Tips on keeping the house clean (remedies)

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We're moving into a new house and I want to be Super Mom/Housecleaner!!!! how does club soda work? Do I just buy a bottle and pour some on a stain? What kind of stains does it work on?

Any tips for keeping the house clean of SNOW and muddy feet? We're getting a bunch of mats for the front entrance (leads to 2 staircases) because I JUST KNOW ol' Yukster will come in from the snow dying to run through the house. We're putting a puppy gate at the top of the stairs (which leads to the living room) so she can't always get through.

I usually use Orange Clean to clean EVERYTHING. I can't think of a stain (on an appliance) it hasn't gotten out with ease. Unfortunately, it isn't sold anymore where I am in Oklahoma (at least not at Wal Mart). The new versions of it from different brand names me, aren't exactly the same strength/effectiveness.

I use nature's miracle for potty stains.

Any tips for ANYTHING?????????? Blow my mind away ......please.

I only have until this weekend before the computer is shut down for over a month!
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Keep a house clean? If you find out how, let me know.
i want them tips too :lol:

with a 3 month old son and an oes pup my house is in constant need of tidying

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I'd like to recommend this book. She's got tips on everything. There are several books by Linda Cobb all about cleaning. They are all available on Amazon and I'm sure Ron will be happy to link it for you. :wink:

How the Queen Cleans Everything : Handy Advice for a Clean House, Cleaner Laundry, and a Year of Timely Tips (Hardcover), by Linda Cobb

[How'd you guess? :)
-Ron ]
Here's my house cost saving tip to add:

This site is the BEST. THE BEST. They get the inside of when things are going to be on sale and where the coupons on. I mean... you can get things 50% off or stock up on new items that come out that WITH the coupon are ABSOLUTELY FREE or you pay something as low as .20 cents!

This website has been features on the Early Show and Today Show where after using this website, they went to the store and ONLY bought things they needed that are ON SALE. Saving them over $200.

So if you're big into coupons, you might want to check it out. don't know if it works everywhere (wherever you are).
Jo- Having lived in a cold weather state all my life- here is how you deal with the snowy weather that may attempt to come in the house:
#1 have a "scraper" or very rough welcome mat outside each door to the house so you can scrape feet before entering.
#2 Have a towel ready to wipe pup feet clean of snow (just like you do for mud and rain)
#3 Have a cloth welcome mat/rug inside each door and make sure all foot gear and wet outer clothes are taken off at the door. *make sure to hang up any mittens or gloves that are soaked so that they can dry off before someone has to wear them again. Putting wet boots over a heat register helps to dry them out.

As long as all the winter gear comes off at the door, and pupper feet get wiped off, winter will stay outside and not track into your house :)

Other than that I don't have any advice, 'cause I'm a terrible housekeeper! :lol: I just know winter!

Karen :)
I recommend these: ... ce&s=books ... ce&s=books

The Mom book help me in college way back when. I am sure you can find them cheaper then the ones I highlighted on Amazon.
I also recommend putting your dogs and your baby in their own plastic bubbles! :lol:
Just keep your eyes closed, works for me. :lol:
Willowsprite wrote:
Just keep your eyes closed, works for me. :lol:

I agree! Its YOUR house -- once you escape the dreaded security deposit from renting, it really doesn't matter anymore!! Freedom!!
Start from the top and work down...dust up high first work your way down, vacuum furniture, do floors last.....I cant help with time takes me a full 9 hours to clean my house from top to bottom...Thank God I only do it every 4 weeks......( I do vacuum and wash floors inbetween)....Okay, never mind, I sound more anal with every word I are talking to the person who irons her sheets
Living in Florida, I can't give you any help with the snow...but I do have doggie towels by the back door to wipe up messy paws. I've been a lurker for a few months, so congrats on the new baby! I didn't really show until I was about 7 months....when it was time to leave normal clothes to maternity ones. Except it was August and Florida already was selling winter clothes (go figure). Anyway, just concentrate on raising your baby and dust bunnies be damned (unless of course, the baby is now eating them). Kids grow up so fast, I wish I had taken the time to play more with my son (I did play cars...marbles...but now it doesn't seem enough). He will be 9 next week. Where does the time go?
With 2 kids and three dogs.... It is virtually impossible.
When I am not doing laundry, taking care of the baby, doing homework with my son... I maybe find a couple of minutes to vacuum and dust.
By the way.... What's a clean house? lol :D
While you are pregnant and probably well after the baby comes you may
have an overwhelming urge to clean everything in sight and be the
ultimate supermom. I sure did! The feeling eventually passed. :wink:
My solution now is - dim lighting, candles- if they are scented all the
better-clean cotton scent works for me. That way nobody can see
the worst of it, including you. But the best of it is that it is also
romantic. Problem solved- sort of anyway!

