Poor Chummie -- what a day at the Vet

Over the past two weeks, she had a rapid meltdown:

1. She started licking her one hip -- occassionally at first but eventually it became near constant (like all night long). It was gooey and raw. 2. Front legs shaky and unsteady. 3. Squealing when I would attempt to brush her hip or even dry it off with a paper towel. 4. Bunnyhop running -- up until she started, i had no idea what people were talking about. It is cute but I know it is not a good sign.

So I took her to the vet. She got metacam and adequan injections for the hip pain. Plus athritis medicine (dermax, I think). A big shaved patch on her hip showed it was all red and swollen and infected under her fur. Oral + topical antibiotics prescribed. Plus she was harboring a low-level yeast infection in her ears and needs daily cleaning plus medication. Her head is in a cone to prevent the licking and she is banging into everything. Even though she lost 4 pounds, I have to make bigger efforts to help her lose weight, by adding string beans to her dry food and replacing biscuits with carrots and cucumbers.

Despite it all, she was jolly all day. She's been banging into everything and getting her head stuck but still smiling. She seems to love the carrots and stringbeans although I am a bit worried about what the next walk will reveal about how well she digests it.

Quite a day.
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oh val....chummy will be fine...and she probably thinks that the beans and carrots are a treat!!!! Take a picture of the cute cone-head.....lol....Panda sends kisses...
Thanks. :? I was looking around for my camera but haven't seen it since last weekend. I will take one though. She looks adorable. Funny but adorable. The shaved patch is very ugly but I can see that it was necessary. It is so great to have her not licking. The licking was really awful because I knew it was making the situation worse.
Please feel better soon, Chumley !!!

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(Bogart says, bones and treats are allowed when we are ill, right?)
He sends this feel better bone to Chumley !!
:D :D

Its just half because the submit button changes the design,
but it still tastes great!! Bogart, where did you get that half
of milk bone. Teenagers :roll: :roll:
She probably hid it rather than face the embarrasement!

Hope she feels better soon! Get well Chumley!
Hope you are feeling better Chumley! :D The Gooch told me to tell you that you would still be beautiful with the cone, and he was thinking he could really get in there to give you kisses! :lol:

Hope the pain meds are working and Chumley has a great day today! :D

Colleen and The Gooch
I hope Chumley heals up quickly! :)
Bless your heart, Val! I know you're worried about your baby. I hope Miss Chumley is feeling much better today and completely healed very soon!!
Aw, feel better soon Chumley.

Tell her not to worry about the shaved spot. Lucy ends up with one every year after her allergies kick in. It grows back and she'll look as pretty as ever!
Poor Chumley! Bailey and I send her lots of love.
Awww, poor Chum! I hope she mends quickly (I'm sure she will!)
Oh, poor Chumley!! :oops: Drez and I send bunches of kisses her way to help make her feel better!

I'd watch her on the Deramax. Drez was on that for awhile and we had to stop it - too strong for her system. Drez is on Metacam, too - a godsend! Plus she's on Robaxin, a muscle relaxer. Funny, cause that's the same pill I was taking after my surgery!! (Different dosages, naturally.)

I hope Chumley can get used to the cone. :oops: When I put it on Drez, the look she gave me was SO pathetic that it made me feel SO guilty!! But it's for their own good, so . . .

Does Chum have arthritis in her shoulders? Is that why her front legs were shaky? Did the vet want to xray her hips for HD? God, I pray she doesn't have it!

She'll be better soon, Mommy! Good thing you caught all this stuff when you did!

String beans and carrots aren't so bad. Try corn, the whole blasted ear, cob and all. Now that was interesting the next day. Hey, I figure, if it's food, fine. Socks coming out are just too freaky.
Thanks so much for the support from everyone!

The Gooch just always has lovin' on the brain! Chummie is blushing inside her big cone.

Sheepieboss -- my goodness! Not sure I want "interesting" in the bowels department. Socks! :oops: Chum seems to like cucumbers. My cat actually likes corn on the cob -- but his favorite treat of all is heart of palm.

What's the story on deramax? I tried Rimadyl but it didn't seem to help her but maybe because the infection was what was really causing her pain. The vet said I should give both antibiotics and deramax for a week and after the infection has cleared up, then we can better assess her achy/shaky.

She was very frisky today so something seems to be working. :D
My Beau has been on Dermaxx for over a year (he has synovi sarcoma) It does affect the liver so that's a concern but in his case he could not walk without it. Beau is a big boy so he can tolerate it but there are dogs who can't. Is Chummie a small girl? Maybe the dosage was wrong for her. I hope she feels better soon.
She was very frisky today so something seems to be working.

YAY! :clappurple:

Gooch of course says that's because of his kisses! :lol:
Hope Chumley feels better soon.

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
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