We are installing our new fence this weekend

Well, I cannot believe that we are finally going to work on the fence this weekend! :) Grant has secured an even bigger jackhammer for the bedrock that is surrounding our yard! We have been assured that this will work and Grant won't be vibrating 2 days later...poor guy! :D

I can't tell you how excited I am! The yard is going to be huge and The Gooch will be so happy! As soon as it is all boarded in, Murphy will be coming! I really can't believe that we've had to wait so long for him...as I'm sure he is thinking the same thing! I hope he hasn't forgotten about us or given up that we are taking him! :cry:

Does anyone have rock/gravel in their yard for the dogs? We have a very sandy backyard and were not even going to try and grow grass! I was wondering what the best rock would be? Something not too small (to get stuck in sheepie pads) and not too big and sharp. Any thoughts? Oh, and I would like it to look nice too! :D We have some grass on the side of the house where the fence will surround so the boys will still have grass...well as long as it lasts from running on it I guess! Are house is fairly new and there was never grass seed or sod placed so the grass isn't that nice anyway!

Well wish us luck! The big hammer arrives this afternoon! :D I hope it's not too hot this weekend for Grant's sake! :wink: While Grant's hammering thru rock, I will be doing a practice wedding cake for a friend that is getting married on the 24th! I've never made a wedding cake before and am interested to see what it is going to look like! 8O My thought is that it probably won't look like the picture, that's for sure! :lol: I told her that if it looks ugly, she is not to say who made it! :!: Wish me luck with that too! Good grief, I have no idea how I get myself into these things! I'm already up to $200 for supplies for the cake! I now know why these cakes are so expensive when purchased from a baker! 8O I just hope I don't have to go and buy one as well! :cry:

What is everyone else doing for the long weekend? If you are free, there certainly is room for helpers over here...in both departments! :lol:

Colleen and The Gooch=>I'm going to help mommy with the cake :twisted: it's more fun than hole digging with grouchy daddy! :evil:
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Good Luck with the digging!!! Lots of lemonaid for the diggers!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck on the Fence, Colleen! I know you're excited about getting that project started and finished as soon as possible!! :lol:

Murphy and The Gooch will be so HAPPY!! :lol:

I would have no clue how to go about decorating a wedding cake, so....better you than me! Good luck with that project, too!

Good luck with the fence, looks like he'll need it!!

As for wedding cake supplies, I have a few extra columns and pedestals for the tiers. Drive down to PA and you can have them. :lol: If you need them, let me know, I'll mail them to you.
Thankfully, my godmother makes wedding cakes and did mine for me. There were flowers (silks) between two of the tiers and on our anniversary she gave them to us all arranged in a little pot that matched our house. Very cool.
Good luck with the fence! Bet you're SO excited about Murphy coming "home." What fun you'll have! :lol:
Awesome! Good luck with the fence!
Good luck with the fence... and geologically speaking, you may turn up some interesting finds within that rock.... lol..... fossils etc...
Coll, Yeah for your fence!!! Regarding rocks....we have +- 1/4'' gravel on our pathways in our backyard...they dont hurt Panda's feet and I usually take a towel and brush her feet off before she comes in...I had her at a friends house that had rock/gravel beds....1/2 to 1'' stones...of course thats where all the dogs wanted to play....forget the grass...and Panda's and Monty's pads were all chewed up....blisters, bleeding and limping ...now I know Panda is spoiled rotten, but I just couldnt see putting rocks in my yard, not after that....It isnt one dog....its 2 or more playing, jumping and rough housing on the rocks that tear up the pads. You might want to wait until Murphy actually settles in before putting the rocks down......
Good luck with the fence. Gooch will love it!
Thanks for all the well wishes!

Maxmm....if I was close to PA I would take you up on that and maybe some lessons as well! LOL

Darcy, The Gooch is used to gravel, our laneway is gravel (pretty sharp I might add) and the road that we walk on is as well. He's pretty good he's got tough feet! I know there is a type we can get that perhaps is more tumbled or something? I should ask at the Dog Camp...they have some in one of there play areas.

It's calling for thundershowers tomorrow! :evil: Can ANYTHING go right with this stupid fence? :cry:
Hi Colleen, We have 'pea gravel' in the play yard, and 3/4 inch gravel in the dog run. I prefer the 'pea' gravel in the play yard and it doesnt get stuck in their paws.
We originally put the gravel in the yard because of the wet spring and muddy dogs and kids. If you do get the gravel it is better to 'wash' it before you put it in the yard...it comes with a lot of sand in it. We also put landscaping fabric down on the dirt before the gravel and now we dont get weeds growing thru the gravel. As far as 'washing' the gravel...We just hosed it off while putting it in the wheelbarrow.
Best thing we ever did. And the dogs love to run in it.
We have pea gravel. It's rounded so no sharp corners. 3/4 would be absolutely the largest I'd consider and even then define "round." I'd go for the pea or 3/8". With the kids running about, it will move around, so what. Now in one area we used to have what's called base course. Over time and a few floods that's somewhat disappeared, but I liked it. It is a mix ranging from sand upward. Great for them to run on, but an awful lot of the sand comes indoors.

Remember with the landscape fabric to really overlap it and pin it well. Even then dust blows inbetween the stones so eventually you'll begin to get weeds. It happens. Also don't skimp on the quality fabric. Go with what the pros use, not el cheapo.