The dim lights part had me cracking up. ...never thought about that. If no one can see the mess, there is no mess? :lol:

Thanks everyone. I don't have time at the moment to purchase any books which is why these tips are so important! (ears wide open) We won't have an address after monday (so no time to ship) and I want to have a decent house by the time my husband and his dad drive up to Alaska!

it's 3:48a.m. I can't sleep because I'm being jabbed in the stomach by the baby. What a great feeling!!!! :D :D I Try to put my husband's hand on my tummy, and he's more like "it's 3:30 in the morning. can't we do this later?" oh well. :oops: I'm up about to bake some cookies. I'm bored.

Darcy, you do not iron your sheets?!?! what? :lol: After a night in them, don't they get all wrinkled anyway!! ;) .................and I'm pretty detail-oriented (perfectionist) so you can never be too descriptive with cleaning suggestions! One time I cleaned the floors, vacuumed, and dust ....then realized I forgot the ceiling fans. Uhh... so now I know to start from TOP to bottom. ;)
Since you don't have time to get the books, I'll post a few tips as they come to my mind today. :D

Carpet Stain: Use a small amount (size of a quarter) of white shaving cream. Rub it into the stain with a damp cloth. Clean it out with a separate damp cloth. Allow to dry. Vacuum.
So what I've gleaned:

Close your eyes, sit in the dark, and thank God you don't have a landlord checking up on you...

I think I got it covered...hehehe

I find in winter it is alot cleaner than spring...snow melts and you will have water puddles...keep everything hung up, bang your boots off at the door.(outside).

For Remy to prevent snow balls on the body and feet...she wears a nylon jacket and boots, when we come in she is dry. The place I bought the jacket was at . They have boots too, but I just bought mine at the petstore. I bought the rain suit, and I LOVE it. Came in a couple days....excellent website.

If you have a wood stove...your clothes will smell like smoke...only hang stuff around the fire that you don't care if it smells. Think campfires. Great place to dry out mitts, and boots tho.

I just use the carpet spot cleaner that comes with a rental works awesome for us. I use nature's miracle and PetZyme too...for dog stains.
Ironed sheets are the best....I love the first night .... its like spending the night in a luxury hotel......everyone should try it at least one time...well, except Mandy......I think she'd have a heartattack if she actually had to iron

Personally the best cleaning product is Pinesol....
Soda water does work to get stains out, but you have to use it right away...its kinda like using that oxiclean....aresol hairspray will work too, I dont know why.....
Id buy a big thing of that oxiclean...with the baby food staining that stuff could come in handy......
You know darcy I'd love a little bit of you in me...when it comes to ironing I hate doing it but love the look and feel of thing too.

I worked in a hotel with the requirement of ironing sheets and pillowcases...probably why I don't do it. Now we sleep on flannel sheets...for warmth...and you don't need to iron flannel. But I do iron, I just leave it until I have 3 hours straight of it...or toss it in the dryer on high heat with a wet cloth...comes out pretty good.
My sister had a hysterectomy years ago and was moaning to my mother about not being to do her deep cleaning for 6 weeks. My mother's response "lower your standards." Of course, my 84 year old mother keeps her house hospital clean. I am apparently not her child. gives good tips about keeping ahead of the clutter and dirt. I find it's easiest to keep up with STUFF instead of letting things pile up. It then gets ovewhelming. Keep your sink clear of dishes and clean, keep the dining room table cleared off, make the bed. Mud is awful to get off carpeting--wipe Yuki's paws with a damp towel or dunk them in a bucket of water before she gets into the house. You can do the same to Ryan. HAHA.

