Behavior of Non Sheepie Lovers

I just had to share my experience I had today with all of you. I took Beau to the vet's office for heart worm tablets. The office was full of all kinds of breeds (adorable).

This woman comes in with two small carrying crates and stacks them ontop of another. Comes to the other end of the waiting room and starts talking to another woman who had bull dogs. At the other end of the waiting room a young man was sitting with his french bull dog who accidentally jumped at the carrying crate and knocked it over. He immediately said he was sorry and the woman said: "well, you should be you could have broken his leg". Why would anyone stack two carrying crates ontop of each other with small poodles in it and walk away?

Then, she brings both carrying crates to where Beau and I are standing and proceeds to tell me in front of all the other people there that she use to be a groomer and had groomed Old English Sheepdogs and she had to pull magots out of their behind. I said, I've never seen magots on Beau before. She said, is this your first OES? I said no, I had a rescue Mollie and neither dog had magots. Then she said that a friend of hers had an OES and for no reason turned and bite her friend on the (face) cheek. Then, the other lady with the bull dogs said that, that could happen to any breed of dog. That shut her up!

I truly hate it when people who don't have the OES breed feel that they have to say negative comments to make their breed seem superior.
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Shoulda just told her: "You're right, they can be vicious, and Beau hasn't been fed today. Would you mind opening up one of your crates?"
One crate would just be an appetizer, she would have needed to open both for a whole meal. :roll:
poodle Ron thats why you're can come up with that stuff right should have been there to help beau!!
People can be so rude...she just wanted to take attention away from her stupidity from stacking crates.
I agree with Ron. You should've told her that if her friend is anything like her that maybe the dog knew what he was doing when he bit her.

Sometimes I wish it really was socially acceptable for people to bite those who deserved it. :twisted:
Darcy wrote:
poodle Ron thats why you're can come up with that stuff right should have been there to help beau!!

Well... not right away, it did take him 28 minutes.... kinda slow on the ball. :wink: :P :twisted:
Thanks Ron, I was just stunned that she would be that ignorant to try and put down someone elses breed in front of their face. I just couldn't believe what I was earing.

I need to think faster on my feet. Thanks again, your comment made me laugh. :lol:
LOL ..Stacey.... I didnt check the time........Okay Ron I take it back...youre not that quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Ron, Maybe we could send you down south to speak for all animals and animal lovers. Straight to the point with a little humor. Loved it! :lol:
Poor Beau! I hope he wasn't listening! :evil: A groomer I took Gooch too, claimed she found OES's mean and ALWAYS MUZZLES them! :evil: He never goes there! :x I also would like to put in my two cents about people with little poodles, no offence but, why do they always think they know everything about everything? 8O It must be a breed thing?!

Having said that, I always find sheepie owners to be witty, have a great sense of humor and of course goodlooking! LMAO I just added the last part to boost our self confidence for when we are in situations like Beau! :lol:
Our Sheepie are attention getters and I guess it's just jealousy! Anyway, she looked like a slob! There I said it and now I feel better. :lol:
You know, if we're going to sit around and stereotype dogs, the only breed I have been bitten by when on ambulance calls are tiny poodles! Yippy little jerks. We refer to them as 'puntable'.
Karen, so sorry for that RUDE woman! :twisted: I've had similar things happen at the vet's - people come up and say stuff like, I heard they're mean; I heard you can't trust them around kids; isn't grooming them tough; etc., etc., etc. :roll: You have to have a tough hide to own a sheepie! But if only they knew what we get in return!! :lol:
some people are so ignorant aren't they

when we decided we wanted a larger dog we reseached (as i was pregnant at the time) what sort of dog to get all the info we found said that oes are friendly loveable clowns they can be possesive but are brilliant with small children may herd them

einstien has never once hurt isaac only thing he does is lick hes feet

he might attempt to lick you to death but thats all

some poeple make you wanna scream :x

i'm not as controlled as you i probalby would have told her what i thought of her but then one must learn to hold ones tounge in such cases

i applaude your calmness
Everybody always has an opinion about sheepies...even if they never owned one. Then when I "correct" them or offer my opinion they ask if Izzie is my first (I am 26 and look younger). I always look them straight in the eyes and say "no...she is my 4th"...and that usually shuts them up.

As for the groomer who said she found maggots...sounds like an owner mistake and neglect...not a breed problem.
That is frustrating! I have never heard in my life (before reading this forum) that anyone ever considered sheepdogs mean or scary or anything like that. Just crazy.

