dirt eater

When we got Hokis Pokis the breeder told us that OES are generally clean dogs by nature. This does not seem to be the case with HP as he likes nothing better than to either dig a hole or just sit in the garden and eat dirt. I'm sure this isn't really good for him internally and it makes his beard just filthy which is then very hard to keep clean and I'm worried might get infected.

Is it normal for this breed to eat dirt? Will he out grow it? And does anyone have any suggestion how to stop it or a least an good way of keeping his beard clean.

We have 1 1/2 acres for him to run so I can't always keep my eye on him.

Michele and Hokis Pokis (a.k.a. the dirt muncher)
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Yes, for me I have to watch Fergie too. She will eat just about anything but realy likes dirt too. She is 5 months and seems to be out growning it just a little. Cinde will eat her poop.YUCK I have to scream at her to stop. She is a resuce who was tied to a tree for 3 yrs. I think it was her way to get food. She does not do it as much now. Good Luck :lol:
I don't know what your breeder was talking about! Actually, it seems to be on a dog to dog basis whether or not they are dirty. Barney doesn't get too dirty, but then, we haven't gotten very much rain this year and our yard is fairly mud-free.

He likes to eat pine cones and pine needles...not so much with the dirt. When we first got him he ate his poop but he has grown out of it. Every once in a while he'll sniff it very enthusiastically and I've even seen a lick, but thank goodness the munching's stopped!
Truman ate dirt and sand as a youngster. He's about 2 1/2 now and has graduated to eating grass! Must have been a pony in a previous life!
As a pup Barney didn't have too many opportunities with dirt, except the occasion when I dug up a fence post and left a mound of dirt behind. When I came home from work the next day he looked like he had buried his head in the hole and made it bigger from the amount of mud on his paws. Hosing him down and covering the area with concrete pavers I was more careful in the future. As for eating grass I've been told dogs will do that when the feel they need roughage in their diet or have an upset stomach. However Barney has a special liking for gum balls (from sweet gum trees). He sneak one in the house and first thing I find pieces all over the place.
Hi Michelle,

I wish your breeder had been right about o.e.s. being clean dogs, mine both dug holes in the garden as puppies, I think they enjoy getting dirty. They try to pick up horse poo and carry it home in their mouth if I dont notice what they are doing. I dont think they eat it though. They also love to roll in anything really smelly :oops:
I wash them off with a bowl of soapy water and a nice big sponge. I find keeping their beards trimmed helps. They always get muddy feet, I find it is best to let the mud dry and brush it out. I used to wash Frodo's feet in a bucket of water after a walk, but I found after a while the hair got very matted on his legs.

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
Depends on the dog. Mo is a real mud dog. She loves to splash thru water and mud. Jack and Harry would rather not get dirty.......wet feet is all they will tolerate.

As for dirt eating, assuming you dog does not have internal parasites and is being fed quality dog food, dirt eating is probably just a phase.......along with eating everything else they encounter.

Mo, like Truman, still enjoys noshing on grass.
I have just been searching websites to see if other OES eat mud - my Ollie who is 13 weeks old can't get enough of it and grass, but glad to see that it must be an OES thing - I've had other dogs and they've never done it. Think he must of been a goat in a previous life - what I don't see here is any solution or do they just grow out of it ???
LMAO!!! :lol: I remember when i got Mickey and I joined this wonderful place,I thought my goodness what kind of wacked out puppy do I have here?He eats dirt for goodness sakes!! :lol: I remember Willow told me,just wait once you have been here a while youll see alot of the OES do infact eat dirt!!hehe!!Darn that Willow is smart :D
Sorry i dont have advice,all i can say is my OES did it also when he was tiny,also he distroyed ALL plants in my backyard.Good news is Mickey doesnt eat dirt any more,but dont ask me about the plants :?
Yes i think it is just a puppy thing, he should grow out of it

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
My dog was 12 and he would still nuzzle in any dirt he could find. Luckily it would be too funny to be annoyed . If you are really concerned about keeping his beard clean either clip it or put a small amount of baby powder through the white bits of his coat and brush it brings it up a brilliant white . I only used that when showing him .
My dogs have never been dirt eaters.... some people believe it may be a lack of something in his diet, iron perhaps... do you have him on a high quality food?
Another reason may be looking for moisture, does he have enough water available?
Or, he might just like to eat dirt. :lol:
Bobby was just a moocher. He loved digging and rolling in the mud especially after i just gave him a bath.
Molly is 12 weeks old and she eat dirt constantly - well she would if i let her. I limit it. She eats grass regularly as well. In fact she puts anything in her mouth and i really have to watch her when she's out.

It makes me feel a lot better to hear that a lot of OES like to munch on dirt. This is my first dog.
michele wrote:
When we got Hokis Pokis the breeder told us that OES are generally clean dogs by nature.

:lol: :lol: That's a good joke.....

Actually, they are very clean, every time they finish rolling in the mud, getting stained in grass or run in the sand, they start a very careful grooming ritual, where they remove every particle of dirt from their coat. Watch it overnight and you'll find a dirt halo around your dog.

About eating dirt, grass and everything else... Sometimes is just a phase, like Lennon (He outgrew it, now he chews stones 8O) or it turns into a habit where you must keep a watchful eye on what your doggie is eating, like Sofa, who eats everything in sight. We've tried everything to stop her from digging and eating stuff. Pepper, repelents, catching her in the act... Nothing seems to work!
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