I am clean, but untidy. My goal is to have nothing on my dining room table. And Darcy, if I were rich, I would have clean, IRONED sheets put on my bed every day.
To follow with the book choices here is the Queens website

View Tips at:
For a laundry tip, one that I just learned. Use Felsnaptha (sp?) on your stains. You will find it in the detergent isle in the grocery store. It's a bar of soap. Get it wet, I use a small bowl and just dip the end of the bar in and then rub the bar of soap on the offending stains. I then use an old tooth brush and do a little rubbing and viola, once out of the washer, I can't find the stain again.... It works on most things and is not harmful.

I got blood out with this the other day. A while back Kiera bumped into my foot with her tooth and punctured an artery. Well you can imagine the blood. I had not noticed a quilt I had, got some of the blood on it and I was crushed to think after all the time that had passed, I would never get the blood out. Well, I used the Felsnaptha and a tooth brush and it all came out. I was amazed. It is my new best friend in the laundry room.

I think the dim lights and candles are a brilliant idea, short of a housekeeper! Which I will never be able to afford!

Luck with the move and the baby.... more belly photos too!
I love the FlyLady site Paula! LOL
I've tried time and time again to get a little further with that, but always give up. Maybe in another ten years when all the kids are grown up...LOL
For the winter, keep a heavy mat on one side, rug on the other, like someone else said. As soon as it snows, I put down runners at every door. Even though I wipe their feet, there's always more moisture to be tracked in. I have one of those Flip It cleaners for hard floors-- one side is wet and the other dry, it's great fro quick touchups.

Paula O. wrote:
I am clean, but untidy. My goal is to have nothing on my dining room table.

Wow, just like me. Right now my dining room table is covered in bags of things that we bought. If we stopped buying so much crap we could stop eating on the couch, although we can't see the tv from the table so we'd probably stay here anyway!

I disagree on the whole idea of, now that you don't have a security deposit, do what you want. If you're renting, it's not yours. Do what you want, don't clean up, destroy everything. All you lose is a few hundred- $1000. That's a small price to pay for never having to fix or clean anything up if you like living that way once! When you own, you have to live in it-- and you're constantly paying on the security deposit so to speak. Besides, the nicer you keep it, when you decide to sell, the house will look much better and clean up faster. You can tell when people did one monster clean before selling a previously dirty house-- the whole thing just smells different!

I never thought I'd keep a really clean house-- I was a serious slob as a teenager and even my office at work looks like a homeless person lives there-- but I can't stand when the house is dirty. Cluttered I can deal with but I'm constantly spot cleaning the floors and carpets and dusting. Until Clyde, I vacuumed constantly too but since he and the vacuum are arch enemies, and the vacuum is begining to lose the battle, I've been doing it less.

And, yes, Darcy you are crazy for ironing your own sheets... :twisted:
I wouldn't allow a house to be ruined renting or not. You need to have a certain amount of pride in your home, where you live, and how it makes you feel to be there. Not to mention that house is SOMEONE'S investment, even if not mine. I am not a neat freak, but you would never know we have pets. The floors are done everyday, bathroom and kitchen are cleaned everyday, the rest of the house gets scrubbed down and tidied up on Sundays, and the yard is cleaned daily. My neighbors don't have dogs, so I doubt they'd appreciate the smell of dog poop in the sun all day, even if I did give a hoot about the lawn, which I don't. LOL
I do at least 2 loads of laundry everyday, but I'm lucky if it gets folded and put away once a week. Sometimes we live out of baskets for a month straight. *shurg* At least the clothes are clean. LOL I don't iron anything, if it is wrinkled I throw it in the dryer before work. LOL
The dogs all get fresh blankets at bedtime every single night, I find it keeps down the "doggie" smell, in the house and on the dogs.
One thing I'm horrible about is taking curtains down and washing them. I usually just get new curtains, or mini blinds. Cheap.
I agree with EVERYTHING willowsprite just said. My husband ALSO agrees 110% but he is unable to actually OBTAIN his ideal home due to his normal tendencies which is, "Everything has its place. That place is wherever I left it last."

