Boy dog lifts his leg . . . when?

Our boy Quincy is now 6 months old and still squats slightly to wee.

The problem is that at 50+ pounds he has quite the water tank and water pressure. It takes him a good while to wee off a full tank. Such a quantity is expelled that he is often standing in his own wee once he's done. Also, if pressure is really bad, he has been known to hit his forelegs with the stream brought forth.

So, is there any way to train the boy to lift his leg?
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my pup einstein is 10 months old and he was starting to lift his leg at 9 months. we then had him castrated and he back to squatting again he sometimes gets his leg

we have to shower him down occasionally :oops:

so he may never lift his leg my brothers english springer spaniel is 3 and he still squats

i don't think him getting himself is a problem as long as he groomed properly
there was a post about it i've read but i'm new and can't remember where it was i'm sure one of the other members will be able to help

but remember it only one little thing, nothing in comparison to the love of a sheepie

Pooh is 14 months and leans forward....he lifted once when he was maybe 6 months, but almost fell over. He's never even hinted at doing it again. He was castrated as a puppy (rescue) so he never had the urge to mark....
Hi John
My neardie boy finally got the idea :idea: Lifting leg verses the Quat after hanging out with some big guys (puppers) at the park 8O
Diane...sort of a monkey see, monkey do
PS Notice this time it is not poop talk but pee...Yikes!
Barney is just over a year now and he squats. He, like Pooh, lifted his leg once and almost fell over and it's been squats ever since...He mostly misses himself and the area where we have him pee is pretty absorbant (pine needles) so he rarely stands in it. If he does, then we have him run around the grass for a few minutes...good as new!
Well this is funny!!My maltese Eddie he lifted his leg at 3months old!! 8O He was THE worst,the vet said he needed to get fixed ASAP!Altho I waited til 5months he wanted too do it at 4months,now my Collie who is now 3 never lifted his leg til he was 2 :oops: ..hehe!!I think he started due too Mickey,Im thinking Mickey did it at about 8months old.So has you can see w/ my boys I guess it depends on the breed maybe or the attitude??Honestly Eddie at 9lbs has the BIGGEST attitude "issue" out of all my boys.Of course my angel Landon my Brussels griffon still doesnt lift his leg at 7months,I did however get him fixed 2weeks ago so maybe he wont even start??
Clyde's never done it either. I tried to help him learn and only got peed on. He also used to be a foot peer too because of the pressure but I've found as he's gotten older, he has better control of the pressure and goes out more frequently rather than waiting for us (we have a dog door). We only have spraying incident every once in awhile.
:lol: Cody Is 14 months now,Leans alittle forward,no leg lift yet..I was wondering the same thing..Oh Well..To each thier own I
Jasper is nearly 10 months old and doesn't lift his leg yet.
At 4-1/2 Henry lifts his leg about half the time and the other half he squats. He does try to do both but usually tips over, especially when he is also trying to look at something behind him while lifting and squatting. And yes, he does pee on his own front legs. :oops:
Still squatting and liking it :o
Tag passed 6 mths, still squatted but was starting a half lift...I'm not sure if he started yet, he's moved now.

The male boxer we had he lifted by 8 mths.
Bailey is 8 months and does the forward lean. Doesn't hit himself, thank goodness :D
My five year old FEMALE husky lifts her leg to pee on trees.... :lol:
LMAO@Willows FEMALE husky!! :lol:
That's like asking, "At what age do boys remember to lift the seat to pee pee?" I think there may be a problem with laziness in there somewhere. Sorry guys. :oops: :lol:

My males were all a year and over, but would still squat once in awhile as "old men" dogs.

