Crustiness on Scalp?

Hendrix has been itching a lot lately. We thought it was just him trying to itch through his thick fur and then on Friday he yelped and then itched his nub tail. We took a look at his tale and noticed the skin was red, he then went to itch his hind leg and we noticed his back leg has no fur because he's gnawed at it to his skin.

We brought out the flea/tick comb and couldn't see anything. We finally found a patch, about the size of a half dollar of crustiness. It was a mix of dried skin and sandy looking parts. Now, we don't have any sand by the house. Is it dry skin? Flea egs? I have no idea.

We called the vet and she told us he may have dry skin or allergic to our shampoo. We washed him yesterday in Oatmeal Shampoo after the vets recommendation. She also told me to by this Frontline Preventative Flea and Tick stuff that we put on his back. She also said it wouldn't hurt to get him daily vitamins of Omega Fatty Acid pills.

Anyone know what else we should do? Look for in his coat?
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Lucy gets pretty bad skin allergies so we go through something similar every season. Poor thing usually has a couple of shaved down spots because once she starts chewing, it's a lot easier to clean the area when there aren't chunks of hair in it. It's always a big chunk off one of her back legs or her tail (this season it was the tail). She knows better than to chew it out if we're around so I'll leave the house and come back to what looks like a torn up fur coat all over the house.

Oh, but I digress. Once the skin gets irritated, we use the doggie version of Bactine, which disinfects as well as allieviates itching. I got ours from the vet but I think you can get it over the counter too. Once the wounds scab over (if it gets that bad), I put straight aloe vera gel on to sooth the itchiness. Lucy doesn't like the feel of the cold spray hitting her body so we have better luck with the gel. If it's super bad and the chewing doesn't stop, he'll need something stronger than an oatmeal bath-- particularly if it isn't fleas.
I have also got 2 dogs that itch. Flannigan sometimes will lose a whole patch of hair on his back nearer to his tail. I use an anti itch lotion there. He has had this for years, the vet said it is a hot spot. No fleas or ticks.
Fergie is itchy too. Use oatmeal shampoo and seams to work. I think its because she is getting her new coat.
Lots of black fur around lately.

Food allergyies????? maybe
Foor allergies, that's interesting. He's had the same dog food, but perhaps it may be a treat?

People at my work have me paranoid, they said the sandy substance, if black is fleas. I remember some parts of the sandy stuff looking black. I'll check again tonight, perhaps take a digital picture?

I'm going to take him to our groomer and show them the spot I found. She suggested I put warm water behind one of his legs and if we see spots of blood then he's got fleas. The groomer said fleas are attracted to warm moist places.

I didn't know that a new coat coming in would cause so much itchiness in a dog.

Has anyone had a dog with fleas before? I've heard that if he has fleas I'd know it.
I would make sure the vet checks for ringworm too just in case... it's not actually a worm despite it's name, it is a fungal infection.
For fleas...try putting a bowl of water under a light source. And make sure your dog can't drink from it :wink: . The fleas are attracted to the light and then fall into the water. I've done this many times in the past to see if there is a major problem with fleas.
I took Hendrix to his groomer last night, no fleas! The vet said he had a scab that he scratched or chewed at that caused the flakiness. She suggested some medicated shampoo for Dry/Itchy fur. I'm so relieved!

I'm going to purchase the Front Line Top Spot? Should I buy enough to use every month?
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