PICS -- Chumley's conehead + infection (WARNING: GROSS!!!)

Chumley is hanging in there, pretty cheerful despite the ear cleanings, pills, ointments, and DIET food. Actually, she seems to really like the stringbeans.

Anyway, here she is in her cone. She tends to keep her legs tucked in close these days, which I gather is a sign that stretching out is painful.

Here she is drinking water in her cone:

And finally, the GROSS one. Here's a picture of the raging infection that was lurking underneath her soft, fluffy fur. Seems so strange to me that she would get this. Does anyone else have any experience with skin infections? The whole area was bumpy and red and there were two obvious wounds. Poor Chummie -- it was driving her nuts. The antibiotics are definitely helping.
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Poor sweet baby!!!! She kinda looks like a vaccuum cleaner (the picture by her water bowl) her lots of kisses
Awww, POOR Chummie!! :cry: And even with the cone on, she still manages to look happy! What a trooper!

Drez had something on the bottom of her back right leg a few months back. Vet scraped it and checked for mites (negative) and cultured it (negative). He didn't give her antibiotics, just gave us Panalog cream to put on it. She HATED the cone, so we started wrapping her leg to keep her from chewing on it. When we'd leave the bandage off to let the air dry it out, we'd have her in our sights at all times. Took the better part of a month for it to really clear up, and now her hair is growing in black!!

Please give Chumley a great big hug and kiss from me and Drez! I hope she feels better soon!

Interesting. Didn't you post pics with the black hair? This injury is so high up I don't think I can wrap it. I'm letting her keep the cone off for limited periods of time when I'm with her. I wish the vet had cultured it. He didnt seem at all curious about what caused it. I think I need a new vet. There's another one nearby that people really love but he generally isn't taking new patients. I'm hoping to prevail on his sympathy. My vet didn't even tell me anything about the risks or side effects of rimadyl or deramaxx.

It took a month to heal? Poor drezzie! Did you keep it shaved down that whole time?
Poor Chumley! I so hope she'll heal quickly! But in the meantime, hugs from me & kisses from Beau & Gen!!
Thanks!! It actually looks much better today. I think it was just an hotspot -- perhaps caused by scraping her with a too-sharp brush and then infected from her licking. I was never really happy with any of the brushes she came with so I went out and bought a goody brush with plastic bristles and it is working really well and leaves her fur feeling very silky. She's a sweetie about putting up with all the various treatments.

(Ron -- maybe you could delete the gross picture and change the title of this thread?)
My vet told me to be carefull about what brushes to use on Fergie, for that very reason infection from wounds when brushing. I use a rake and a brush with plastic ends. WORKS SO FAR. But we still have puupy fur. I hope your OES is well soon and back to normal.

Fergies Mom :lol:
Oh that's good to know. Gives more substance to my hunch. They must have very delicate skin. I've been brushing my cat for 14 years with a sharp brush and never had any problems. He seems to like it, actually. Plastic bristles for Chum from now on. :o
So glad to hear that Chumley's feeling better and that the wound is healing!!

Yeah, it took so long for Drez's wounds to heal because we had to keep them bandaged so much of the time so that she didn't get at them (there were 3 spots). And when we ran out of Panalog, we just resorted to Neosporin Plus (I think it has a pain reliever in it as well). Then when it really started healing, I would put a bit of Neosporin on the wounds and top it off with New Skin. Did that because I wanted to let it out to the air to dry out more. Her hair started growing back, but it was very slowly, so we didn't touch her hair through the ordeal. Worked well, but took extra time to heal because of all the finagling we had to do!

Yeah, I posted a pic of her back leg with the black hair. In fact, if you look closely at my avatar, you can see right about her back paw, you can see the black! Still hasn't changed - not sure if it will! It's pretty funny to see!

Here's hoping Chumley is back to her old self soon! :lol:

Norman has bad allergies so when they flare up he loses some of his hair and then it grows back in black. Once his system settles down his hair goes back to grey. Right now he has about an inch and a half of black tips. Makes him look very punk rock!
Poor Chumley! Hope she's all better soon.
Chumley, we are sending all our thoughts for a speedy recovery! She does look so happy still, though, doesn't she? :D The water drinking picture is priceless! :lol:
So Chum's hotspots were healing very well -- skin was smooth, color was normal, and hair was growing back in but now one of the two infected areas -- the skin has turned black. About two days ago, I looked at it closely and there was a small amount of black. Not it has grown to about the size of a half dollar. I'm going to check with my vet tomorrow but in the meantime, does anyone have any experience with this?

Strangely enough, this happened to Merlin too. He suffered a bite wound one day while at the offleash dog park and now sports black hair where the wound was, when his hair grew back. The vet had only shaved a tiny area for the staples. Ironically, this doesn't happen when he's clipped short at the groomers so I also wonder why it happened as it did with Chumley in an area of truama. Perhaps it occurred because both dogs were shaved completely?

Glad to hear she's feeling better.

Marianne and the boys
it is very odd. In Chumley's case, the skin is actually black. I am not even sure if hair is growing back in that area but if it is, it is black too. My vet says it is normal due to the trauma of her infection. Looks funny. Hope Merlin's bite wound has healed nicely. . .
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