Mandy--we used to (still do!) call them drop kick dogs! (No offense to those with drop kicks!)
I understand why non sheep dog owners might be scared. When we went to pick up Bentley he was a one year old rescue sheepie. I was pretty scared. He was so big and bouncy. I told my husband I didn't know if I could handle him. But once I met him, he was just a giant teddy bear. He is so good with people and other dogs. He might nudge you to death if you're not petting him but that is as agressive as he gets!

The lady at the vets wasn't scared though she was just an idiot. She was probably jealous of your beautiful dog!
I have had a few rude comments here and there from people who I think are just ignorant and don't think before they speak!! When Max was 4 months or so I was walking him through the neighborhood and was stopped by a very nice couple who just thought Max was so great, then another neighbor came by and obviously didn't understand the big fuss Max was getting, and told me he knew people who owned OES and that these dogs have bladder problems, etc., basically just saying negative things. I told him that as far as I know they don't have any bladder problems! Another day at the dog park, a guy was walking his big dog, I think it was a rott) and he saw Max and said his mom used to breed OES a long time ago, the problem with OES is, he continued, that you never know if you will get a smart one and chances are it will be dumb! I just stood there amazed at the rudeness he displayed. He was very arrogant and I could see through his facade, I'm not one to even argue with such an idiot, I just said that my dog is very smart. Anyway, it seems there is an abundance of rude people out there, but luckily most of the comments I get are very positive,

personss wrote:
Another day at the dog park, a guy was walking his big dog, I think it was a rott) and he saw Max and said his mom used to breed OES a long time ago, the problem with OES is, he continued, that you never know if you will get a smart one and chances are it will be dumb! Sharon

Sounds like his mother had the same problem when she had kids...
Oh Butters!!! too true! :clappurple:

People who say things like that can't possibly know how
ignorant they sound, and live with themselves.

Jill, you're funny!
Good one Jill! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Funny this topic came up. I was just out walking 5 month old Bosley tonite, and was so happy to see him sit so nicely for the folks who wanted to pat him. A family with a baby even brought the carriage over so he could lick the babies feet, and Bosley was all wiggles hearing the baby giggle away. One young teen was giving him hugs and said he was his favourite breed. Bosley was just lapping up all the attention, giving kisses, and tail-wags (yes, he has a tail!) and showing off his sits, and giving his paw. On the way home I remembered one of my friends comments when I told her we were getting an OES...It was "they have nasty temperaments"...I guess she knows, eh? : )
Jill, that is a great response to the annoying macho guy at the park, too bad you weren't there to tell him off :lol: Thankfully I don't run into too many of these types!! I'm also noticing that the teens I run into love Max to pieces, they drop their cool act and just love him!! I keep threatening my oldest daughter who is a freshman in high school this year, that I'm going to bring Max to her school (she would be mortified) he he he :lol:
Some people are just plain RUDE and miserable (perhaps because they have a poodle and not a sheepie, cause sheepies are such clowns! They keep us laughing and happy!)
I was just at the Vet this week and everyone wanted to pet Pogo! I've found that the hesitant ones don't like the look of the slobbery beird (tee, hee).
We run into rude people everyday at the park... and it's usually people who have "slipper dogs". Most times when they see Murphy and Dudley strolling down the trails towards them they pick their "slipper dog" up.. all the while it's barking it's head off at us..

As we pass by I usually say to them, very politely... thanks for picking your dog up...mine haven't eaten today :wink:

Sheppies and Berners Rule!!!!
Slipper dogs and puntables! We call those neurotic, yappy little dogs "pocket rats"..... sorry :lol:
To add to Ron's pithy comeback, ..."and he'll start with the one with the broken leg."
We all know dogs come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Speaking negative about a dog is being referred to as being rude.

Just a passing thought as I was reading, "Wonder why it is that when people say something negative about a dog its considered rude, and when something negative is said about a person (one of a different color, shape or size), that's refered to as being racial, rather than just rude?"

