My dogs ate a whole box of milkbones!

Last night, we were watching a movie, kids sitting on the floor with popcorn etc, so Dancer and Sky were gated off in the kitchen. I keep an old ice cream pail on the counter filled with dog treats. It's kept far back on the counter and they've never even tried to touch it before, but last night they got it, opened it, and ate the whole bucket of treats. There were maybe 5 marrowbones left in it, but I had just put a whole brand new box of milkbones in it. What is most surprising is that they did it silently! We didn't hear a thing, they managed to get the bucket down, pry off the lid and not knock the pail itself over.
I couldn't believe they ate the WHOLE THING! (These are my two nibblers, they never eat their whole bowl of food at once, and are not really food motivated for training etc)
Anyway... I'm just waiting for the diarreah to kick in :? So far this morning they are fine, normal poops... but I don't think their digestive systems will be able to handle that. They ate it all sometime between 11-12 last night... so I'm not sure how long it will take to affect them, but I have the pepto and immodium ready....uuuughhhhh......
I haven't fed them this morning... I'm thinking maybe I can prevent digestive upset a little by giving them time to digest all those treats?
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clever puppies...LOL
May your puppy and poop count be fewer than the number of missing milk bones!
mine ate a whole box a rabbit treats including the box yesterday insane if you ask me and they didn't agree with him

poor puppy but serves him right
Hows it going? Everyone feeling better?
Well so far it doesn't seem to have affected them. I still haven't fed them though... so who knows what will happen when I do that. I normally leave food in their bowls at all times, but today I'm going to wait until 7 pm or so and then put half the amount they usually get, and if nothing happens then I will give them more a couple hours later. If they do have diarreah after they are fed, immodium it is! LOL
Glad it doesn't seem to be affecting them any! Jasper would be so bloated if he ate all his milkbones - I always get him the huge 7 lb med. size dog
Your girls are smart... and sneaky! Who'd believe they could pull that off so quietly? I hope they continue to be just fine with no aftereffects!
Dancer is smart and sneaky, Sky is dumb as a rock, and was probably just happy to eat them. :lol:
I'd make the wait 24 hours before eating again.....would serve the scamps right!

Jack is our current sneak thief.....right now it's corn on the cob, sometimes just the empty cob.

We really should push the cookie jar back......after reading your post...... :idea:
I fed them around the time I had planned to (though your post made me cringe and think oh I knew I should have waited longer) but so far so good still! They've both pooped tonight, and all was normal, though Sky's had a peice of a swiffer cloth in it :roll:
I'm just amazed! This had made me decide that milkbones will remain the treat of choice, if oes can eat a whole box and not get sick! LOL :lol:
How pathetic is it that I'm happy to see poo?
You know you love dogs when..... :lol: :roll: :?
I'm glad to hear that there is no "runs"! Sneaky sheepies! Sometimes I really think they have iron clad stomachs! I remember when our old guy, Bart ate (or licked I guess.. 8O ) a 1kg tub of margerine! My hubby forgot to put it back in the fridge before going to work! YUCK! Bart just had a REALLY greasy face...thankfully no runs!

Colleen and The Gooch
Dancer and Sky have done that too :roll: They didn't get much as it was almost empty....thank goodness.
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