E-mail from my hubby about being stationed for Katrina

Just thought I'd share an "insider's" view of what it's like down there. I talked to him the other night. He's doing well, but he's SO ready to come home already. :(

Just taking the opportunity to drop a line to say hey to everyone. I'm still deployed with the hurricane relief efforts, but I got a day off and have snuck away to best western to use their computer and washing machines... lol.

It's been pretty chaotic around here, I will agree with alot of people that this whole situation could have been handled better - lack of communication has driven alot of people nuts.

Currently most of our operations for support (such as red cross shelter aid, handing out ice and water) has been suspended for our unit due to the incoming Army troops. I've been tasked with security for the shelter that we have set up at our base, so we've been pulling 16-17 hour days setting up for "residents". Our facilities are set up for 750 people with probably about 500 support people to help them.

I think for the most part everything is going fairly well - Alot of the media aren't reporting that nearly 300,000 people were rescued from New Orleans area in the first 4 days... nor do they mention that the state's rights keep the federal government from responding to situations like this until they are formally requested (which unfortunately takes time). Nor have I heard reports that many of the soldiers on the coast aren't scared of the looters or hulligans - but the domesticated and wild dogs that have the look in their eyes ... not sure how to describe the look - but it's when they've tasted human flesh and are trying to determine when you're going to be their next meal.

Well I've gone on long enough - I'll try to catch up with you guys sooner or later again - take care all.
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Please let your hubby know how much we appreciate all that he is doing there. We also appreciate the sacrifice that you and your children are making in allowing him to be there.

I think that probably the most frightening statement in the e-mail was about the dogs. I just can't imagine having to feel that emotion when it comes to an animal. It must be hard for him too.

Please know that your family and all of the families with someone deployed are in my thoughts and prayers. Tell him that Pud sends him sheepie sugars and that he promises he would only lick him to death. :wink:
I'm happy he gets a chance to be in touch with you, that would bother me the most I think...not knowing how he was doing everyday.

Scary about the dogs too...I suppose that's what some gotta do to survive.

I hope you and the boys are doing well, thinking of you.
Thank-you for sharing the e-mail. My thoughts are with your family and I hope for a speedy journey home for your husband.
thank you for shareing your e mail. I hope that this does nor\t effect him later. GOD BLESS HIM FOR HIS HELP :P
Tell him thank you!!! and thank YOU for sharing the email.
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