Why it is that people can't let someone else be happy and enjoy what they have, whatever it is, without running it down and trying to take their enjoyment away. To some point I think it's to make sure no one else has more than they do, whether possessions or happiness. JMPO
Mouthy, I think that was very well said....I agree with you!!
I totally agree too! :D

I honestly love my animals so much, they are my kids...I certainly wouldn't say anything negative to someone about their children! :x It really is taken as a personal insult when people say something negative about my dogs! They might as well say I look fat in these pants or something! :lol:
Ron wrote:
Shoulda just told her: "You're right, they can be vicious, and Beau hasn't been fed today. Would you mind opening up one of your crates?"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO

sorry, didn't get a chance to read this til this morning!!
Late reading! However about being mean, Blue doesn't have a mean bone in her body, except for me and my yorkie, lol! I really hate little dogs also, but got stuck with one and have to stop "some of the blacK and "BLUE" marks.
To get to the story, just the other day I was walking out of my house when out of no where came a strange guy, carring a bucket of some kind. Now this little, well not yet quit med. sized oes, in service dog outfit, backed up against my legs, but let out a alert and growl, that plainly said, any closer and I won't stay where I'm AT ... :x GET IT!
I THINK SHE MEANT IT! ... and I was happy ... didn't correct her either? The filthy man was :arrow: in a FLASH :!: I would have never guessed :P
just found this site today. couldn't resist weighing in on this one, albeit a little late. you guys are too funny. poodle snacks? i would think they would leave a bad taste in a sheepies mouth!!! had two poodles once, ho hum. have two sheepies now. there is no comparison. sheepies are the best!!! love them!!

they really do garner a lot of attention because they are beautiful, sweet dogs and are naturally irrisistible(sp?). most people just eat them up.
How can people say they are nasty or agressive dogs :cry: So many strangers touch and stroke the dogs when they are out walking, without even asking if they are friendly I think they are very tolerant and patient dogs.

Oh another sarcastic question I have been asked is "Which end is the head" :!:

At least o.e.s. owners come with a sense of humor.

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
I had a guy come to my door and for some reason he just invited himself into the outer entryway. I opened the door and Pepsi and Harley darted out like they always do. That is why we have an outer door. The guy ran to the outer door and shut it and was standing there. He was a salesman :roll: He asked if the dogs bite. I said if they don't like you they will and I don't think they like you :twisted:
No really rude comments so far. People at the dog park have only asked what breed he is and then usually will say wow, I've never seen one with a haircut. One groomer out here told me that OES's are not meant to have a haircut. Ignorant. She thought that their hair stopped growing at a certain length and that if you cut their hair it will start growing and never stop. HELLO!!! She also said it would ruin their coat
BTW I have a Toy Poodle....ok he is a monster but I rescued one 10 yrs ago named Scooter. Scooter had the same personality that Pepsi does. So lovable and sweet and a great judge of people. The only difference is Scooter had a jealousy issue. I was holding my Niece and Scooter jumped up to bite her 8O If I wasn't holding a kid he was fine with them. I think he thought my Niece was stealing all my attention. I spoiled the crap out of Scooter because he had come from a very bad situation. A reputable breeder lost her mind....maybe Alzheimers and just locked the dogs in a room an would ocassionally throw food and water in for them. His entire coat was one HUGE matt. Scooter had never been outside before, never walked on a leash. He was around 3 yrs old when I got him... So I just gave him everything I could.
My point is not all Poodle are bad! I got Peanut to replace my lovable Scooter. Peanut is like a cat... He only comes around when he wants attention. :roll: He is the complete opposite of Scooter... No more poodles for me after him... Especially with all the problem he has had. I think I will stick with OES.
Pepsi has the same disposition and Scooter, maybe because he is also a rescue.
But then again I grew up with an OES and she was the most loving and nurturing dog. Maybe Scooter though he was on OES lol

Lady at Petco: What kind of dog is that?
Josh: OES/LAb Mix
Lady at Petco: What's it's name?
Josh: His name is Pooh Bear.
Lady at Petco: He looks mean
Josh: He's not mean, just a big fluff of love
Lady at Petco: But he looks mean
Josh: Lady, his name is "Pooh Bear", how mean can he possibly be?
My B-I-L whom I love dearly is scared of my OES'S. He has 2 King Charles Spaniels....just adorable. But when he was a kid, he said his grandparents had an OES that was mean, would bite anyone, just nasty. Now I know that is not the norm for these breeds, but I cannot convince him of that. What a shame to be tainted like that.
Isn't it fascinating how ignorant people can be? Kaytee was born with a birth defect in November of last year... she's mostly blind, has a cleft palate and a hare lip/nose deformity. When her hair was shorter we had a few interesting comments from strangers. While at PetSmart, a lady stopped to say hello and was shocked by Kaytee's nose. She asked if we were going to send her back to the breeder. Like she actually thought the breeder was trying to pull a fast one on us and maybe we wouldn't notice the difference? 8O My husband told her we knew about the birth defect before she flew up to us. When we visited another local pet store, the lady who works there said, "Oh, she's really a mess." There are people who can't see any value unless the wrapping is perfect.

