Found a lump on Sofa's Back... What could it be?

When Danita was playing with Sofa, she found a lump growing in her back. It's about the size of a child's marble, feels encapsulated because you can pinch her skin and you can feel a very defined shape. It seems to hurt if you touch her and the skin around the area is pink. Danita says it's growing, but I'm not sure.

Our vet told us it's probably a fat cyst that can be removed. She told us we should wait for two weeks to see if it grows, and if it does, order a biopsy to check it.

:? I'm a little concerned... Should I be? Is this common?
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Saul--it could be so many things...
My parents' sheepdog has a bump on her shoulder area that is about the size of a golf ball, but the vet said it was some kind of cyst that doesn't need anything done to it, so just leave it (although it feels creepy!)...

If you trust your vet then I'd do as he says and wait, but if you feel uncomfortable with it, go see another vet...

Poor Sofa!
Drez has a few bumps like that on her back. :roll: They are indeed fat cysts (or at least they are in Drez's case). She's had them for a few years, and last year the vet biopsied the larger one to confirm it's nothing to worry about. You can have them removed if they bother you that much, but they will not hurt the dog.
Baxter had a lump on his back which the doctor identified as a "sebaceous cyst" aka a fatty cyst. We were told to keep an eye on it and let the doctor know if it changed at all. The cyst didn't seem to bother him (although it bother me!) and disappeared after a few months.

However the doctor also let us know that if it appeared inflamed or sensitive that he should be brought back in quickly as it could be infected and would need to be removed.

If you are concerned, you should get another opinion.

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
As my mom's Bouvier got older, he was covered in the fatty cysts. Though gross, they didn't bother him and the vet suggested to leave them alone-- especially as this dog was not a fan of being touched by strangers! I'd swing by the vet to be safe though.
Same here. My Pumpkin had several, about the size of a nickle, only on her underneath side. We never removed them as they weren't bothering her.

I agree that you should follow the vet's advise. Keep a watch and if it grows, have it biopsied.
Fat cysts are quite common, and it sounds like that's what it is. I know an oes who has a huge one on her loin area, not quite on her back, towards her back leg. She's had it for a long time and though it has gotten slowly bigger, the vet still doesn't think it is worth removing.
Frodo has a lump on his side, we were told that it wasnt anything bad and if he ever needed an anaesthetic for anything else they would remove it at the same time. it wasnt worth the trauma of removing it on its own.

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
Tasker has he has had for about 4 years has grown very slowly and is now almost walnut size, the other is fairly new and is marble size. The Vet checks both every visit. They are Lypomas (fat cysts) and harmless. Not to worry !
Hi Saul and Danita,

How is that cyst on Sofa's back these days?
Merlin has one of those fatty cysts on his back near his stump of tail. His weeps...I took him to the vet, she said if it bothered ME they could remove it but it wouldnt bother Merlin to leave it there. She said there was no guarantee after removing it that it wouldnt suddenly reappear. Instead when it weeps I have to clean it with Benzoil Peroxide. It doesnt bother Merlin at all.
If it is leaking Kim I would maybe ask for another opinion, since being open like that leaves him open to infection.
It isnt an open sore, it looks like the other skin on his body, it just occassionally 'weeps'. I had 2 different vets look at it and they gave me the same 'prognosis' just check it every day and if it leaks...clean it.
My cocker spaniel had one of those on his "ankle". It started out small and I didn't worry about it. It seemed like overnight, it grew to where it had its own blood supply. Everytime he licked it or caught it on the dog door, it would bleed. It was terrible. Please have it removed while it is safe to do so!
My shi/poo has several lumps and has for several years. Tahje is almost 12 years old. He's been checked out totally and the vet said nothing to worry about. I just call him my lumpy bumpy boy :lol:
Hi zahra!

Seems that it grew a little bit more. Our vet is thinking about closer observation and a biopsy just to make sure it's OK. We'll remove it as soon as we get all the info, because it hurts her when you touch her.
Hope everything is okay with Sofa!
Poor Sofa!
Hope she feels better soon!

Best of luck with her vet appointment, sounds like it
does need further tests.

We are thinking of her and sending Sheepie hugs to her ! :)

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