Willow, did you check your dog to see for sure what sex it was? :lol:
I got a kitten from my little sisters years ago, and they told me it was a girl. Well, they knew the differance so I didn't even look. :oops: It was cute and needed a home. Months later, on one of our regular visits, mom says, "You're cats raping Buffy (her cat)!" Well, found out that night that "Suzie" was a boy named Sue. :oops: :lol:
Was Susie a black cat? Then s/he'd be The Kitten in Black. Did he have intact ears or was one of them cut off in a bar fight with a relative?
mouthypf wrote:
Willow, did you check your dog to see for sure what sex it was? :lol:
I got a kitten from my little sisters years ago, and they told me it was a girl. Well, they knew the differance so I didn't even look. :oops: It was cute and needed a home. Months later, on one of our regular visits, mom says, "You're cats raping Buffy (her cat)!" Well, found out that night that "Suzie" was a boy named Sue. :oops: :lol:

LOL.... yep, we're sure she's a girl.... if nothing else the kicking puppies in her belly gave it
Maxmm, Sorry he wasn't black. He was a pretty gray to match my silver OES. I worried about the ears when I first got him, didn't know how him and the dog would interact, but they grew up together and were the bestest (lol) of buddies.

Willow, Whoops, guess that'd be a dead give-away. No wonder she lifts her leg, she's exercising for the big event. Wish you happy, healty puppies.
Tasker is 9 years old and still squats to pee 95% of the time. He will occasionally lift his leg to pee but it's obviously only in a "quick pee" situation. He was neutered at 6 months, I wondered if it makes a difference if they are neutered before sexual maturity, before "marking" behavior starts....

Tasker has learned to spread his legs quite far apart and rarely splashes.
No i dont think you can help him to do it . My fella used to do both and boy he could pee a river . I am sure he will figure it out soon especially when he starts to smell a lady friend around .
haha thats funny i have a maltese, foose, hes 3 months old he started humping things, to show dominence i guess, n this morning he started lifting up his leg to pee lol hes hilarious n thinks hes the tuffest lol
My boy, neutered so not sure it matters, still does not lift his leg all the time at almost 3 years old 8O I will say, my first OES lived to be almost 15 years old...and he NEVER lifted his leg :)
Mine's neutered and he lifts his leg proudly, thank you very much! :lol:

Someone once told me boy dogs supposedly need to learn from each other. Not sure how true that is. If you've ever watched a young, male OES lift his leg for the first time you might be forgiven for thinking they learn it by mistake: darn near trip over something, leg happens to fly up when they're peeing and a lightbulb moment perhaps? :wink: The balance is certainly so-so in the beginning. That and their aim :twisted: :evil: :roll: both improve over time. :lol: :lol:

Jack does both. If he's near a bush or tree, up pops the leg, if he's in an open area, he squats.

MO, the girl squats and lifts a leg.

The other 2 have it correct for the sex.
10 month dream 2yrs duff neither life their leg
hey...harley is 8 months and is more then half the time lifting his leg to pee...and let me tell ya he pees all over his front legs most of the time and it drives me nuts...because then of course he wants to lick the pee this a sheepie thing? lol
Zak is turning 14 in 2 months and has gone back to squatting to pee- maybe it's to hard now to lift leg?? haha
Duffie, our 3 yr old neutered rescue OES has just recently started lifting his leg but also has balance issues! We have had him since January.

Our 1.5 yr old neutered lab, Barks, has been lifting his leg for ever - we figure Duffie learned from him. We also were told that its a learned behaviour which fits with Duffie just starting to do it and Barks started lifting his leg after seeing others at obedience class & the puppy parks (around 6-7 months).

Our first lab lived for 7 years and never, not once, lifted his leg, where my parents 15 year old GSD always lifted his leg & marked every vehicle tire that ever came into the farm yard!!
I am reading all of thi pee stuff with an ice pack on my shoulder due to an injury to my neck. Anyway, I needed the laugh so thanks!

All I can say lomg as they are peeing outside, who cares if they lift their leg or not :lol: :lol: Unless you are in their line of "fire" 8O
Laika lifts her leg on trees too! (female) :lol:

Langley still squatting and peeing on his front legs :roll:
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