
my 5 year old chocolate labrador had a seizure last night so i quickly looked up the symptoms he was showing,it turns out he has epilipsy. i read some dogs can have epilipsy all their lives and only have a few seizures. anyone that has more info i would gladly appreciate having you share with me.
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Siezures can be caused by so many different diseases and reactions to things that I would not jump to the epilepsy diagnosis too quickly.
On the other hand if it is epilipsy it isn't too bad. We had a cocker spaniel who was epilitic for most of the 7 years we shared her life. And she did not die of epilipsy.
Don't interrupt an attack too quickly and leave the dog be until a bit afterwards as they are disorientated and have no idea what has happenned. It is sort of like losing consious for short periods as far as the patient is concerned. During very bad or long attacks the muscles can fatigue and go into tenani -- freeze up, charley horse. This is very painful and needs to be treated gently. You could use aspirin, but too much of that and the dog will get ulcers or hemorrage. Warm rags and massages help.

Just to rule out poisoning, another disease, a stroke, and various other disorders you may want to take the dog to a vet. If the dog is in no pain and has no fever, wait until it has another fit first. The vet can then see what is happenning first hand. You could even video tape it for the vet and your records. A video tape is how the vet diagnosed our spanial.
Good luck and hang in there. Whatever is going on, your dog will be calmer if you are calm and accepting. Our cocker got to where she would just go over to her pillow and freak out, froth, whatever and then come back over to us when it was over. There are medicines availalble, but at the time we were having a very hard time taking care of ourselves and the meds were very expensive (years ago). She was a pound puppy and she is still missed.
My 9 year old Lhasa Apso has been having seizures since he was about 2. The first one happened on a night when we were decorating the xmas tree.
I know how upsetting they can be. My dog also has a heart murmur and is always in and out of rapid heart rates.
Their is a medicine for the seizures and it really seems to help. (phenobarbetal ??)
I just hold him tight to me and talk calm and he works his way out of them. As long as he isn't suffering I want him with me.
I don't know what to say to help you but I do understand and you aren't alone.
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