As you can see, the hour is late and I am up surfing the net because I can't sleep. Like many of you, this whole Katrina situation has given me many sleepless nights over the last few weeks. I find that I wake up in the middle of the night and start to think about the people, the animals, the children, the whole situation.............and feel so helpless!!!

I cannot imagine that there are any of us who haven't been touched in some way and haven't reached out to help in what ever way we may be able to. Below is yet another oppportunity to come to the assistance of someone devastated by this terrible tragedy.

I do not know if it is acceptable to post this here and if not, I sincerely apologize Ron and PLEASE you may delete it. But I have followed this paticular story since the early days of the hurricaine when no one really knew where Cathy was or if she had escaped. I do NOT KNOW CATHY PERSONALLY only her story. But I cannot tell you how many times in the last few weeks I have wept over the thought of this women stranded in an attic trying to keep her dogs alive.

Being as this is an OES forum, I know that a hand painted picture of a Maltese Dog is not much of "prize" but consider this a "contribution" to a very worthy caouse :D :D I have seen the painting, there is a web site it is posted on and if anyone is interested I'll post it tomorrow when I am more awake, and it is STUNNING.

And who knows, if you win, I just might be willing to buy it off you :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Thanks for your time and please take a moment to read the below as a fellow animal lover!


Permission given for cross posting

TaLin Maltese <> wrote:
Subject: Your help is needed for a fellow Maltese

Hello, everyone,
First of all, I need to tell you a Readers'
Digest version of a story that took place with
Hurricane Katrina. There is a gal, Cathy Lepetit,
of New Orleans who was standing in water three
feet deep when her family came to rescue her. She
is in her mid to late 60's, no longer breeds
Maltese, but had several as beloved pets as well as
two Rotties and a few kitties. Because there was
no room in the vehicle for her pets, she chose to
stay with them, rather than abandon them to the
elements. As the waters rose, she couldn't get
the Rotties up to the attic, but did get the
Maltese and kitties up there. For four days she sat on
a 2'x4' beam in the attic, in incredible heat and
without food or water. She watched, unable to do
anything, as one-by-one her beloved pets died
from heat and lack of food and water. Eventually,
with all her hopes, pets and home washed away (she
couldn't afford insurance) she struggled out to
the roof where she was rescued. She was taken to
Oklahoma where
she is currently staying with a friend, as she
has no family left, no home, no beloved Maltese,
Sue Collands is an INCREDIBLE artist. She
has painted a head study of a Maltese, which I am
enclosing with this email. We are raffling off
one of Sue's paintings, an idea that had its
inception on the Maltese Forum. Currently we are
asking $10/ticket (chance) or 6/$50. I am enclosing
the snail mail address where you can send whatever
money you can see fit to spare for this poor
woman. Please enclose with your check, made out to
Cathy LaPetit, your email address and your
physical address. Sue's attorney is monitoring this,
being the disinterested 3rd party to collect and
hold the money until a "number" is drawn. You will
be assigned a number for each "chance" you
contribute. Please help this gal who has lost

Mail a check or money order, made out to Cathy
Lepetit to the following address ASAP, please
Sue Collands
459 South State Street
Painesville,Oh. 44077

Thank you for your generosity.

Linda Haas
List-owner, Maltese Forum

TaLin Maltese
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Oh, how cool is that. Where is the website? I think all the help we can get is needed! My husband will be driving through Louisiana and Mississippi shortly to see how a few of his friends are. I know we'll help where we can!

Here is the link to the painting and also to the forum. Joahaeyo, I was thinking about you when I posted this :lol: This "forum" is mor list a list-serve than a forum like this (oir the malteseonly forum). It is one where you get seperate e-mails. When I first joined I was drowned with dozens of e-mails daily so I changed my subscription to "digest" and get one or two e-mails daily that include all the emails. You may or may not be interested in it, it is mostly "show" people. I am mostly a "reader" not a contributer"
Sure this post can stay, but I'll add a couple of thoughts:

1) This would be an illegal raffle in my state, so I want to make it clear that has nothing to do whatsoever with the raffle, and does not endorse people partaking in it.

2) also is not endorsing the sending of money to this woman, because it has no idea as to the authenticity of the story, or the people involved in the finances of the appeal.

People can be moved by stories, and I don't want to discourage giving. I just don't know anything about the situation other than what has been posted here.
Thanks Ron....... apparently this was fairly carefully researched by the attorney for the person running the raffle (according to the forum-which of course I cannot verify) and according to the original post since the checks are to be made out to the recipient of the "benefit" it is more of a contribution than a raffle and the painting is to be a gift to be given to a person drawn from the names of the people who contribute.

I am usually pretty cautious when it comes to these situtions and prefer to give to "known" entities but for some reason have been very moved by this paticular situation and felt the need to share it.

I of course am a sap at heart, and cannot absolutely verify the authenticity of this but I believe it to be true!

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