However, I'm just the opposite. Everything not only has its place, everything has a position in the drawer and a technique to being laid down. I blame that on being a military brat and being in the military myself. Structure is in EVERYTHING I do. Maybe not when I have a baby though, eh? ;)

Anyways, so it's very important for me to do what I can to really make this feel like a home. His mom decorated our first home, so it never had my "touch" before we moved. She did a FABULOUS job, but the movers did a FABULOUS job with ruining a lot of the decorations (esp. plants).

Plus, we will resale in 3 yrs, so it's always about making the home look its best.

Again, I agree with all that was said about what other people think when they walk in your home. ....from the dog smell (even if "WE" don't smell it), the dog toots outside in the yard, and making others (our "friends") feel like they're at home (not in a college dorm).

I'm sure in the pictures I post after we're settled, you'll see nothing but diapers everywhere in our home, but I know at least the first few months it will be spotless. My mom (korean) is coming to help out when I deliver which means you could eat off the toilet.
I do hear that iron sheets feel WONDERFUL. .......just I ENVY YOU for actually doing it!!! When we got our high thread count sheets, we were told that they feel totally different if they're ironed after each wash. We just said "thakn you" for the gift and this is going on over a year...and our iron has remained in the box it came in. :D
I disagree on the whole idea of, now that you don't have a security deposit, do what you want. If you're renting, it's not yours. Do what you want, don't clean up, destroy everything. All you lose is a few hundred- $1000. That's a small price to pay for never having to fix or clean anything up if you like living that way once! When you own, you have to live in it-- and you're constantly paying on the security deposit so to speak. Besides, the nicer you keep it, when you decide to sell, the house will look much better and clean up faster. You can tell when people did one monster clean before selling a previously dirty house-- the whole thing just smells different!


Just to be clear I don't think that was the intention, at least not from me. I just know that when we rented, the landlord, or fixing guys would be coming in and out constantly. I was always cleaning, and keeping the apt spotless, drove me nuts. Now two kids and dogs, cats later, I am way more relaxed in the housework and yard work. We own, so it is now my time schedule when I want the furnace cleaned etc.

Your're right your house does sell better, smell better, feels better when it has been kept clean. They were just comment's to be funny...that now you own it's up to you how you care for your own home.
I know I took everyone's comment about laying it anywhere and the candles being lit as jokes. :)

I think my last post was just getting technical to why I want cleaning tips! BTW, I think there were some great ones listed.
I grew up cleaning the house every saturday...each kid had to clean 3 rooms top to bottom before we could go out and mom inspected each room to make sure it was done correctly...I grew into an adult thinking as my mom did...we had a rental house out here in az...the renters trashed the house...I was in tears when I saw what they had mom said just clean it up...she didnt understand the magnitute of the destruction...I took pictures and mailed it them to her (the days before email) and SHE was horrified. It took me and a cleaning crew one full week to fix the mess, 10 hours a flooring through out, paint etc...they actually pooped in the tub and smeared it around...gross....Who lives like that??? This was an upper scale neighborhood!!!! Any way my point is this....Even if your house has dust, keep it looking like a model home....put things right away...candles for scent are okay, but I really like when people say that Im freaky clean..I take it as a compliment. Im proud of how hard I work to keep the house, dog, and yard looking as good as possible.
Joaheayo... you'll do fine, you sound like a very organized person, and babies thrive on routine. They don't always stick to routines though! However, they ARE more content, babies, children, pets, any living sentient being in general, when there are routines established that make us feel content and secure.
You will want to rest, enjoy the miracle of the baby in your arms, and the sleep that you occasionally get will feel like heaven on earth. LOL
It took me a while with my first baby, but I found that I was dead tired in the mornings so all I did after the baby's first morning feed was nap until the next one. Then, after that feeding, usually bathing, put the baby back down for a nap so you can shower, and if not breast feeding, wash and sterilize bottles and utensils etc, make formula enough for 24 hours plus two extra feedings just in case. By then it's time to feed the baby again (inluding changing etc, which needs to be done so often you''ll find yourself doing that in seconds without thinking about it) and then nap time again. For both of you, you'll need it. Later when hubby is home you can take some time to do a routine-set swipe of the housework, but don't expect to get as much done as you want, you never will. LOL If hubby will not be home for several days or months, you will still manage to find the best time of day or evening for YOU and your baby to do a little housework.
As far as the dogs go, you will most likely want to get in the habit of taking them out to pee very quickly before you tend to the baby first thing in the morning. I know your instinct will be to get the baby immediately, however, the dogs will learn to pee fast, since you don't want to have to make time for cleaning puddles while you've got to care for the baby and get some sleep. LOL I found with Aaron, my youngest, that a Snuggly carrier worked great. I could carry him with both hands free to take out the dogs. He was comforted, if not satisfied by food yet, lol, and no impatient puppers crossing their legs.
Having the stroller in the house at all times helped as well. I could rock the baby in the stroller with my foot while watching my soaps and folding laundry. LOL
You'll figure it all out. There's no rush.... just enjoy and it will all fall into place. :)
Stacey....You said it perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every time I get excited about having a baby, I'm brought back down and left feeling punched several times. I'm so scared again. :lol:

