Did you get your breeder all picked out? You don't want to run into any more delays when you are all ready for your pup!

Good luck on the house! We definitely need pictures!

And which rose did you buy?
Thanks for cheering me up guys! I promise to post before, during, and after pictures in a few weeks... as for energy- Yes! thank goodness we're young and have no children. The amount of work is tremendous, and while we are really enjoying it, it is exhausting!!! I work a full day, go to the house and work some more, then work all weekend long. I'm not even doing the heavy work- I'm doing the light stuff, like finishing the kitchen cabinets, and scraping 1970s carpet padding off of the hardwood, and I'm still really tired by the end of the day.

New house new baby :oops: umm.. well the only baby we're planning on is a fur baby right now, but I do have the nursery room all picked out already! :lol:

The akita is a puzzle- he comes right into our yard, releives himself, won't come and say hi to me or even wag his tail. The neighbor doesn't keep him restrained at all, all I can think of is him getting hit by a car, heaven forbid!! I'm gonna have hubby talk to our neighbor and ask him to make sure he stays in his own yard. I love dogs, but he is just not a very friendly boy :cry: Meanwhile the sheltie across the street is dying to make friends with me, but his mom hasn't brought him come over to say hi yet! I'll have to go over one of these weekends myself.

As for the garden, I have planted:

"Reine des Violette" which is my rose
"Aunt Dee" Kentucky Wisteria
A white old fashioned bleeding heart
"Rip Van Winkle" daffodils
"Poeticus Recurvus" daffodils
Fritillaria (checkered lillies)
and spanish bluebells

Along with a few transplants from my grandma's garden including echinacea, white phlox, mini and bearded iris, siberian iris, and lupine.

The beds are there, but very overgrown, and need a TON of help... I've got my work cut out for me!

I even have my pond spot all picked out!

So things are definitely progressing, the kitchen will be done ina couple more weeks, and we can finally move the big furniture in. I'll keep everyone up to date... thanks for be interested!

(and if any one knows of a good horse barn in the twin cities... I'm looking... Sigh!)

Karen :)
These are exciting days, Karen! It is hard work, but knowing in the end it will be worth it all keeps you going. :D

Your garden sounds like it will be lovely! :D

Fencing does sound like a necessity before your furbaby comes. The not-so-friendly Akita may not like a new dog in "his" territory.

I was wondering the same thing as Mandy - do you have a breeder picked out yet? Or are you going the rescue route?
Moving/renovating is A LOT of work, but just think about how proud you'll be of everything when it's over. The satisfaction makes it all worthwhile. :)
Karen,Im so sorry I havent seen this post til now,I had noclue you and Mike bought a house.Where did you find it at?Is it an Victorian home?Im so happy for you guys!!YEAH!!!I know you guys will make your new home perfect almost Martha Stewart looking...hehe!!You seem like youd be very crafty,for me forget about it,I buy crafts from sales,old ladies,etc...leave them out and say "Well yes i sure did make that. :D "My close friends no Im bs'ING.You have got too post pics soon I cant wait too see your home.
I can hear the pitter patter of 4tiny feet....I would also put up a wooden privacy fence due to the wondering dog.Make it safe for when you "do" have an upright baby.
Congrads karen tell Mike big Congrads also,you two as a couple are just so neat,and you deserve all that is wonderful.Many blessed yrs too you guys!! :D
Hi Karen,
congrats on all the hard work! It'll be worth it. Somehow I have managed to be the one who does most of the work at our house. Our next project is the kitchen and we'll be putting in granite tile countertops. The ones we have now are some cheap white material and they stain! Who would ever create a countertop that stains. Oh well :roll:

Can you plant things now, as far north as you are? (I have no idea...I've only lived in 2 fairly warm-weathered states)...Sounds like a beautiful garden, though...

Well... We're really torn between a puppy from a breeder and a rescue. I have been in touch with a breeder over in WI, not very far at all, since my town is right on the border w/ Wisconsin. They're one of the more top winning breeders in OESCA, not as big as Lambluv, but still really great folks with gorgeous dogs. They're not planning any more pups till spring I think, so that'd work great for us as far as timing.

On the other hand, I've been trying to become more active with MOESR too, and I'd really like to try out fostering an older animal. We're still 1/2 year away, so we have some time to make up our minds too...

Our home is an old Victorian, built in 1880, it is a charmer I think, but it needs a lot of love! Unfortunately, a lot of the cool exterior features have been stripped away- they screened in the porch (it is really unattractive right now), there is vinyl siding- and none of the original millwork that was(I assume) there remains. That can all be brought back however, plus all of the old trim on the inside is there, there is an original light fixture in the hall that I LOVE, and a really beautiful stain glass window in the living room that I'm picking up on for decorating colors. PICS will come, I promise!

As for the garden- in MN we jut had our first light frost last night, which pretty much signals the last time to plant any perrenials, so that is over with now. However, this is the perfect time to plant bulbs and peony roots(I really wanted to put in a tree peony this fall, but they're too spendy!) and you can plant trees still too. I'm pretty much done with my planting now. I'm gonna measure out the flower beds/yard and work on the landscape design over the winter. (Thanks goodness for home/yard architect software!! I love that stuff!)

It really is very exciting for us... BUT if anyone wants to come over to MN and help, they're more than welcome :lol:

Karen :)
First frost? oh my gosh, cold weather scares the goosebumps off me!!! Even more of a reason to get a sheepdog to keep you warm. :D

I think it's great that you guys want to build a fence first. It'll probably help wonders when winter comes and you don't want to go outside!!! We currently don't have a fence either. In fact, where we are... it's not allowed! We're going to write the board and ask if we can have one, but we bought it with the understanding we couldn't. Not sure how I'll deal with that ...considering I can't handle cold weather (medical reasons).

I'm so happy that things are moving along though. Can you imagine how excited everyone will be WITH YOU when you post "I'm getting a Sheepie!" hehheehe
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