My husband just called:Deployment for Katrina to be 6 months

My husband just called, and he said the time frame they just gave him to be deployed is 6 months. I know he's needed down there, but gosh...I'm going to miss him. I hate these longer deployments. :( He'll miss Thanksgiving, Christmas, our son's 3rd birthday, Halloween... He's only been here for 1 birthday each for the kids - he's been deployed for the rest. Don't get me wrong - I'm proud of him. I wanted him to go help because they need it desperately...I wish I was able to go and help. The time frame just didn't hit me until kids will be so disappointed. I guess I should stop whining and be grateful we're all safe & sound. I'm sure next week, I'll be much better about the situation. I'm just always down right after he leaves. :cry:
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It is the lot of the soldier's wife and children. My husband is an Army/Air Force know the Air Force was once part of the Army. He said he missed his father when he was away but grew to greatly respect his mother how she held the family together.

Today you have videos, computers, etc so you can keep you husband closer to his children and vise versa.

Thank you for your husband's devotion to this country and his service......and to you and your patience (even if it wears a bit thin sometimes.)
Gail, I'm sorry to hear your husband is going to be away so long. It must be so hard dealing with these deployments but you and your kids must be so proud of him.

My thoughts are with you all!

Colleen and The Gooch
I am sure that it is difficult to have him gone for so very long. You can complain to us all you want!!! That is what we are here for !!!!! We are just as grateful for men (and women) like him who go places like Miss and La to help those people as we are those who go to fight the war. In fact, in my opoinion even PROUDER, he is helping OUR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! So thank you for YOUR sacrifice and his hard work and we are here to listen when ever you need it!!!
God bless you and your husband!!!! Im sorry its so very tough on you,but in my book a soldiers wife is as strong if not stronger than her husband. Thank him for me.

What unit is your husband? If you can't say on the board, feel free to PM it!!! Is he Mississippi National Guard, and if so... aren't they already deployed? My husband feels SO HORRIBLE when I told him about your husband!!! 6 months is SO LONG ...a lot longer than we would have ever expected. Looks like 1CAV and many other units in TX will be there as well.

I'm so sorry to here. Big hug!!! You know if you feel you need to vent, please email me!!! **another hug**

All I can really say about your kids is, "I'm also sorry." I know how tough it is, and it's making my husband want to get out of the military so he doesn't have to miss any more of his new "soon to be" son's life (since he will be deployed back to iraq by the time he learns how to walk). I worry so much, and I imagine it's not even close to how you worry since you already have kids.

Gail< I can't say how much I appreciate the sacrifice you & your husband & children are making. Thank you for what you're doing to help.

In the meantime, let us know what we can do to help you! Complain away if it makes you feel better!! We're here to listen! :D
I am very sorry to hear your husband will be away for so long.
He is doing a wonderful service for our country and it's wonderful to hear that our men and woman will be helping "our country" instead of going over seas and helping others that don't want to our help. We need all the help we can get right here.

Bless you and your husband for the sacrifice you both make for the good of our country, and for our citizens, who so desperately need our help!

My husband was deployed to Bosnia in 2003, so I know how very difficult it is to live without them! Best of luck to both of you, and if you need to talk, I'm here for you!

Karen :)
Wow! 6 months that is a long time to be away .I am thinking of you and so thankful for people like your husband. I hated it when mine was gone for three months I know your sheepie will keep you company though mine sure did.I hope the time goes by speedie.
WOW that sounds brutal. What an amazing contribution from all of you to have to part with him for so long. I hope the rewards of providing such much needed assistance will offset the difficulty of being away from family. Maybe the situation will improve enough for you to be able to visit for some of those key moments. . . You have my sympathy.
Thanks everyone! Things are busy, but I'm feeling much better. :) He called last night with some wonderful news. They're moving him to Meridian - which is 2 hours closer to home. Two more of his friends are going there too, so they are planning on renting an apartment or house together. This means the boys & I will be able to visit him some. From the way it sounds, Key Field is going to become a hospital of sorts. They are going to bring the sick people there & hubby said they are having people from CDC and NCID - or something like that - coming out there. I think he was saying that had a lot of static. They are going to have him do MP duties, he hasn't done that since he was active duty, so I hope it goes well.

Jo - he's in the 186th ARW with the guard and 14th CES with his civil service job. Both of them just sent people down to help, so I guess he would have went either way! :)
I don't know how the military works so pardon my ignorance on this question, but does he have to actually pay for his own board? Or does he just want to be with his buddies and that's why he'd consider renting a place?
Gail, you are sure one strong woman! And God bless your husband and all the guard members who are helping with this disaster! Please extend all our (the forum members) appreciation to him for his grueling work. God speed, good and mighty servant.
ButtersStotch wrote:
I don't know how the military works so pardon my ignorance on this question, but does he have to actually pay for his own board? Or does he just want to be with his buddies and that's why he'd consider renting a place?

He's been on state orders, so he's had to pay for everything himself. He will get reimbursed for food if he keeps the receipts. However, they just put him on federal orders yesterday, so he'll now get an allowance for lodging, groceries, medical, etc... This is a lifesaver, because we were losing about $300 paycheck with him being under state orders!
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