Do the baby and husband know I'm only built with 2 hands? :oops:
The answer to your question is no.
I remember when Hayley was first born and very cranky I had to keep her in the snugli while making bottles..etc
I needed about 12 hands to get everything done
It does get easier though
Once the baby becomes a toddler, it's impossible. :)

I clean one room a day from top to bottom. Mondays is the living room, Tuesday, bedrooms, Wednesdays is kitchen/dining room, Thursday is laundry day. Fridays is the bathroom.

I do general cleaning everywhere else in the house, just whatever is needed - vaccuuming, dishes, etc... daily.

Just don't let it get to be too much, don't worry about it being perfect (honestly, you won't have time to clean much once the little one is born). It'll all work out. :)
Hydrogen peroxide gets out blood . . . . don't ask me how I know that, it's not a pretty story.
I know that too...thanks to my dressmaker poking herself with a pin while heming my wedding dress 8O Yes blood on my wedding gown...
She's lucky it came out or I might have had to kill her :twisted: lol
Will some of you clean people come to MN and help me please?! I'm a terrible housekeeper, messy, messy and so is my Hubby. Thank goodness my sister is coming to live with us and help with housework! Jo- don't forget that children are messy! Don't get downtrodden when you have spagetti thrown on your walls, toilet paper unrolled all over your bathroom, and toys scattered everywhere! GOOD LUCK!

Karen :)
I always look forward to winter! SNOW IS CLEAN...and I was under the impression that it kept my carpets clean as :lol:

I'm starting to feel guilty about my lack of concern for housecleaning! Maybe I should get off the computer and sweep or dust or something! 8O

But it's Friday night! :D Surely, there is no cleaning done on this evening (FYI I have an excuse for everyday of the week! :lol: )
Uuuughhh.. if only Friday night meant no housework, I have to work tomorrow, so not much time this weekend. Next weekend is the fair, and I plan on no cleaning. LOL
What Karen said about Spaghetti is so true. I recommend semi-gloss paint...much easier to clean.

That is the best suggestion yet!!!!
I need a cleaning lady
me too :?
Can I have one too?? :D

I've been playing with the dogs the past three weekends (mountains, picnic, beach), so not much cleaning has been done at my house. You'd think they could at least learn to mop to help out!! :D
Do it! Get a cleaning service. It's not really that expensive and it takes a load off your mind and leaves your weekends for fun and family! We have a company called Home Maid come every other week and they charge $85 to do our whole house - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, rec room and finished room in the basement! I have them come on Thursday. That way, the house is clean for the weekend and we can do whatever we want! In between times, I straighten up and dust or swiffer or whatever as needed. I enjoy a neat, clean house --- especially when I don't have to do it myself! I remember my Mom telling me that my Grandmother told her one time that she realized that she had spent an awful lot of time cleaning the house when she could have spent more time doing things that ended up mattering more than a spotless house. How true!
I don't know why I'm reading this thread! :D An old man living my himself with his two dogsl
You're not old, you're "well seasoned"!!
Thanks DW. Well I do vacuum up the dog hair tumbleweeds weekly. Never believed in using a dust rag and spreading that stuff into the air. I dust with the vacuum cleaner using a brush on the end of the hose.
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