Some people like to take their extremely limited experience with sheepies and act like authorities on the subject. So don't take it personally... there are just some really dumb people in this world.
Karen, try this next time. I was at the Lakeside Petsmart with Beau, we had just come from a show where he won a major and he looked fabulous. This nasty looking woman with an equally nasty looking dog comes up to me and says "how can you stand the hair? I know those dogs are mean and bite" and on and on. I looked at her very sweetly and said "It takes a special person to have an OES and it's obvious you didn't make the cut. I'm so sorry you had to settle for that" and pointed at her dog. She was livid and told ME I was rude :lol: I then looked at Beau and said"if you don't bite her I'll buy you a special treat" I still laugh at her expression, I felt good all day after that. Petty, yes, but so much fun.
6Girls wrote:
.......There are people who can't see any value unless the wrapping is perfect......

The sad thing about that is they fail to see the special spirit within. They may be lacking in one area, but God has given them such an inner strength, one thats hard for the perfectly wrapped to grasp hold of. If people only took the time to watch and get to know them, (animals and people), they would be amazed at what they would see and learn.
Beau and Mollie wrote:
Our Sheepie are attention getters and I guess it's just jealousy! Anyway, she looked like a slob! There I said it and now I feel better. :lol:

I agree. Non sheepie owners are just plain jealous! I just got back from the feed store where I bathed Patch, my 3-year old rescue, who loves people or 4-leggers - she now looks like a huge fluff ball with legs. LOL. ONe woman did come up to me not too long ago and said her sheepdog was mean and nasty and she had to give it away - she was probably mean. sheepdogs, in my opinion, get more attention than most breeds - they are just so darn cute. :D
I would of said "Lady did you know that OES are remarkable at fetching sticks out of tight places?"here let me show you..."would you please bend over?"""LMAO!!! :lol:
Tanya, You're bad....funny, but bad...... :D 8O
LMAO...You're too much Tanya :D
At the fundraiser this weekend, I had 2 young girls about 10 years old come up to Gooch and Murph and ask why they don't have tails. I told them that they are docked at birth. They both looked horrified and told me that was really mean! 8O I was about to go into the whole story of how it's kind of like circumcision (sp?) but figured that was probably not a lesson a stranger, who was getting defensive of her dogs, should explain to these children! :wink:

I gathered all the restraint I could muster, even though they kept looking at me like I was a serial killer! 8O
When we first got Darla (and she was the only one) we took her EVERYWHERE with us. So one day off to Home Depot we went. For the majority, of course everyone just ewwww'd and awwww'd over here. But then this smartarce kid (about 10) comes up and says, "HEY, you're not allowed to have dogs in here!" I promptly turned around and saw that he was lagging way behind his parents and I said, "I don't think YOU'RE allowed to speak to strangers, now are you?"

Apparently, he gets ZERO discipline because he was shocked that I had spoken to him in that manner. He ran off to his mummy and I could see him telling her that I was mean to him. I was hoping she'd say something, but she didn't. (She was probably relieved under her breath.)
Sunday, we took Truman for a ride. On the way to the park, a car pulled up next to us and the guy rolled down the window. He yelled out, "What kind of dog is that?" Being the proud mommy, I yelled out "Old English Sheepdog." He replied "Good looking dog!" So..... It seems there are some people out there who have the good sense to recognize a superior dog when they see it!! :)
Hi This is my first time to use this site so hello . Yes i had alot of similar experiences when i got my bobby . People would cross the road when they seen us coming . But there is one i will never forget . I had just come out from the grooming parlour where i worked . I was just after givind him a bath and stuff so he really needed to go . A woman stopped me on the street and made a stupid coment about a muzzle . And i was talking to her and suddenly she stepped away. It was then i realised he had just relieved himself all over the leg of her trousers. :oops: . She wasnt a bit impressed. Some people dont think before they speak and talk alot about things they know nothing about. Thank god for old english sheepdogs . May the best friend i ever had rest in peace.
That is hysterical.
Thanks for sharing Stephanie & welcome to the forum
I love that story Stephanie! Teach that lady for talking trash about a sheepie! :twisted: Now she knows how smart they are! :lol:
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