Actually, if you talked to the furkids, they'd tell you they prefer the natural dirt/sand over the gravel any day. But then they don't vacuum.
Actually, if you talked to the furkids, they'd tell you they prefer the natural dirt/sand over the gravel any day. But then they don't vacuum.

LOL! Ain't that the truth! I'm so glad to hear about the pea gravel! I really like the look of it and I would like to walk in my barefeet back there too! That's a great tip on the landscaping fabric as well! Though, honestly not much grows back there anyway! It's almost like a beach there is so much sand! 8O

I would like to mention that it is 6AM and the sun is shining! YAY! Maybe it won't rain! :D

Colleen and The Gooch=>Happy Fence Day everyone! :wink:
Happy Fence Day !!! :D :lol: :wink:
Good luck with the fance! My parent's OES, Merlin, is so good at escaping that every type of fence my mother tried to construct to keep him in the back yeard failed. I have to admit it was really funny to see Merlin sqeeze his boxy body between fence slats to escape! He even found a way to escape involveing standing on top of his dog house!
Good Luck with the fence.
Hope all went well!
OMG :cry: It took all day for Grant to dig 2 holes! We have about 13 more....WILL THIS EVER WORK! I'm so frusterated! As is my vibrating husband! :(

I am starting to give up hope! We just have to have a fenced in area for The Gooch! :cry: Not to mention, poor Murphy who is still waiting at the rescue for us! :cry: I think I will email them today with the update and see what she thinks about bringing him over anyway! I'll just be doing a lot of walking! :wink: She did say that Murphy always comes when called and he had lived at a place with no fence for 1 1/2 years without incident, but I'm the most overprotective mommy and I just don't trust that 100%! My guess is I'll have to walk Gooch and Murphy seperately and since I usually walk Gooch at least twice a day, that will be 4 walks a day for me...well I guess that I'll have really HOT legs after awhile?!j

I keep trying to talk Grant into putting something up temporarily around the trees (we have a forest surrounding the house) but he is being stubborn, like men get...he just doesn't want to give up I guess! 8O

Just thought I'd keep you all updated on the Million Dollar fence (did I mention it's $200 a day for this stupid compressor thing?) 8O

*sigh*Colleen and The Gooch=>YOU Promised a play area Mommy! :cry:
Hi Colleen,

You should see if you can get that orange construction fencing. When the pool company put the pool in they had that up at my house until the fence guys came out. That would be my sugguestion for you until the job is completed.

I have 80 some people coming over today for my mother's 80th birthday party. Thank God, I have my two sister's helping with all the food. :wink:

Beau's been such a good boy. I've had him n the crate and he hasn't cried once. :D We went for alot of walks yesterday.

Good Luck Colleen,

Colleen.... You could always get a tie out cable to let the dogs out to do their business.... I have one attached to my deck, and the end of the cable that clips onto the dogs collar comes right in my back door. I just clip them on, open the door and let them go. I still watch them every moment, but it means I don't have to stand out in the rain if I don't want to. My yard is fenced, but it's huge, and I don't want pee spots and piles of poop scattered everywhere, I want them to go in just the one area. When it's time for playing, I go out with them, and let them run loose throughout the yard. I have a retaining wall on one side of my house (we are very close to the river, so if it rains hard our street is the first to flood) so I wouldn't trust them in the yard alone, the retaining wall makes it easier for them to climb that fence if they wanted to. It's just chain link, nothing fancy. They never have... but that one time I wasn't watching would be the time they'd do it! LOL
Any progress on the fence this week, Colleen?? Two holes per day? :D
Any progress on the fence this week, Colleen?? Two holes per day?

NO! WWHAAAAAAAAAA! :cry: We gave back the stupid jackhammer and have a call in the the construction company that does work for our restaurants! Surely they'll have something...maybe we'll get a deal if we promise lots of new restaurants? :? Whatever works, right? 8O

Colleen.... You could always get a tie out cable to let the dogs out to do their business.... I have one attached to my deck, and the end of the cable that clips onto the dogs collar comes right in my back door.

Stacey, is this overhead somehow? We are really heavily forested past the clearing of our "backyard". I'm always worried that the cable would get wound around the trees! :? I had a long rope for The Gooch and he just wound himself around everything! It reminded me of those old cartoons that had the dashed lines showing where the route through the scene of the little person walking! :lol: Do you let Dancer and Sky out at the same time on it? Do they get wound around each other? What collars to you use?

Murphy will be here in 4 hours...do I have time to rig this all up? 8O What time does Home Hardware open! :lol: LMAO!

Colleen and The Gooch=>All reved up and waiting for my brother to play with me! :twisted:
You can suspend them, sort of like a clothes line, you can attach a cable from one tree to another tree fairly high up, and then clip one end of a tie out cable to that line, and the other clips to the dog. I don't have mine suspended, it is just attached to our deck.
http://www.petco.com/Shop/SearchResults ... 4294965728
It's vinyl coated aircraft cable with leash snaps on each end. Since it is cable, it doesn't do damage to lawns, or coats, and doesn't get tangled.
I do NOT let them both out at the same time on the cable, that would be dangerous. It does come in handy for quick trips out specifically to do their business. I don't use it for play at all.
Oh dear! I was hoping your fencing problems were over!! :evil:

Surely this construction company can find a way to help you! :D

Countdown to Murphy....M minus 4 hours and counting... :D
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